Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

MAGA Republicans in Congress are trying to take away our sovereign rights to consent to mining and drilling on or near Native lands. But we need MORE public review and accountability, not less.

They’ve introduced a legislative package they’re calling HR1 -- meaning it’ll be their top priority this year -- which would gut every environmental protection law and investments in green energy infrastructure and take away our right to be a part of the decision making process on polluting projects that would harm our communities. Some are calling it the "Polluters Over People Act."

They want to bring it to the House floor for votes next week.

We’re working with Rep. Raúl Grijalva, a longtime ally for Native rights, to push back. I was just appointed to his Environmental Justice Working Group, and he and Rep. Barbara Lee just re-introduced the Donald McEachin Environmental Justice for All Act to ensure that we all have the right to clean air and water and to ensure that federal projects do not come at the expense of Indigenous communities, people of color, and working class communities.

We also just hired a new Policy Director who will focus on supporting bills to ensure that Indigenous peoples are included in the decision-making processes about our lands and water. That includes the Environmental Justice for All Act and the RESPECT Act, which would require tribal consultation on infrastructure projects that would impact Natives.

For too long, our government has failed to get the required consent of Tribal nations before moving ahead with large-scale projects (like the Keystone XL pipeline), which devastate Indigenous sacred places, land and water supplies for all.

We’ve supported communities on the ground that have fought back. For example, at Standing Rock, we worked with the Standing Rock Sioux tribal government to help bring resources to strengthen the impact of the tribal leadership to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Tribes must be allowed to give or deny consent at all phases of development and infrastructure projects that impact Indigenous lands and waters.

While MAGA Republicans want to take away our right to give input on projects that affect us, we’re building our collective political power as Indigenous communities in order to strengthen our sovereignty and be part of the decision making.

We are owed true government-to-government relationships, and that means we cannot allow members of Congress to silence our voices because they prioritize fossil fuel corporations over democracy.

Judith Le Blanc
Hatchet Speed was a virulent racist, avowed Hitler admirer, and active member of the Proud Boys who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

He was also a U.S. government intelligence contractor with top-level security clearance who wasn’t arrested for over a year after the riot. And he’s just the latest member of the intelligence community who has been identified among the January 6 attackers.

The Intercept’s reporters are uncovering a disturbing pattern of Capitol rioters with sensitive intelligence positions that raises troubling questions about whether officials are turning a blind eye to far-right extremism in their ranks, despite public pledges to root it out.

In February, The Intercept’s James Risen reported that three active-duty Marines were given new intelligence assignments even after they were involved in the January 6 mob.

But what we’ve uncovered about Hatchet Speed may be even more disturbing.

Speed expressed such extreme antisemitic, racist, and genocidal views that it is difficult to understand how he could have remained in the intelligence community for so long without drawing serious scrutiny.

Court records show that Speed expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin after he invaded Ukraine and for Adolf Hitler, who he described as “one of the best people that’s ever been on this earth.” He also told an FBI agent that he wanted to kidnap Jewish leaders including George Soros and senior staff at the Anti-Defamation League and said, “Things are going to get bad enough that people like us are going to band together and straight up start lynching people.”

Speed amassed a huge arsenal of weapons in a panic-buying spree after January 6. And yet he continued to work in sensitive intelligence jobs for months after the insurrection.

The Navy claims that it “does not and will not tolerate supremacist or extremist conduct.” But how does someone like this get top-level security clearance in the first place, much less go undetected for years?
The Intercept
Hitler purged communists, socialists, Jews and Democrats.
And gays, Roma, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, Protestants, blacks, the disabled, Freemasons, political rivals, trade unionists, Poles, and Slavs.


With all the arguments over whether MAGA Republicans are fascists, I reread William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” to see how much the rise of Hitler and the rise of MAGA smell similar. Conclusion: They do. This thread lists 10 ways. Please take a look.

1. A big lie about treachery is used to foment resentment. Nazis: We didn’t really lose World War I. It was a “stab in the back” by Jews and other "November criminals." MAGA: We didn’t really lose the 2020 election. It was a “steal” by politicians and Blacks in big cities.

2. There’s an obsession with purity of the culture. Nazis: “Racial mixture” was a threat to Aryan culture, Hitler wrote. MAGA: “Great replacement theory” says immigrants threaten white culture.

3. Chaos is something to be exploited, not addressed. Nazis: Economic distress is a great political opportunity. MAGA: Economic distress is a great political opportunity.

4. The super-rich bankroll the right-wing seizure of power. Nazis: Thanks to I.G. Farben, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen, Krupp, etc. MAGA: Thanks to the Mercers, Uihleins, DeVos, Thiel, etc.


5. Some people think the fascist threat is overblown. Nazis: While Hitler posed a major threat, some said he "ceased to be a political danger.” (2 weeks later, he was chancellor.) MAGA: While Trump poses a major threat, many people think it’s “just politics,” no worries.

6. There’s a cult of personality. Nazis: The German army made a pledge of loyalty to Hitler personally. MAGA: Trump’s supporters bill him as “the most moral president” in U.S. history.

7. Christianity is used to legitimize the movement. Nazis: “The party stands for positive Christianity.” MAGA: Trump is described as the “Chosen One” protecting American Christianity.

8. Books are the enemy. Nazis: Any book that “acts subversively on our future” must be burned. MAGA: “I think we should throw those books in a fire,” says a Virginia school board member.

9. An independent news media is the enemy. Nazis: Any newspaper that “offends the honor and dignity of Germany” must be banned. MAGA: The press is the “enemy of the people.”

10. Educators are pressured to be politically compliant. Nazis: Teachers took an oath to “be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.” MAGA: Florida’s DeSantis accuses teachers of “indoctrination” and pressures them to avoid references to America’s racist history and LGBTQ people.

I'm not saying that MAGA will end up as horrifically as Nazism. I am saying that America 2022 feels too much like Germany 1932, and I don't want to take the risk of watching MAGA cultism play out. We have to stop it now.

Why did Twitter put a “sensitive” warning on this thread? Who knows? My only theory is that it has a “hateful symbol”—a swastika on the cover of Shirer’s book about Nazism.

I feel Trump is evil but not nearly as evil as Hitler. The close similarities are with their supporters. They are cult like. They feel their leader will save them. They ignore the evil the evil leaders do because they feel the leader is creating a world they can do beter in. The leader is selling them fake news that they buy. Those telling the truth are the fake news because their leader says so.
In short the supporters of Trump and Hitler are much more similar than Trump and Hitler are similar.


With all the arguments over whether MAGA Republicans are fascists, I reread William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” to see how much the rise of Hitler and the rise of MAGA smell similar. Conclusion: They do. This thread lists 10 ways. Please take a look.

1. A big lie about treachery is used to foment resentment. Nazis: We didn’t really lose World War I. It was a “stab in the back” by Jews and other "November criminals." MAGA: We didn’t really lose the 2020 election. It was a “steal” by politicians and Blacks in big cities.

2. There’s an obsession with purity of the culture. Nazis: “Racial mixture” was a threat to Aryan culture, Hitler wrote. MAGA: “Great replacement theory” says immigrants threaten white culture.

3. Chaos is something to be exploited, not addressed. Nazis: Economic distress is a great political opportunity. MAGA: Economic distress is a great political opportunity.

4. The super-rich bankroll the right-wing seizure of power. Nazis: Thanks to I.G. Farben, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen, Krupp, etc. MAGA: Thanks to the Mercers, Uihleins, DeVos, Thiel, etc.


5. Some people think the fascist threat is overblown. Nazis: While Hitler posed a major threat, some said he "ceased to be a political danger.” (2 weeks later, he was chancellor.) MAGA: While Trump poses a major threat, many people think it’s “just politics,” no worries.

6. There’s a cult of personality. Nazis: The German army made a pledge of loyalty to Hitler personally. MAGA: Trump’s supporters bill him as “the most moral president” in U.S. history.

7. Christianity is used to legitimize the movement. Nazis: “The party stands for positive Christianity.” MAGA: Trump is described as the “Chosen One” protecting American Christianity.

8. Books are the enemy. Nazis: Any book that “acts subversively on our future” must be burned. MAGA: “I think we should throw those books in a fire,” says a Virginia school board member.

9. An independent news media is the enemy. Nazis: Any newspaper that “offends the honor and dignity of Germany” must be banned. MAGA: The press is the “enemy of the people.”

10. Educators are pressured to be politically compliant. Nazis: Teachers took an oath to “be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.” MAGA: Florida’s DeSantis accuses teachers of “indoctrination” and pressures them to avoid references to America’s racist history and LGBTQ people.

I'm not saying that MAGA will end up as horrifically as Nazism. I am saying that America 2022 feels too much like Germany 1932, and I don't want to take the risk of watching MAGA cultism play out. We have to stop it now.

Why did Twitter put a “sensitive” warning on this thread? Who knows? My only theory is that it has a “hateful symbol”—a swastika on the cover of Shirer’s book about Nazism.

Why didn't you post the whole book? Anyway, you're right, the left are using events to their advantage in order to take Americans rights away, weaponize law enforcement, and control the media and deciding for themselves what is information and what is misinformation. These are very dangerous times indeed.
According to an article just published today in the Orlando Sentinel, the day before the Florida House voted to give De Satanis (R-FL) control of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, the private development district that Disney set up decades ago to facilitate its Orlando investments, Disney had the District effectively sign over all its power for the next 30 years.

The agreement allows Disney to build projects at the highest density and the right to sell or assign those development rights to other district landowners without the board having any say, according to the presentation by the district’s new special legal counsel.

The Mouse roared so quietly that no one heard it, until now. That sound you are hearing are MAGA’s Tears:

“We’re going to have to deal with it and correct it,” board member Brian Aungst Jr. said. “It’s a subversion of the will of the voters and the Legislature and the governor. It completely circumvents the authority of this board to govern.”


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