Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted in unprecedented fashion more than a month ago, railed on the Republicans who voted for his removal — and bluntly predicted that one of his detractors would lose reelection next year.

In an exclusive interview with CNN in his new office on Thursday, McCarthy said that GOP Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina didn’t deserve to be reelected in her competitive district next year — and he questioned the wisdom of his GOP critics for following the lead of Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, whom he accused of leading the charge out of retaliation for an ethics complaint he is facing.

(full article online)



With all the arguments over whether MAGA Republicans are fascists, I reread William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” to see how much the rise of Hitler and the rise of MAGA smell similar. Conclusion: They do. This thread lists 10 ways. Please take a look.

1. A big lie about treachery is used to foment resentment. Nazis: We didn’t really lose World War I. It was a “stab in the back” by Jews and other "November criminals." MAGA: We didn’t really lose the 2020 election. It was a “steal” by politicians and Blacks in big cities.

2. There’s an obsession with purity of the culture. Nazis: “Racial mixture” was a threat to Aryan culture, Hitler wrote. MAGA: “Great replacement theory” says immigrants threaten white culture.

3. Chaos is something to be exploited, not addressed. Nazis: Economic distress is a great political opportunity. MAGA: Economic distress is a great political opportunity.

4. The super-rich bankroll the right-wing seizure of power. Nazis: Thanks to I.G. Farben, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen, Krupp, etc. MAGA: Thanks to the Mercers, Uihleins, DeVos, Thiel, etc.


5. Some people think the fascist threat is overblown. Nazis: While Hitler posed a major threat, some said he "ceased to be a political danger.” (2 weeks later, he was chancellor.) MAGA: While Trump poses a major threat, many people think it’s “just politics,” no worries.

6. There’s a cult of personality. Nazis: The German army made a pledge of loyalty to Hitler personally. MAGA: Trump’s supporters bill him as “the most moral president” in U.S. history.

7. Christianity is used to legitimize the movement. Nazis: “The party stands for positive Christianity.” MAGA: Trump is described as the “Chosen One” protecting American Christianity.

8. Books are the enemy. Nazis: Any book that “acts subversively on our future” must be burned. MAGA: “I think we should throw those books in a fire,” says a Virginia school board member.

9. An independent news media is the enemy. Nazis: Any newspaper that “offends the honor and dignity of Germany” must be banned. MAGA: The press is the “enemy of the people.”

10. Educators are pressured to be politically compliant. Nazis: Teachers took an oath to “be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.” MAGA: Florida’s DeSantis accuses teachers of “indoctrination” and pressures them to avoid references to America’s racist history and LGBTQ people.

I'm not saying that MAGA will end up as horrifically as Nazism. I am saying that America 2022 feels too much like Germany 1932, and I don't want to take the risk of watching MAGA cultism play out. We have to stop it now.

Why did Twitter put a “sensitive” warning on this thread? Who knows? My only theory is that it has a “hateful symbol”—a swastika on the cover of Shirer’s book about Nazism.

Have you read the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich?

Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences.
PubMed › ...
The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with ... - PubMed
A lawyer for Steve Bannon told a federal appeals court on Thursday that the ex-Trump senior adviser should be spared jail time for a contempt of Congress conviction, seeking to overturn a district court’s sentence of four months in the slammer, The Hill reported. Attorney David Schoen argued that Bannon was merely following the advice of counsel when he decided to ignore subpoenas from the House Jan. 6 Committee. That counsel told Bannon at the time that he didn’t have to comply due to presidential privilege, Schoen argued. But the panel of three appeals court judges didn’t appear to buy Schoen’s argument on Thursday, saying the issue of privilege was largely irrelevant to the appeal and would not have necessarily allowed Bannon to ignore the subpoena anyway. Bannon was supposed to report to prison in November but it was delayed while his appeal plays out.

Read it at The Hill

Read more at The Daily Beast.

They are doing nothing out of the blue. They said it, they told us, they warned but... No one cared.

What else would you expect from a clan taught to kill and capture.

Saying once again: It's in the upbringing, teaching, preaching and bloodline..

He was one man of alla who warned years back, but no one paid attention. It's too late possibly for a few countries like Canada.

The wokeness fell prey to the Islamic plan and they are showing that

" You are outnumbered, you have to follow what we say. Stay home for now, we'll takeover soon"



With all the arguments over whether MAGA Republicans are fascists, I reread William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” to see how much the rise of Hitler and the rise of MAGA smell similar. Conclusion: They do. This thread lists 10 ways. Please take a look.

1. A big lie about treachery is used to foment resentment. Nazis: We didn’t really lose World War I. It was a “stab in the back” by Jews and other "November criminals." MAGA: We didn’t really lose the 2020 election. It was a “steal” by politicians and Blacks in big cities.

2. There’s an obsession with purity of the culture. Nazis: “Racial mixture” was a threat to Aryan culture, Hitler wrote. MAGA: “Great replacement theory” says immigrants threaten white culture.

3. Chaos is something to be exploited, not addressed. Nazis: Economic distress is a great political opportunity. MAGA: Economic distress is a great political opportunity.

4. The super-rich bankroll the right-wing seizure of power. Nazis: Thanks to I.G. Farben, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen, Krupp, etc. MAGA: Thanks to the Mercers, Uihleins, DeVos, Thiel, etc.


5. Some people think the fascist threat is overblown. Nazis: While Hitler posed a major threat, some said he "ceased to be a political danger.” (2 weeks later, he was chancellor.) MAGA: While Trump poses a major threat, many people think it’s “just politics,” no worries.

6. There’s a cult of personality. Nazis: The German army made a pledge of loyalty to Hitler personally. MAGA: Trump’s supporters bill him as “the most moral president” in U.S. history.

7. Christianity is used to legitimize the movement. Nazis: “The party stands for positive Christianity.” MAGA: Trump is described as the “Chosen One” protecting American Christianity.

8. Books are the enemy. Nazis: Any book that “acts subversively on our future” must be burned. MAGA: “I think we should throw those books in a fire,” says a Virginia school board member.

9. An independent news media is the enemy. Nazis: Any newspaper that “offends the honor and dignity of Germany” must be banned. MAGA: The press is the “enemy of the people.”

10. Educators are pressured to be politically compliant. Nazis: Teachers took an oath to “be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.” MAGA: Florida’s DeSantis accuses teachers of “indoctrination” and pressures them to avoid references to America’s racist history and LGBTQ people.

I'm not saying that MAGA will end up as horrifically as Nazism. I am saying that America 2022 feels too much like Germany 1932, and I don't want to take the risk of watching MAGA cultism play out. We have to stop it now.

Why did Twitter put a “sensitive” warning on this thread? Who knows? My only theory is that it has a “hateful symbol”—a swastika on the cover of Shirer’s book about Nazism.

Don't fall for all this , kids, Why did she pick the 65 year old Shirer book and bypass the recent

The Third Reich: A New History​

Michael Burleigh

-- Because he shows the great lack of Shirer

You cannot make a moral case for equivalency with our country when you excempt morality and religion

, Burleigh describes Himmler's infamous 1943 speech justifying genocide to senior SS officers in Posen as "a witches' whirly-gig of grotesque moral involution" (p. 661). (Himmler himself is derided as "a moralizing little creep" [p. 191].) Burleigh's Third Reich, in short, has been stripped down to its bare truth, namely a criminal, amoral, and barbaric police state that left no legacy of any cultural or political value "except perhaps its contemporary function as a secular synonym for human evil" (p. 481).

So , who is evil? Might it be the person trying to paint Trump (and I am not a Trumpie or Maga person) as a Hitler because of moral stands ?​

Don't fall for all this , kids, Why did she pick the 65 year old Shirer book and bypass the recent

The Third Reich: A New History​

Michael Burleigh

-- Because he shows the great lack of Shirer​

You cannot make a moral case for equivalency with our country when you excempt morality and religion​

, Burleigh describes Himmler's infamous 1943 speech justifying genocide to senior SS officers in Posen as "a witches' whirly-gig of grotesque moral involution" (p. 661). (Himmler himself is derided as "a moralizing little creep" [p. 191].) Burleigh's Third Reich, in short, has been stripped down to its bare truth, namely a criminal, amoral, and barbaric police state that left no legacy of any cultural or political value "except perhaps its contemporary function as a secular synonym for human evil" (p. 481).​

So , who is evil? Might it be the person trying to paint Trump (and I am not a Trumpie or Maga person) as a Hitler because of moral stands ?​

Sure you are not pro Trump. Which is why you bothered to attempt to gaslight what the article is about.

Good luck with that.
During a pep rally in Iowa, the disgraced ex-president veered off script and bizarrely bragged about having a "disease" named after him, referring to the cleverly-named-but-definitely-not-a-real-ailment Trump Derangement Syndrome. Something tells us the serially indicted con man could have a flesh-eating bacteria named after him and he'd celebrate it. TDS may not be a thing, but narcissistic personality disorder definitely is.



With all the arguments over whether MAGA Republicans are fascists, I reread William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” to see how much the rise of Hitler and the rise of MAGA smell similar. Conclusion: They do. This thread lists 10 ways. Please take a look.

1. A big lie about treachery is used to foment resentment. Nazis: We didn’t really lose World War I. It was a “stab in the back” by Jews and other "November criminals." MAGA: We didn’t really lose the 2020 election. It was a “steal” by politicians and Blacks in big cities.

2. There’s an obsession with purity of the culture. Nazis: “Racial mixture” was a threat to Aryan culture, Hitler wrote. MAGA: “Great replacement theory” says immigrants threaten white culture.

3. Chaos is something to be exploited, not addressed. Nazis: Economic distress is a great political opportunity. MAGA: Economic distress is a great political opportunity.

4. The super-rich bankroll the right-wing seizure of power. Nazis: Thanks to I.G. Farben, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen, Krupp, etc. MAGA: Thanks to the Mercers, Uihleins, DeVos, Thiel, etc.


5. Some people think the fascist threat is overblown. Nazis: While Hitler posed a major threat, some said he "ceased to be a political danger.” (2 weeks later, he was chancellor.) MAGA: While Trump poses a major threat, many people think it’s “just politics,” no worries.

6. There’s a cult of personality. Nazis: The German army made a pledge of loyalty to Hitler personally. MAGA: Trump’s supporters bill him as “the most moral president” in U.S. history.

7. Christianity is used to legitimize the movement. Nazis: “The party stands for positive Christianity.” MAGA: Trump is described as the “Chosen One” protecting American Christianity.

8. Books are the enemy. Nazis: Any book that “acts subversively on our future” must be burned. MAGA: “I think we should throw those books in a fire,” says a Virginia school board member.

9. An independent news media is the enemy. Nazis: Any newspaper that “offends the honor and dignity of Germany” must be banned. MAGA: The press is the “enemy of the people.”

10. Educators are pressured to be politically compliant. Nazis: Teachers took an oath to “be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.” MAGA: Florida’s DeSantis accuses teachers of “indoctrination” and pressures them to avoid references to America’s racist history and LGBTQ people.

I'm not saying that MAGA will end up as horrifically as Nazism. I am saying that America 2022 feels too much like Germany 1932, and I don't want to take the risk of watching MAGA cultism play out. We have to stop it now.

Why did Twitter put a “sensitive” warning on this thread? Who knows? My only theory is that it has a “hateful symbol”—a swastika on the cover of Shirer’s book about Nazism.

So little you know about Germany 1932
THe Weimar Cabaret scence most resembles Hillary's and Oprah's and Barbara Streisand's partying while tragedy goes on
Hilary was partying her asss off during the Lousiana flooding while Trump was down here. Why? She famously said that there was no vote for her down there.
Kate Cox, the brave woman who sued Texas so she could protect her fertility by ending her dangerous and unviable pregnancy, defied tyranny and escaped the state just before the extremist all-Republican Texas Supreme Court overturned her right to do so.

Make no mistake: this is a travesty – for Cox personally, and for women in Texas in general. No woman should be forced to flee her own home in order to obtain healthcare.

Kate Cox has further exposed the horrors of Texas’ abhorrent abortion restrictions for all young voters across Texas to see, and Republicans in Texas are waking up just as two of these fanatical judges come up for re-election.

Blue states are also fighting back, and winning.

Who is waking up?

Not only are the youth revitalized, but even conservatives are starting to crack.

Youth activist Olivia Juliana, 21, who is from Texas, said it best:

Strikingly, even Ann Coulter, former right-wing influencer, is now disgusted:

Bigger Picture – Beyond Privilege

How many women don't have the means to sue for her rights or, if those rights continue to be denied to her, to leave the state?

How many women are forced to move forward with unviable pregnancies that endanger their reproductive health or their lives?

How many babies are born who end up living short, agonizing lives because a bunch of unqualified religious fanatics have the power to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us?

This is why amplifying this barbarous decision from the Texas Supreme Court is so important.

Here’s our path to do exactly that. 👇

Why Texas Republicans are So Vulnerable

Polls show that Texans are against the near-total abortion ban implemented by their Christo-Fascist criminal leaders.

That term is not hyperbole—it’s an accurate description of their world-view:

Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine has bragged that he was arrested for harassing women entering and leaving abortion clinics – not once, not twice…THIRTY-SEVEN times.

But his extremism gets even worse—and more personal.

Devine and his wife continued the high-risk pregnancy of their seventh child even though the pregnancy was likely to cause the death of either the mother or the child, or both. His wife survived, but the child died an hour after birth.

Now, Devine and his fellow cultists are forcing all women in Texas to conform to their cruel and fanatical views. What’s happening is Texas is a blueprint for every other red state.

As the Texas Tribune states, however, “Despite the state’s near-total ban on abortion, just 12% of Texans think abortion should be illegal in all cases.”

Citizens are waking up.

Day of Reckoning for Republican Politicians

Again, ALL of the justices on the Texas Supreme Court are Republicans. In 2024, two will be up for reelection: the aforementioned John P. Devine, confessed criminal, and Jimmy Blacklock.

If Ohio taught us anything, both are in deep trouble. 🌊

In November, at a time when Democrats allegedly had their backs to the wall, Republicans were CRUSHED across the country. This was in large part because of their Medieval approach to women’s reproductive rights in particular, and the rights of women in general. Young people came out in droves to pass Issue 1 in Ohio, protecting abortion rights in a Republican-dominated state.

There’s hope for Texas, too.

Polls say a whopping 78% of Texans think abortion in some form should remain legal.

With the help of people like Olivia Juliana, you, and I, we can help Texas voters follow Ohio’s lead – kick out these judges, and every other Republican politician.

What’s Next:

Cox will receive the abortion she needs in a safe, caring environment – a liberal state –and she’s not alone. Women and sane people in red states are starting to understand the divided that exists between red and blue states when it comes to women’s reproductive health care—and they don’t like what they see.

While red state Republicans are trying to criminalize women who travel out of state to seek health care that’s being denied to them at home, several Democratic states have issued executive orders or similar directives aimed at protecting women seeking abortions from out of state. Women can’t and won’t be extradited for having an abortion.

Through her courage, Kate Cox is energizing the 78%, including young voters, who have the power to take back their democracy from these monsters.

We need to wake up voters in Texas, in all red states, in every district in every state of this country, and get them on board with forcing these maniacs out of power. We need to save women from a future that's dictated by these anti-life Christian fascists.


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