"...lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged" WOW!

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Her advice and opinions would hold a lot more weight if we could say the words President Romney right now. In case it slipped her memory the last two Republican nominees for President were not hard right conservatives but moderate middle of the road to be polite about it Republicans who could not get the win.

Well, yours is a reasoned response and perhaps Rubin isn't as hard right as Gengish Khan....but shouldn't we be glad that she isn't?
Gengish Khan was hard right? Is there any notorious figure in history the left hasn't claimed was far right?
:itsok: Thank goodness there's none of those "unhinged" types hovering around the Democrat party....

There are...believe me, they are. Now.......how many of them think they are running for President?
He probably thought of himself as conservative because he surrounded himself with people like Rubin. Unfortunately for Romney his brand of conservatism didn't match mainstream America.

We should then rejoice that your brand of "mainstream America" is less than 50%, don't you think?
Strange that the radical left still can't come to grips with the fact that republicans won the biggest mid term landslide in modern political history barely six months ago. If the radical left worried more about how far the democrat party has drifted to the left and less about in-fighting in the republican party they might get a few more governorships and get idiot Harry Reid back.
Her advice and opinions would hold a lot more weight if we could say the words President Romney right now. In case it slipped her memory the last two Republican nominees for President were not hard right conservatives but moderate middle of the road to be polite about it Republicans who could not get the win.
Obama got elected the first time around because he could talk more inspirational and motivate the base, also war weariness played a role. Also ANCA pushed hard for his election, on hopes of genocide recognition.

Second time around, the Obama 'hope and change' enthusiasm faded, there were plenty of protests over wages and wall street, so he fed into public anger. That time around he had LGBT rights groups lobbying heavy for his re-election.

Now at a Presidential campaign level, no one has a clear lobbying advantage, there is no major issue outside of foreign policy, and apathy is high. Dems and the GOP have a pretty even chance - with most poll differences within a margin of error.
Gengish Khan was hard right? Is there any notorious figure in history the left hasn't claimed was far right?

Well, you're right ....We often have arguments within my family as to who was more hard right, Gengish Khan or Mother Theresa.
Gengish Khan was hard right? Is there any notorious figure in history the left hasn't claimed was far right?

Well, you're right ....We often have arguments within my family as to who was more hard right, Gengish Khan or Mother Theresa.
And yet I bet you never have arguments over which one is more hard left but then again according to the left there is no such thing as hard left.
Strange that the radical left still can't come to grips with the fact that republicans won the biggest mid term landslide in modern political history barely six months ago. If the radical left worried more about how far the democrat party has drifted to the left and less about in-fighting in the republican party they might get a few more governorships and get idiot Harry Reid back.

Oh, I would never assume that the House will have a dem majority for many, many years to come....

Now, the senate (which relies much less on the redistricting) will be up for grabs next year ....

BUT, the WH for you right wingers is..... as the Don Quixote song states...."an impossible dream."
Her advice and opinions would hold a lot more weight if we could say the words President Romney right now. In case it slipped her memory the last two Republican nominees for President were not hard right conservatives but moderate middle of the road to be polite about it Republicans who could not get the win.

McCain lost because of the Bush presidency and saying that the economy was sound on the heels of the announcement that we were entering a recession pretty much signified exactly how out of touch with reality McCain was.
I attribute Romney's defeat to being much like John Kerry, a flip-flopper. I probably would have voted for Romney, but because he changed his tune depending on who he was talking to, I decided to write in Jon Huntsman.
Finally, in 2014 the GOP establishment recruited moderate candidates to take on Tea Party candidates in the primaries and we saw how well that worked out for the far right. I highly doubt the GOP would have captured the senate if the GOP establishment wouldn't of made their move.
The largest growing election block is independents/moderates, do you actually think they are not America's mainstream? That voting block is growing, while the conservative and liberal blocks are shrinking. Think about what that means.
Now at a Presidential campaign level, no one has a clear lobbying advantage, there is no major issue outside of foreign policy, and apathy is high. Dems and the GOP have a pretty even chance - with most poll differences within a margin of error

Well, RCP....a not too "lefty" organization has Hillary beating ANY of the GOP candidates by 8.4%....and, although its way too early, that advantage is way beyond any "margin of error."
The largest growing election block is independents/moderates, do you actually think they are not America's mainstream? That voting block is growing, while the conservative and liberal blocks are shrinking. Think about what that means.

Let me add my own contention (there's a whole thread on this)....and that is, that Texas' white, hard right wing voters will soon be in the minority.....If the GOP were to lose the electoral votes of Texas, their chances for the WH are virtually voided......Keep that eye on the Lone Star state.
Jennifer Rubin, a former Romney spokesperson and Washington Post columnist, certainly let the GOP political structure have it across its noggin.

This pundit spared no punches in her criticism (and, I would guess, her party's chances of taking the WH) when she wrote the following:

Anyone can run for president, but pundits and voters don’t have to indulge loony conspiracy theories or consider candidates who don’t accept the basic premise of our constitutional government. Responsible conservatives should follow [National Review editor Rich] Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. It is only when they are repeatedly and consistently called out that pols will stop fanning the flames of paranoia and ignorance.

As a progressive democrat, I must say that no one on my side of the aisle could have stated it BETTER.
As a progressive democrat,

as a progressive democrat it is your kind that i despise with a fucking passion, your kind has done more damage to this country than than our "Civil War", just look at Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago and any number of other cities and towns run by PROGRESSIVE DEMOFOOLS, as far as reading comprehension, you need to go back to second grade the 5th is beyond your ability to cope with us intelligent INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVES.

:fu: .... :asshole: .......... :up_yours:
As a progressive democrat,

as a progressive democrat it is your kind that i despise with a fucking passion, your kind has done more damage to this country than than our "Civil War", just look at Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago and any number of other cities and towns run by PROGRESSIVE DEMOFOOLS, as far as reading comprehension, you need to go back to second grade the 5th is beyond your ability to cope with us intelligent INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVES.

:fu: .... :asshole: .......... :up_yours:
You are definitely one of the unhinged, are you ever not stomping around in a blind rage?
PROGRESSIVE DEMOFOOLS, as far as reading comprehension, you need to go back to second grade the 5th is beyond your ability to cope with us intelligent INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVES.

WOW...I am truly "offended".....whatever should I do???? LOL
Jennifer Rubin, a former Romney spokesperson and Washington Post columnist, certainly let the GOP political structure have it across its noggin.

This pundit spared no punches in her criticism (and, I would guess, her party's chances of taking the WH) when she wrote the following:

Anyone can run for president, but pundits and voters don’t have to indulge loony conspiracy theories or consider candidates who don’t accept the basic premise of our constitutional government. Responsible conservatives should follow [National Review editor Rich] Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. It is only when they are repeatedly and consistently called out that pols will stop fanning the flames of paranoia and ignorance.

As a progressive democrat, I must say that no one on my side of the aisle could have stated it BETTER.

You mean it is not a refuge for the unhinged already?
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