RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"

My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

I second this recommendation!!!

Please, Righties, what ever you do, ignore people like Jen Rubin, mkay???


I hope they listen to you. People like her have gotten us Republican gems like HW, Dole, W, W, McCain and Romney. Obviously you want Republicans to listen to her, not ignore her
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

I second this recommendation!!!

Please, Righties, what ever you do, ignore people like Jen Rubin, mkay???


I hope they listen to you. People like her have gotten us Republican gems like HW, Dole, W, W, McCain and Romney. Obviously you want Republicans to listen to her, not ignore her

I hope so too. Not listening to her will finally let Goldwater off the hook.

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