RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"

On the other hand, I see many on the left who don't get the sarcastic humor of the right either.

OK, just to test your sense of humor, tell me the one about Huckabee, Santorum and Carson walk into a bar...and after a few drinks, a hooker comes up to..................
Look at it this way: Is there any practical harm to the TX Nat. Guard monitoring an army exercise to bolster public confidence?

It's not as if "guaranteeing public safety" here requires... for instance... massive new taxes, laws, prohibitions, crippling regulations on industry, and the sweeping national/international economic reforms that certain other policies for "guaranteeing public safety" (I think you know what I'm talking about here) will demand from a skeptical public.

Perhaps the Texans are paranoid for wanting the military exercise supervised. So what? How is it any skin off of your nose?

Keep 'crazy' in perspective. Respect the magnitude of the costs versus the magnitude of the consequences.

It's stupid and a waste of taxpayer money.

The US military is conceived - per constitution - to protect the American people from enemies abroad. It has been a longstanding tradition to have military exercises within the USA in order to keep the US military up to snuff.

So, yeah, this conspiracy bullshit really is batshit crazy.

You have no idea how much the Left is laughing over this, over the utter stupidity of the Right, especially in Texas, on this.

The Tea Party is supposed to be for a strong military. Guess that was a lie, too.

The left have their own conspiracy bullshit, it's not just a right wing thing.
Your average leftist lives in a truly paranoid Manichean world of sinister cabals.

Please show us just one single Leftie who is convinced that Jade 15 is a gubbermint plot to enslave Texas.

Thank you.

I never said they did.
I said they have their own, like they think that the GOP wants to make all abortions illegal and they want dirty water. Starve the children.
Left wing conspiracies.

I am sorry, but the door to tu quoque fallacies is over here on the right...
Glad you're getting your lulz out of it. Nothing says "knee slappin' good time" like a populace so deeply mistrustful of a government run amok that they insist on supervising military drills.

Moreover, I'd bet 80% of the support derives from the fact that it's an unqualified "eff you" from Texas to the US federal government.

It's not a matter of lulz. It's a matter of having to stand and watch fruit-loopy Righties untether themselves completely and irrevocably from reality.

Nothing says "batshit crazy" more than allowing yourself to be conditioned by paranoid, tea-partyesque freakazoids to believe even 1% of this shit to begin with.

It's just plain old sad.

Greg Abbott has made a laughing stock out of Texas, and the Republican Party. Not that he needed to do much to achieve that second goal.
You just finished telling us "You have no idea how much the Left is laughing over this."

Now you're telling us, "It's just plain old sad" having to "stand and watch fruit-loopy Righties untether themselves completely and irrevocably from reality".

So which is it? Does Gov. Abbott's response amuse you or sadden you? Or are you simply reveling in what you perceive as an embarrassing gaffe, and the only thing you truly feel is resentment?

It is both. Lefties are capable of experiencing more than one emotion simultaneously. It's Homo Sapiens 3.8. It's not my fault that Conservatives are content to stick with Homo Sapiens 1.2 (the test version, of course).


Better luck next time.
Tu Quoque

Gee... looks like somebody taught somebody a new phrase today!!!

The term has been around in USMB a long time.
Was is a long suspended-animation sleep you enjoyed?

Speaking of
Glad you're getting your lulz out of it. Nothing says "knee slappin' good time" like a populace so deeply mistrustful of a government run amok that they insist on supervising military drills.

Moreover, I'd bet 80% of the support derives from the fact that it's an unqualified "eff you" from Texas to the US federal government.

It's not a matter of lulz. It's a matter of having to stand and watch fruit-loopy Righties untether themselves completely and irrevocably from reality.

Nothing says "batshit crazy" more than allowing yourself to be conditioned by paranoid, tea-partyesque freakazoids to believe even 1% of this shit to begin with.

It's just plain old sad.

Greg Abbott has made a laughing stock out of Texas, and the Republican Party. Not that he needed to do much to achieve that second goal.
You just finished telling us "You have no idea how much the Left is laughing over this."

Now you're telling us, "It's just plain old sad" having to "stand and watch fruit-loopy Righties untether themselves completely and irrevocably from reality".

So which is it? Does Gov. Abbott's response amuse you or sadden you? Or are you simply reveling in what you perceive as an embarrassing gaffe, and the only thing you truly feel is resentment?

It is both. Lefties are capable of experiencing more than one emotion simultaneously. It's Homo Sapiens 3.8. It's not my fault that Conservatives are content to stick with Homo Sapiens 1.2 (the test version, of course).


Better luck next time.

Speaking of fantasies...
On the other hand, I see many on the left who don't get the sarcastic humor of the right either.

OK, just to test your sense of humor, tell me the one about Huckabee, Santorum and Carson walk into a bar...and after a few drinks, a hooker comes up to..................

...............them and asks which one of you boys wants to have some fun?
And all three say at the same time it depends, are you a man or a woman?
Glad you're getting your lulz out of it. Nothing says "knee slappin' good time" like a populace so deeply mistrustful of a government run amok that they insist on supervising military drills.

Moreover, I'd bet 80% of the support derives from the fact that it's an unqualified "eff you" from Texas to the US federal government.

It's not a matter of lulz. It's a matter of having to stand and watch fruit-loopy Righties untether themselves completely and irrevocably from reality.

Nothing says "batshit crazy" more than allowing yourself to be conditioned by paranoid, tea-partyesque freakazoids to believe even 1% of this shit to begin with.

It's just plain old sad.

Greg Abbott has made a laughing stock out of Texas, and the Republican Party. Not that he needed to do much to achieve that second goal.

Sometimes a cartoon says it best......

On the other hand, I see many on the left who don't get the sarcastic humor of the right either.

OK, just to test your sense of humor, tell me the one about Huckabee, Santorum and Carson walk into a bar...and after a few drinks, a hooker comes up to..................

...............them and asks which one of you boys wants to have some fun?
And all three say at the same time it depends, are you a man or a woman?

My other version is

A Hooker comes up to them and asks which one of you boys wants to have some fun?
Huckabee chimes up and says, it depends do you take plastic?
Look at it this way: Is there any practical harm to the TX Nat. Guard monitoring an army exercise to bolster public confidence?

It's not as if "guaranteeing public safety" here requires... for instance... massive new taxes, laws, prohibitions, crippling regulations on industry, and the sweeping national/international economic reforms that certain other policies for "guaranteeing public safety" (I think you know what I'm talking about here) will demand from a skeptical public.

Perhaps the Texans are paranoid for wanting the military exercise supervised. So what? How is it any skin off of your nose?

Keep 'crazy' in perspective. Respect the magnitude of the costs versus the magnitude of the consequences.

It's stupid and a waste of taxpayer money.

The US military is conceived - per constitution - to protect the American people from enemies abroad. It has been a longstanding tradition to have military exercises within the USA in order to keep the US military up to snuff.

So, yeah, this conspiracy bullshit really is batshit crazy.

You have no idea how much the Left is laughing over this, over the utter stupidity of the Right, especially in Texas, on this.

The Tea Party is supposed to be for a strong military. Guess that was a lie, too.

The left have their own conspiracy bullshit, it's not just a right wing thing.
Your average leftist lives in a truly paranoid Manichean world of sinister cabals.
huh? You prove the OP to a T :lol:
Look at it this way: Is there any practical harm to the TX Nat. Guard monitoring an army exercise to bolster public confidence?

It's not as if "guaranteeing public safety" here requires... for instance... massive new taxes, laws, prohibitions, crippling regulations on industry, and the sweeping national/international economic reforms that certain other policies for "guaranteeing public safety" (I think you know what I'm talking about here) will demand from a skeptical public.

Perhaps the Texans are paranoid for wanting the military exercise supervised. So what? How is it any skin off of your nose?

Keep 'crazy' in perspective. Respect the magnitude of the costs versus the magnitude of the consequences.

It's stupid and a waste of taxpayer money.

The US military is conceived - per constitution - to protect the American people from enemies abroad. It has been a longstanding tradition to have military exercises within the USA in order to keep the US military up to snuff.

So, yeah, this conspiracy bullshit really is batshit crazy.

You have no idea how much the Left is laughing over this, over the utter stupidity of the Right, especially in Texas, on this.

The Tea Party is supposed to be for a strong military. Guess that was a lie, too.

The left have their own conspiracy bullshit, it's not just a right wing thing.
Your average leftist lives in a truly paranoid Manichean world of sinister cabals.
huh? You prove the OP to a T :lol:

Read post 194
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...

Only, that is a lie, which, coming from you, is no surprise to me. Rubin has criticized literally every single aspect of the Obama administration, for instance:

Obama s nominees settle it A more radical confrontational term - The Washington Post

Democrats abandon Obama on trade deal - The Washington Post

Being weak leaves us friendless - The Washington Post

Does anyone trust Obama - The Washington Post

Iran inspections don t matter if the Obama administration doesn t call foul - The Washington Post

Obama and Power AWOL on Syria - The Washington Post

Democrats under truth serum - The Washington Post

Obama is again driving a wedge between allies - The Washington Post

Why Israel has to be cynical - The Washington Post

Any more questions before you lie again?

Interesting list, though I never wrote that she didn't criticize Obama. I was specific on the two issues that related to courts.
Republicans twice ran squishy Moderates against the most radical, unqualified, unAmerican candidate ever and we lost both times. In the midterms we ran with a Conservative message and inflicted the biggest defeat on an enemy since we destroyed the NVA Tet Offensive

except that's not true. First, in the midterms, at least in 2014, you didn't run "Conservatives". You ran moderates. You sandbagged Tea Party candidates in the primaries and gagged your candidates in talking about things like gay marriage and abortion.
Republicans twice ran squishy Moderates against the most radical, unqualified, unAmerican candidate ever and we lost both times. In the midterms we ran with a Conservative message and inflicted the biggest defeat on an enemy since we destroyed the NVA Tet Offensive

except that's not true. First, in the midterms, at least in 2014, you didn't run "Conservatives". You ran moderates. You sandbagged Tea Party candidates in the primaries and gagged your candidates in talking about things like gay marriage and abortion.

Tea Party kicked your Liberal asses in 2010 and 2014
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...

Only, that is a lie, which, coming from you, is no surprise to me. Rubin has criticized literally every single aspect of the Obama administration, for instance:

Obama s nominees settle it A more radical confrontational term - The Washington Post

Democrats abandon Obama on trade deal - The Washington Post

Being weak leaves us friendless - The Washington Post

Does anyone trust Obama - The Washington Post

Iran inspections don t matter if the Obama administration doesn t call foul - The Washington Post

Obama and Power AWOL on Syria - The Washington Post

Democrats under truth serum - The Washington Post

Obama is again driving a wedge between allies - The Washington Post

Why Israel has to be cynical - The Washington Post

Any more questions before you lie again?

Interesting list, though I never wrote that she didn't criticize Obama. I was specific on the two issues that related to courts.

Right, because it absolutely MUST be just these two issues, this is so incredibly important. If Jen Rubin does not criticize Obama on these two very specific issues, then you win, right?

Dear Lord, how childish Righties are.

Ininformed and childish.
Republicans twice ran squishy Moderates against the most radical, unqualified, unAmerican candidate ever and we lost both times. In the midterms we ran with a Conservative message and inflicted the biggest defeat on an enemy since we destroyed the NVA Tet Offensive

except that's not true. First, in the midterms, at least in 2014, you didn't run "Conservatives". You ran moderates. You sandbagged Tea Party candidates in the primaries and gagged your candidates in talking about things like gay marriage and abortion.

Tea Party kicked your Liberal asses in 2010 and 2014

And yet, Obama still won re-election in 2012.

The Democratic party kicked Eisenhower's ass in 1954, but he still won re-election in 1956.

The Democratic party kicked Reagan's ass in 1986, but a Republican, Bush Sr., was still elected in 1988.

See how that works?

Right, it doesn't work, and for the last time, you blithering idiot, THERE IS NO CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE RESULTS OF MID-TERM ELECTIONS AND PRESIDENTIAL CYCLES.

I already proved this on January 14th, 2014, more than one year ago.

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Tea Party kicked your Liberal asses in 2010 and 2014

Really? That would be the Tea Party that largely got beaten in the primaries in 2014 by moderates?

The Tea Party is over. The establishment is through with you like a cheerleader after the Homecoming gang-bang.

Largely beaten in the primaries? LOL

Stop listening to Starkey

Guy, you guys will make a lot of noise, but the GOP will still nominate Jeb Bush.
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...

Only, that is a lie, which, coming from you, is no surprise to me. Rubin has criticized literally every single aspect of the Obama administration, for instance:

Obama s nominees settle it A more radical confrontational term - The Washington Post

Democrats abandon Obama on trade deal - The Washington Post

Being weak leaves us friendless - The Washington Post

Does anyone trust Obama - The Washington Post

Iran inspections don t matter if the Obama administration doesn t call foul - The Washington Post

Obama and Power AWOL on Syria - The Washington Post

Democrats under truth serum - The Washington Post

Obama is again driving a wedge between allies - The Washington Post

Why Israel has to be cynical - The Washington Post

Any more questions before you lie again?

Interesting list, though I never wrote that she didn't criticize Obama. I was specific on the two issues that related to courts.

Right, because it absolutely MUST be just these two issues, this is so incredibly important. If Jen Rubin does not criticize Obama on these two very specific issues, then you win, right?

Dear Lord, how childish Righties are.

Ininformed and childish.

Gee I thought it was the 'court' respect that was the point of OP.

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