RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"

She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...

Only, that is a lie, which, coming from you, is no surprise to me. Rubin has criticized literally every single aspect of the Obama administration, for instance:

Obama s nominees settle it A more radical confrontational term - The Washington Post

Democrats abandon Obama on trade deal - The Washington Post

Being weak leaves us friendless - The Washington Post

Does anyone trust Obama - The Washington Post

Iran inspections don t matter if the Obama administration doesn t call foul - The Washington Post

Obama and Power AWOL on Syria - The Washington Post

Democrats under truth serum - The Washington Post

Obama is again driving a wedge between allies - The Washington Post

Why Israel has to be cynical - The Washington Post

Any more questions before you lie again?

Interesting list, though I never wrote that she didn't criticize Obama. I was specific on the two issues that related to courts.

Right, because it absolutely MUST be just these two issues, this is so incredibly important. If Jen Rubin does not criticize Obama on these two very specific issues, then you win, right?

Dear Lord, how childish Righties are.

Ininformed and childish.

Gee I thought it was the 'court' respect that was the point of OP.
Well, you obviously didn't read the OP.

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Tea Party kicked your Liberal asses in 2010 and 2014

Really? That would be the Tea Party that largely got beaten in the primaries in 2014 by moderates?

The Tea Party is over. The establishment is through with you like a cheerleader after the Homecoming gang-bang.

Largely beaten in the primaries? LOL

Stop listening to Starkey

Guy, you guys will make a lot of noise, but the GOP will still nominate Jeb Bush.

Not gonna happen, Guy
the op should be real proud posting this shit about their fellow countrymen and women. Out of 360 million people in the country and this Rubin found that all the crackpots (their fellow countrymen and women) just happen to be ones who votes Republican. Now how does she know? Because she is evidently the judge and jury of ALL MANKIND.

that article was nasty but no wonder the left would jump on it like a wolf on a piece of red meat. because they are SO OUT OF anything to run on. They've used up attacking the Republican party, they've now slunk to their new low, of attacking the people in the country


that's some low down shit
Republicans twice ran squishy Moderates against the most radical, unqualified, unAmerican candidate ever and we lost both times. In the midterms we ran with a Conservative message and inflicted the biggest defeat on an enemy since we destroyed the NVA Tet Offensive

except that's not true. First, in the midterms, at least in 2014, you didn't run "Conservatives". You ran moderates. You sandbagged Tea Party candidates in the primaries and gagged your candidates in talking about things like gay marriage and abortion.

Tea Party kicked your Liberal asses in 2010 and 2014

And yet, Obama still won re-election in 2012.

The Democratic party kicked Eisenhower's ass in 1954, but he still won re-election in 1956.

The Democratic party kicked Reagan's ass in 1986, but a Republican, Bush Sr., was still elected in 1988.

See how that works?

Right, it doesn't work, and for the last time, you blithering idiot, THERE IS NO CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE RESULTS OF MID-TERM ELECTIONS AND PRESIDENTIAL CYCLES.

I already proved this on January 14th, 2014, more than one year ago.

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

We ran 2 bad candidates who refused to draw sharp, bright lines between Freedom and Democrats, between American Entrepreneurship and Socialism and the Conservative base yawned and stayed home. McCain's campaign manager was a Soros Employee, so 2008 doesn't count at all.

Obama's first huge loss was a SENATE SEAT IN MASSAFUCKINGCHUSETTES FERCHRISTSAKE! That's how much the country hates Progressives and will go Conservative when given a choice
the op should be real proud posting this shit about their fellow countrymen and women. Out of 360 million people in the country and this Rubin found that all the crackpots (their fellow countrymen and women) just happen to be ones who votes Republican. Now how does she know? Because she is evidently the judge and jury of ALL MANKIND.

that article was nasty but no wonder the left would jump on it like a wolf on a piece of red meat. because they are SO OUT OF anything to run on. They've used up attacking the Republican party, they've now slunk to their new low, of attacking the people in the country


that's some low down shit
shes trying to save the party from being floundered by mouth-breathing, education-hating, retards.
We ran 2 bad candidates who refused to draw sharp, bright lines between Freedom and Democrats, between American Entrepreneurship and Socialism and the Conservative base yawned and stayed home. McCain's campaign manager was a Soros Employee, so 2008 doesn't count at all.

Obama's first huge loss was a SENATE SEAT IN MASSAFUCKINGCHUSETTES FERCHRISTSAKE! That's how much the country hates Progressives and will go Conservative when given a choice
"Freedom"? From the party that drafted the *cough* "Patriot" Act AND the Bybee Memo (AKA- Torture is fine memo) AND created DHS? :eusa_eh: You crack me up 57Frank1400PennAve CrusaderFrank :rofl:
Republicans twice ran squishy Moderates against the most radical, unqualified, unAmerican candidate ever and we lost both times. In the midterms we ran with a Conservative message and inflicted the biggest defeat on an enemy since we destroyed the NVA Tet Offensive

except that's not true. First, in the midterms, at least in 2014, you didn't run "Conservatives". You ran moderates. You sandbagged Tea Party candidates in the primaries and gagged your candidates in talking about things like gay marriage and abortion.

Tea Party kicked your Liberal asses in 2010 and 2014

And yet, Obama still won re-election in 2012.

The Democratic party kicked Eisenhower's ass in 1954, but he still won re-election in 1956.

The Democratic party kicked Reagan's ass in 1986, but a Republican, Bush Sr., was still elected in 1988.

See how that works?

Right, it doesn't work, and for the last time, you blithering idiot, THERE IS NO CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE RESULTS OF MID-TERM ELECTIONS AND PRESIDENTIAL CYCLES.

I already proved this on January 14th, 2014, more than one year ago.

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

We ran 2 bad candidates who refused to draw sharp, bright lines between Freedom and Democrats, between American Entrepreneurship and Socialism and the Conservative base yawned and stayed home. McCain's campaign manager was a Soros Employee, so 2008 doesn't count at all.

Obama's first huge loss was a SENATE SEAT IN MASSAFUCKINGCHUSETTES FERCHRISTSAKE! That's how much the country hates Progressives and will go Conservative when given a choice

As we saw with the campaign Obama ran. this one is going to into the shitter, the sewers , and any where else they can come up shit. We will never again have a civilized election in this country, thanks to the Democrat/progressive/commie party and, so called "conservative" writers (Rubin, SNAKE) for the DNC compost and their nasty base who votes for them
Since Obama's election, he's been the only winner on the Democrat side; they've had massive losses Congress and state houses.Conservative candidates are clear winners, even the Republican established is desperate and worried, knowing they cannot stem the tide much longer
the op should be real proud posting this shit about their fellow countrymen and women. Out of 360 million people in the country and this Rubin found that all the crackpots (their fellow countrymen and women) just happen to be ones who votes Republican. Now how does she know? Because she is evidently the judge and jury of ALL MANKIND.

that article was nasty but no wonder the left would jump on it like a wolf on a piece of red meat. because they are SO OUT OF anything to run on. They've used up attacking the Republican party, they've now slunk to their new low, of attacking the people in the country


that's some low down shit
shes trying to save the party from being floundered by mouth-breathing, education-hating, retards.

It's the Dem's who are blocking legislation on vouchers for all.
And just from my own perspective, I HOPE that Conservatives DON'T listen to Jen Rubin. I HOPE that they don't heed her warning.

Because the more outer-space kind of stuff they say, the more of an image as the "Party of the Loons" they build, which will not help them in 2016.

I think that Jen Rubin is trying to do her party a favor, but I doubt that many Conservatives will actually listen to her.
Who the hell is she again?...who cares :slap:
And just from my own perspective, I HOPE that Conservatives DON'T listen to Jen Rubin. I HOPE that they don't heed her warning.

Because the more outer-space kind of stuff they say, the more of an image as the "Party of the Loons" they build, which will not help them in 2016.

I think that Jen Rubin is trying to do her party a favor, but I doubt that many Conservatives will actually listen to her.
Who the hell is she again?...who cares :slap:

oh don't you know, I didn't either

but they tell us she is a STAUNCH conservative WRITER for the DNC Washintoncompost...So that's why we are suppose to GIVE A SHIT.
how desperate can these people who vote Democrat party get? just slimy low it seems
Since Obama's election, he's been the only winner on the Democrat side; they've had massive losses Congress and state houses.Conservative candidates are clear winners, even the Republican established is desperate and worried, knowing they cannot stem the tide much longer

Yep and that's why we will SEE much more garbage such as this Rubin wrote. they are DESPERATE
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

Like Congress is? :)
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

Like Congress is? :)

And the "Flush-helper" chimes in......

How many senate seats will the GOP have to defend in next year's presidential elections?....The House is yours for a long while, but the senate is another story....and the WH, well, that will remain a "dream" for you (maybe you can resurrect Reagan?)
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

Like Congress is? :)

And the "Flush-helper" chimes in......

How many senate seats will the GOP have to defend in next year's presidential elections?....The House is yours for a long while, but the senate is another story....and the WH, well, that will remain a "dream" for you (maybe you can resurrect Reagan?)

You loons keep doing what you are doing....piece of cake. Stop with your childish like insults, Faux Professor, it's becoming tiresome.
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

Like Congress is? :)

And the "Flush-helper" chimes in......

How many senate seats will the GOP have to defend in next year's presidential elections?....The House is yours for a long while, but the senate is another story....and the WH, well, that will remain a "dream" for you (maybe you can resurrect Reagan?)

You loons keep doing what you are doing....piece of cake. Stop with your childish like insults, Faux Professor, it's becoming tiresome.

My responsibility to to smack down dingbats at every opportunity....and you well know that you're a prime candidate for the dingbat title. LOL
My dear right wingers...absolutely DO NOT follow Rubin' advice...remain the party of the unhinged (as shown, for example, on this thread alone) and the WH will be as foreign to you as ....well, as sanity.

Like Congress is? :)

And the "Flush-helper" chimes in......

How many senate seats will the GOP have to defend in next year's presidential elections?....The House is yours for a long while, but the senate is another story....and the WH, well, that will remain a "dream" for you (maybe you can resurrect Reagan?)

You loons keep doing what you are doing....piece of cake. Stop with your childish like insults, Faux Professor, it's becoming tiresome.

My responsibility to to smack down dingbats at every opportunity....and you well know that you're a prime candidate for the dingbat title. LOL

You're over your head in knee deep water, shrimp
Are you saying that after all of these years, you have never heard of Jennifer Rubin?

Fer Chrissakes, she worked for Romney's campaign and supported him

LOL, this after your argument was based on she represents the "right"

OK, Kaz....EXACTLY WHO does Rubin represent?

If ANY right winger speaks out against the "right" who are left?
The sheep. the tea sippers. the clueless, the unhinged?

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