"Let freedom Read!" Banned Books Week (October 1st - 7th, 2023) Almost Over

Yeah...again.......those are actual books in public and school libraries...the books parents are trying to get removed from their children's schools and libraries....

You now have to defend having those books in those libraries...go ahead...
So you want the Bible banned?

I'd just restrict it, along with the other books you cited as engorging your homophobia, from under 12s.

Easy solution.

Idiot....the democrats are the ones pushing to have To Kill a Mockingbird removed from schools.....not these parents......you lying asshole. The democrats are also trying to get Huck Finn removed, and editing classic books to remove material they don't like...
Fair point.

Both criminal gangs need to knock it off.
Your ignorance of the Bible is noted as well.

Still standing by to help you find it via Google. :)
Oh I know what’s in it, that’s why I know you are a liar…_and continue to fail to provide a citation or quote

Your white flag is noted

Go troll somewhere else
If kids are allergic to pron (it's spelled prawn by the way), they should NOT be forced to eat it.

Home schooling can help you control any delusions you may be experiencing, but I don't think you should be teaching English.

Aaaaand you're still broken. Come back when you can make a cogent argument.
You've repeatedly been provided with links which cite the Bible's glorification of child rape, torture and murder.

But you turn away from God's Word.

Baby Jesus is no doubt fuming. :(
Nope, everything you've provided has been demolished. Answer this, was the US glorifying violence when it destroyed Germany and Japan in WWII?
Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.
Define "banning". Thus far, I see no one advocating banning any books. Denying young children easy access to inappropriate material, yes. Banning, no. Can you show me where anyone is actually banning any books, such that you cannot access them?
You mean a Limited Education, don't you? When all is said and done, the book bannings you people propose do not help educate people. They keep people in ignorance.
And again, where is this "banning" happening? Who is advocating that all access to these books be cut off? I will say it again, not allowing young children access to things is not the same as banning it. Thus far, it's just a trendy word thrown out there for effect that bears no relation to reality.
I wouldn't ban it, but the Bible is inappropriate for under 12s, as it glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children.
^ Massively triggered homophobe.

^ Massively triggered and delusional homophobe.

^ Massively triggered and delusional homophobic projection.

Why do conservative advocate for the Bible, a book that glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children?

Ok, show us where in the Bible it glorifies rape, torture and murder of children and promotes it.

And what's with the immature name calling? How do you think that supports your case at all?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how long does a story have to be before it is no longer considered a short story? I have always wondered this.

God bless you always!!!

Ok, show us where in the Bible it glorifies rape, torture and murder of children and promotes it.

And what's with the immature name calling? How do you think that supports your case at all?
They like to find a verse where the nation of Israel is commanded to punish another nation for the evil it has done, then pretend it's "glorifying" violence and such. Using that standard, they should then agree that history books glorify violence when they talk about the US demolishing Germany and Japan in WWII.
Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.
Define "banning". Thus far, I see no one advocating banning any books. Denying young children easy access to inappropriate material, yes. Banning, no. Can you show me where anyone is actually banning any books, such that you cannot access them?
play games all you want.

Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.
Sexual perverts can get their kicks on the internet and probably on their cell phones. Why pick on libraries and schools? Ain't there enough chaos in the world to while about?
Ok, show us where in the Bible it glorifies rape, torture and murder of children and promotes it.
Links provided - and ignored by delusional conservatives - dozens of times; you're on your own now.
And what's with the immature name calling? How do you think that supports your case at all?
Pointing out that you're a homophobe, or that many conservatives are delusional, is a factual observation, not name-calling.
play games all you want.

Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.
Sexual perverts can get their kicks on the internet and probably on their cell phones. Why pick on libraries and schools? Ain't there enough chaos in the world to while about?
Because their cult leaders tell them to.
Dipshit....this isn't the first thread lying about book bans in order to defend kiddie porn in school libraries...you guys are committed to exposing children to this filth......and everytime you post about it, we show you the books...

You now defend that book being in our school libraries......you dope.

I reject this man putting this out & available for childern or adults to hear.

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