Let me 'splain somethin'.............

because your heart and mind are closed.
You want to hear what you want to hear.....
only God can open that door.....

Your heart and mind is not closed??
You only want to hear what you want to hear.......
Apparently your God has failed to open that same door for you...........

you say this, but only what God thinks/says is what matters............

And you do not know what God thinks or says. Correct? :)

I believe I have a relationship with God. I am sure of that as I am that I have 2 children....
Only God is perfect, not me, I can only speak to his qualifications...

But what are you basing your opinion on? How do you know of his qualifications? Where is this evidence of any qualifications at all? And look at the things that happen in the world? Is that "good qualifications" in your opinion? You have some pretty low standards. Lol.
I'm just going by the things that I learned, things that I've read and that were taught to me as a child. Apparently your idea of afterlife is not universal, and I would venture to say that most Christians actually do believe in a hell like place.

All I know is that Sister taught her classes that Dante's version of hell could be found in Dante's Inferno, not the Bible. She asked us an interesting question. Did we, personally, know anyone who was going to hell? She had us laughing over the thought that no one we know will be in hell--must be filled with people we don't know. She then went through the math of everyone we knew, knew people we don't know, who also knew more people others didn't know...until she had us convinced everyone must be in heaven.

Then she asked, "What about people who truly want to be on their own without God? What about good people who simply don't want to be God's servants? Do you think God would force them into heaven to serve Him?"

We were taught God does not send anyone to hell, but people do choose to go there. And we were also taught to keep in mind, Dante's hell is his own vision, not God's.

What about a person who murders or rapes children? Does he go to heaven too?

if he confesses his sins behind a curtain and says a hail mary

If it is so easy to go to heaven, why use the image of a hell?

Some Evangelists use Hell as a "motivation" for salvation.
I think that purpose and meaning of life are enough.
Hell is a terrible place, but, our motivation should be for purpose and meaning of life now and after bodily death....
Does this actually change the alleged fact that Christ died on the cross for our sins and was most certainly tortured and suffered beforehand?

People are often killed when they threaten the power or wealth of another. Jesus lived in a time and a place where most people were poverty stricken due to Roman rule. Romans took their land, rented that same land back to them, demanding exorbitant rents and produce.

Meanwhile the Jewish Temple was raking in even more money off these poor Jews. A lot of this money came from Temple Sacrifice. Faithful Jews had to choose between feeding themselves and their children--or remaining in their sins.

Along comes Jesus telling the poor, "Repentance (not Temple sacrifice) for the forgiveness of sins." That was like someone advocating a tax revolt, and it would affect Temple coffers.

In Jewish sacrificial offerings, only sanctified priests could approach the Holy of Holies, bearing the sins of the people. Only he could offer the sacrifice that atoned for sins that were committed. That does not mean the sins of the people were poured out on the priest and that he took the punishment. No, the priest bore (took) the sins and offered the sacrifice to atone (express sorrow) for everyone's wrong-doings.

People have to understand what was already in play before they can understand the difference Jesus made, and what exactly he did. (First off, he was willing to die rather than to shut up.)
I'm just going by the things that I learned, things that I've read and that were taught to me as a child. Apparently your idea of afterlife is not universal, and I would venture to say that most Christians actually do believe in a hell like place.

All I know is that Sister taught her classes that Dante's version of hell could be found in Dante's Inferno, not the Bible. She asked us an interesting question. Did we, personally, know anyone who was going to hell? She had us laughing over the thought that no one we know will be in hell--must be filled with people we don't know. She then went through the math of everyone we knew, knew people we don't know, who also knew more people others didn't know...until she had us convinced everyone must be in heaven.

Then she asked, "What about people who truly want to be on their own without God? What about good people who simply don't want to be God's servants? Do you think God would force them into heaven to serve Him?"

We were taught God does not send anyone to hell, but people do choose to go there. And we were also taught to keep in mind, Dante's hell is his own vision, not God's.

What about a person who murders or rapes children? Does he go to heaven too?

if he confesses his sins behind a curtain and says a hail mary

If it is so easy to go to heaven, why use the image of a hell?

Some Evangelists use Hell as a "motivation" for salvation.
I think that purpose and meaning of life are enough.
Hell is a terrible place, but, our motivation should be for purpose and meaning of life now and after bodily death....

Oh, and let's just ignore hell? ROFL. You are a hoot!
There were twelve apostles chosen by Christ. One (one-twelfth) betrayed him. This has always been a solemn caution and reminder that not all who are close to God are all that is hoped for, all that they should be.

Further, if I recall my studies correctly, the Church has never had two bad popes in a row. In other words, the Church, just as the Apostles did before them, worked to undo the damage of the one.

Finally, what was happening in the one spot-lighted diocese in Rome was very far from what was taking place within the whole of Christianity. I've moved around quite a bit, and as such, have been a parishioner in about a dozen parishes. You know of the sex scandal in the Catholic Church. While none of the parishes of which I was a member was ever remotely involved in these things, all priests (for awhile) were broad-brushed with what tainted the few. There were Catholics, even in these parishes where no wrong was committed, who said, "Forget this," and left the Church.

I don't blame them. But for those of us who stayed, we stayed because there is something greater worth staying for. The Catholic Church is now the model of how to best protect children from child predators. Yes. Every single one of us feels the Church never should have been in the position where it was in desperate need of cleaning up its act, but those of us who stay, stay because of the belief, the certainty, we have something worth cleansing. Jesus cleansed the Temple in his day; we continue that work in our own.

I think most of these guys were popes for the power. Back then, a pope held more power than the king.

Benedict IX was Pope from 1032 to 1044, again in 1045, and finally from 1047 to 1048, the only man to have served as Pope for three discontinuous periods, and one of the most controversial Popes of all time. Benedict gave up his papacy for the first time in exchange for a large sum of money in 1044. He returned in 1045 to depose his replacement and reigned for one month, after which he left again, possibly to marry, and sold the papacy for a second time, to his Godfather (possibly for over 650 kg /1450 lb of gold). Two years later, Benedict retook Rome and reigned for an additional one year, until 1048. Poppo of Brixen (later to become Pope Damascus II) eventually forced him out of Rome. Benedict’s place and date of death are unknown, but some speculate that he made further attempts to regain the Papal Throne. St. Peter Damian described him as “feasting on immorality” and “a demon from hell in the disguise of a priest” in the Liber Gomorrhianus, a treatise on papal corruption and sex that accused Benedict IX of routine homosexuality and bestiality.

sex, greed, abuse, murder, the church has seen it all, and still does in every faith and sect

Just one reason why I would not trust the words or books of these ancient people.

Who or what do you think is more reliable?

You still haven't answered my previous question, have you? :)

Because God has a perfect and pure plan for your life.
One that does not involve sex (non-marital), greed, abuse or murder.............
Does this actually change the alleged fact that Christ died on the cross for our sins and was most certainly tortured and suffered beforehand?

People are often killed when they threaten the power or wealth of another. Jesus lived in a time and a place where most people were poverty stricken due to Roman rule. Romans took their land, rented that same land back to them, demanding exorbitant rents and produce.

Meanwhile the Jewish Temple was raking in even more money off these poor Jews. A lot of this money came from Temple Sacrifice. Faithful Jews had to choose between feeding themselves and their children--or remaining in their sins.

Along comes Jesus telling the poor, "Repentance (not Temple sacrifice) for the forgiveness of sins." That was like someone advocating a tax revolt, and it would affect Temple coffers.

In Jewish sacrificial offerings, only sanctified priests could approach the Holy of Holies, bearing the sins of the people. Only he could offer the sacrifice that atoned for sins that were committed. That does not mean the sins of the people were poured out on the priest and that he took the punishment. No, the priest bore (took) the sins and offered the sacrifice to atone (express sorrow) for everyone's wrong-doings.

People have to understand what was already in play before they can understand the difference Jesus made, and what exactly he did. (First off, he was willing to die rather than to shut up.)

Christ was crucified on the cross to bear our sins. True or false.
I think most of these guys were popes for the power. Back then, a pope held more power than the king.

Benedict IX was Pope from 1032 to 1044, again in 1045, and finally from 1047 to 1048, the only man to have served as Pope for three discontinuous periods, and one of the most controversial Popes of all time. Benedict gave up his papacy for the first time in exchange for a large sum of money in 1044. He returned in 1045 to depose his replacement and reigned for one month, after which he left again, possibly to marry, and sold the papacy for a second time, to his Godfather (possibly for over 650 kg /1450 lb of gold). Two years later, Benedict retook Rome and reigned for an additional one year, until 1048. Poppo of Brixen (later to become Pope Damascus II) eventually forced him out of Rome. Benedict’s place and date of death are unknown, but some speculate that he made further attempts to regain the Papal Throne. St. Peter Damian described him as “feasting on immorality” and “a demon from hell in the disguise of a priest” in the Liber Gomorrhianus, a treatise on papal corruption and sex that accused Benedict IX of routine homosexuality and bestiality.

sex, greed, abuse, murder, the church has seen it all, and still does in every faith and sect

Just one reason why I would not trust the words or books of these ancient people.

Who or what do you think is more reliable?

You still haven't answered my previous question, have you? :)

Because God has a perfect and pure plan for your life.
One that does not involve sex (non-marital), greed, abuse or murder.............

That does not answer my question. My question to you was, what makes your religious book any more valid than the Torah or the Koran? What evidence do you have that your holy book is the "right one?"
I'm just going by the things that I learned, things that I've read and that were taught to me as a child. Apparently your idea of afterlife is not universal, and I would venture to say that most Christians actually do believe in a hell like place.

All I know is that Sister taught her classes that Dante's version of hell could be found in Dante's Inferno, not the Bible. She asked us an interesting question. Did we, personally, know anyone who was going to hell? She had us laughing over the thought that no one we know will be in hell--must be filled with people we don't know. She then went through the math of everyone we knew, knew people we don't know, who also knew more people others didn't know...until she had us convinced everyone must be in heaven.

Then she asked, "What about people who truly want to be on their own without God? What about good people who simply don't want to be God's servants? Do you think God would force them into heaven to serve Him?"

We were taught God does not send anyone to hell, but people do choose to go there. And we were also taught to keep in mind, Dante's hell is his own vision, not God's.

What about a person who murders or rapes children? Does he go to heaven too?

if he confesses his sins behind a curtain and says a hail mary

If it is so easy to go to heaven, why use the image of a hell?

Some Evangelists use Hell as a "motivation" for salvation.
I think that purpose and meaning of life are enough.
Hell is a terrible place, but, our motivation should be for purpose and meaning of life now and after bodily death....

Oh, and let's just ignore hell? ROFL. You are a hoot!

Do you believe there is a Hell?
Are you afraid of it?
sex, greed, abuse, murder, the church has seen it all, and still does in every faith and sect

Just one reason why I would not trust the words or books of these ancient people.

Who or what do you think is more reliable?

You still haven't answered my previous question, have you? :)

Because God has a perfect and pure plan for your life.
One that does not involve sex (non-marital), greed, abuse or murder.............

That does not answer my question. My question to you was, what makes your religious book any more valid than the Torah or the Koran? What evidence do you have that your holy book is the "right one?"

My evidence is my conviction.
My evidence is point to YOUR heart, and what you know to be true, deep down.
Actually, it's not MY evidence.....
It's God's.....
All I know is that Sister taught her classes that Dante's version of hell could be found in Dante's Inferno, not the Bible. She asked us an interesting question. Did we, personally, know anyone who was going to hell? She had us laughing over the thought that no one we know will be in hell--must be filled with people we don't know. She then went through the math of everyone we knew, knew people we don't know, who also knew more people others didn't know...until she had us convinced everyone must be in heaven.

Then she asked, "What about people who truly want to be on their own without God? What about good people who simply don't want to be God's servants? Do you think God would force them into heaven to serve Him?"

We were taught God does not send anyone to hell, but people do choose to go there. And we were also taught to keep in mind, Dante's hell is his own vision, not God's.

What about a person who murders or rapes children? Does he go to heaven too?

if he confesses his sins behind a curtain and says a hail mary

If it is so easy to go to heaven, why use the image of a hell?

Some Evangelists use Hell as a "motivation" for salvation.
I think that purpose and meaning of life are enough.
Hell is a terrible place, but, our motivation should be for purpose and meaning of life now and after bodily death....

Oh, and let's just ignore hell? ROFL. You are a hoot!

Do you believe there is a Hell?
Are you afraid of it?

Look, I couldn't care less. To me, this is no more believable than Santa Claus. :D I'm trying to get you to think about WHY do you believe these ridiculous stories that were written by ignorant men thousands of years ago?
Just one reason why I would not trust the words or books of these ancient people.

Who or what do you think is more reliable?

You still haven't answered my previous question, have you? :)

Because God has a perfect and pure plan for your life.
One that does not involve sex (non-marital), greed, abuse or murder.............

That does not answer my question. My question to you was, what makes your religious book any more valid than the Torah or the Koran? What evidence do you have that your holy book is the "right one?"

My evidence is my conviction.
My evidence is point to YOUR heart, and what you know to be true, deep down.
Actually, it's not MY evidence.....
It's God's.....

What conviction? What do you mean by conviction? What evidence is in my heart? I don't believe in your bible. Period.
I think most of these guys were popes for the power. Back then, a pope held more power than the king.

Well, not quite, but in some ways worse. The older sons were heirs to land and became rulers of kingdoms. The younger sons were given to the Church. The power dwelt in the hands of the King, who often had younger sibs backing him up with the power of the Church. On the other hand, sibs sometimes bicker over who gets more. Sometimes the younger sibs are smarter and more wily than the older ones, and managed the power, rightfully the King's.

At that time world power and wealth were in the hands of Kings and Church. Therefore cunning families got their children into one of these two places. It is a wonder the Church survived this, and may not of if not through the power of the Holy Spirit, and those who felt underneath the family conniving, there was something worth preserving.
I think most of these guys were popes for the power. Back then, a pope held more power than the king.

Well, not quite, but in some ways worse. The older sons were heirs to land and became rulers of kingdoms. The younger sons were given to the Church. The power dwelt in the hands of the King, who often had younger sibs backing him up with the power of the Church. On the other hand, sibs sometimes bicker over who gets more. Sometimes the younger sibs are smarter and more wily than the older ones, and managed the power, rightfully the King's.

At that time world power and wealth were in the hands of Kings and Church. Therefore cunning families got their children into one of these two places. It is a wonder the Church survived this, and may not of if not through the power of the Holy Spirit, and those who felt underneath the family conniving, there was something worth preserving.

Why do you keep saying the same thing as me, but not in so many words? You agree with my statement or not? Popes at one time were more powerful than kings. True or false?
Well sure, but it is also considered a religious duty and like a "sacrifice" of sorts of your earnings, to thank god for your money? Is that right? In fact, I thought I read before that some churches have a standard amount or percentage of your income that they would like to see you donate. Not that they make you, but that is what they would like to see. :D

Some churches do believe in tithing (a set percentage), but the Catholic Church just passes the collection basket. Yes, yearly we are presented with a summary of expenses and income. At least one parish I was a member of printed a small balance sheet each month in the bulletin so everyone could see where the money came in--and where it went out. One small church I was once a parishioner of periodically had to ask us if we could donate a bit more, but it appears that priests, as a whole, don't like to make money an issue--even once a year.
Why do you keep saying the same thing as me, but not in so many words? You agree with my statement or not? Popes at one time were more powerful than kings. True or false?

Grin, not saying the same thing. I'm saying I understand why you think popes were more powerful than kings, but it really wasn't the case. We might agree that sometimes popes were more influential than kings, but I still see the kings of holding (perhaps not always utilizing it) more power.
Who or what do you think is more reliable?

You still haven't answered my previous question, have you? :)

Because God has a perfect and pure plan for your life.
One that does not involve sex (non-marital), greed, abuse or murder.............

That does not answer my question. My question to you was, what makes your religious book any more valid than the Torah or the Koran? What evidence do you have that your holy book is the "right one?"

My evidence is my conviction.
My evidence is point to YOUR heart, and what you know to be true, deep down.
Actually, it's not MY evidence.....
It's God's.....

What conviction? What do you mean by conviction? What evidence is in my heart? I don't believe in your bible. Period.

That is your choice. I have never denied that.
Well sure, but it is also considered a religious duty and like a "sacrifice" of sorts of your earnings, to thank god for your money? Is that right? In fact, I thought I read before that some churches have a standard amount or percentage of your income that they would like to see you donate. Not that they make you, but that is what they would like to see. :D

Some churches do believe in tithing (a set percentage), but the Catholic Church just passes the collection basket. Yes, yearly we are presented with a summary of expenses and income. At least one parish I was a member of printed a small balance sheet each month in the bulletin so everyone could see where the money came in--and where it went out. One small church I was once a parishioner of periodically had to ask us if we could donate a bit more, but it appears that priests, as a whole, don't like to make money an issue--even once a year.

Well, why doesn't god help them? :D They shouldn't even need money with the all powerful omnipotent god they worship. The one who can give men the powers to part oceans and to fit two of every animal on a boat.

Another serious question though that was never really answered to my satisfaction, what about all of those "souls" who went to the great beyond long before Christianity even existed? Those people were not baptized and did not worship any god that you are knowledgeable about. People from different regions had different gods that they worshiped. The "one god" concept is fairly new when you consider how long people have existed. A few thousand years at most. What if the Greeks were right? Why do you consider their beliefs to be myths but not yours? I don't see you guys presenting any more viable evidence than the Greeks for their gods. Actually, some of their beliefs actually did stem from evidence, though misinterpreted possibly. I've read that beliefs of giants and things came about by the discovery of dinosaur bones. Kind of goes along with religious beliefs in general for me.
What about a person who murders or rapes children? Does he go to heaven too?

I have no authority to say who goes to heaven and who does not. I can offer some thoughts. Evil and hate cannot exist in the presence of Goodness and Love anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. For dark to have its existence, it must avoid light. For murder and rape to occur, one must avoid goodness and love. Therefore, I tend to see those who choose to murder and rape will choose to remain apart from God, who is the antithesis of who they wish to be.

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