Let Obama Reap The Whirlwind


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The Obama Presidency is the culmination of failed Progressive Big Government policies. For decades, the Progs have escaped blame as they've left office and the mess for others to clean up.

But this time, things are 'sploding with over three years left of the Obama's "reign" of incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance.

I agree with J.R. Dunn. Let's sit back with a frosty beverage and some salty snacks and watch the carnage on the Progs' watch.

...But now we have Obama. The first true progressive to achieve a second term since FDR. There's no "triangulation" needed by the man who knows everything, and no war, it seems, to pull him out of this swamp. Obama will have to take full responsibility for his policies. He will have to stand in the dock, and with him, for the first time in seventy years, liberalism as a whole.

Obama is less lucky than FDR, less competent than Jimmy Carter, and less flexible than Bill Clinton. With Obama, all the failures of liberalism are coming to a head. He has put more liberal policies into effect in a shorter period than any other president, but thanks to his unique combination of ineptness, ignorance, inexperience, and arrogance, every last one of them is doomed. All of them are failing as we watch. His economic policies have repeated the failures of FDR's New Deal, with worse to come. His health care "reform" is in a state of collapse before it has even started. His stewardship of race relations has returned the country to a state of nearly open hostility and panic not seen since 1968. His Hallmark card foreign policy has killed tens of thousands overseas and will almost inevitably lead to the deaths of millions, as did the policies of Jimmy Carter in countries as unrelated as Nicaragua, Iran, Ethiopia, and Cambodia.

Do we really want to give him an out? Do we want to release him to a well-paying sinecure position to become the black Jimmy Carter, an international pest and embarrassment? Do we want to allow the liberal left to slide one more time? To scamper out of the line of fire only to return to mock and sabotage the efforts of better men to clean up the heartbreaking mess they left behind, as they did in the early 1970s, the Reagan 80s, the Bush Oughts? Do we want to see them pop back up in 2020 or 24 with the same nonsense programs given different names and the same insults and attacks for their opponents exhausted and in despair at attempting to repair what can no longer be repaired?

I say no. I prefer that we drink this cup to the dregs, take this road to its lonely end. The liberals need to undergo the whipping that they have dodged for over seven decades. The voters of this country, who have treated politics like a reality series, need to be backhanded by the world as it exists. We require a rude awakening. This country's pols, both left and right, need to be overwhelmed with worry as to what the next day will bring. The people of this country need to be buried up to their necks in the results of their own infantilism. All the fantasy castles need to be demolished to the last stone. Liberalism must be discredited and humiliated, its adherents defeated and dispersed. The leader of the whole circus must be tormented to the human limit and beyond, forced to break down in front of the cameras as he begs for help that will not come.

I am not talking about apocalypse. I am talking about shock therapy. ...

Articles: Three-and-a-half More Years of Obama!
"the Progs have escaped blame as they've left office and the mess for others to clean up"

Two unfinished and unwinnable wars draining us of lives and treasure, Osama still on the loose, an economy that was shattered and tumbling into a depression, and you rabid righties have the gall to claim the above.

What a fucking joke.
Hoover gave The Great Depression to FDR.
Bush Sr gave Clinton a stagnant economy.
Bush gave Oblama The Great recession.
Carter gave Reagan the inflationary recession.
Let's see that's 3 bad repubs and ond one bad democrat
oops. I left out the slow economy given to JFK by Ike.
As ObamaCare goes into full effect next year, it is going to start bankrupting states and the federal government almost immediately. The delusion that it was going to be revenue neutral will be smashed.

Another fiscal disaster is rapidly approaching the states. Pension obligations. There is going to be a multi-trillion dollar shortfall.

So say hello to "tax the rich" rhetoric on steroids. The only problem is, this burden is going to be way too big for just the rich to carry.

Once it sinks in that decades of big spending by the Republicans and Democrats has finally, truly bankrupted us and that we are all going to have to take a big bite of this shit sandwich, then perhaps some real reform can be implemented.

But...probably not. The demagogues will rule the day. The hack media has worked hard to dumb down the American populace, making far too many people incapable of critical thinking. The media is supposed to be a government watchdog, but had instead evolved into a lapdog of celebrity politicians.

We're fucked.
Hoover gave The Great Depression to FDR.
Bush Sr gave Clinton a stagnant economy.
Bush gave Oblama The Great recession.
Carter gave Reagan the inflationary recession.
Let's see that's 3 bad repubs and ond one bad democrat
oops. I left out the slow economy given to JFK by Ike.

You are a trained barking seal.
Don't blame Obama. Don't blame Bush.

Blame yourselves.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme. And make that guy over there pay for it."

Gimme my mortgage interest deduction. Gimme my child tax credit. Gimme my energy tax credit. Gimme my subsidy. Gimme my tax write-off. Gimme my food stamps and my Obamaphone. Gimme my Social Security check at the same age as my ancestors collected it.

We don't want leaders. We want psychopaths who give us everything we ask for.
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What a fucking joke.

I've quoted the only relevant part of your post. Yes, Obama is a fucking joke.

The best part was left out:

We will not win this round. We have a national security system that is run by wannabe trannies and later-day beatniks. We are operating under the delusion that major military units can be led in battle by gays, transvestites, and what have you.
Read more: Articles: Three-and-a-half More Years of Obama!
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Unfortunately Dunn is correct. We will have to take this to the bitter end.
Let the fever run its course...and let Obama take the blame.

Tis fittin'.
I want one of those old Calvin stickers you used to see on pickup truck glass where he is always pissing on something, but this time I want it to be Obama's head.
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Obama is the epitome of the Peter Principle writ large.

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