Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
Should Republicans let the nation default on its debt if the Democrats refuse to negotiate on budget cuts?

It's over due.

If your house is full of garbage, do you;
raise the ceiling?
Clean it out?

Or if your credit cards are maxed out do you have then raise your limit so you can borrow more money you haven't been able to pay back previously?

Obama enables the ones who currently walk away from debt commitments and blames it on those evil banks and GWB

America can walk away then as well, right?

What the hell, what's good for the goose is good for the gander?

obama intends to make the government default. Not let it, make it. He's asking for an unlimited debt ceiling. Which means either cut spending and pay the bills or default, or increase the debt so astronomically that the entire economy collapses.
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obama intends to make the government default. Not let it, make it. He's asking more an unlimited debt ceiling. Which means either cut spending and pay the bills or default, or increase the debt so astronomically that the entire economy collapses.

Obama isn't asking for an unlimited debt ceiling.
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 06 Oct 2013 at 10:57:19 PM GMT is:
$ 1 6 , 7 5 3 , 0 9 5 , 4 3 7 , 8 7 0 . 6 9

The estimated population of the United States is 316,793,721
so each citizen's share of this debt is $52,883.29.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.85 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!
He can executive order debt ceiling via some hook that I can't remember precisely but he can do it. What can't he do? If you think about there is barely any of this Republic left anyway so that makes it easier for him.
No one is going to default. But this thread is really about taking shots at the GOP so....
He can executive order debt ceiling via some hook that I can't remember precisely but he can do it. What can't he do? If you think about there is barely any of this Republic left anyway so that makes it easier for him.

The 14th Amendment says no one can question the debt of the USA.
obama intends to make the government default. Not let it, make it. He's asking more an unlimited debt ceiling. Which means either cut spending and pay the bills or default, or increase the debt so astronomically that the entire economy collapses.

Obama isn't asking for an unlimited debt ceiling.

How much is he asking for the debt ceiling to be raised? Do you know? Has he said?

No. He hasn't. There has been no amount stated. Just remove the debt ceiling.
How much is he asking for the debt ceiling to be raised? Do you know? Has he said?

No. He hasn't. There has been no amount stated. Just remove the debt ceiling.

that's pretty dumb, bro.

even you know better than that.

....or maybe not.
When the hell are radical democrats going to start thinking and stop relying on Huffington and Media Matters? Barry Hussein had a honeymoon with the entire freaking government and most of the population behind him for two years and what did we get? Freaking "cash for clunkers" and a bailout of all his political supporters? Now that Obama policies have pushed the US closer to a 3rd world country the radicals are still playing the blame game even though the democrat party still controls the majority in the senate. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
obama intends to make the government default. Not let it, make it. He's asking more an unlimited debt ceiling. Which means either cut spending and pay the bills or default, or increase the debt so astronomically that the entire economy collapses.

Obama isn't asking for an unlimited debt ceiling.

How much is he asking for the debt ceiling to be raised? Do you know? Has he said?

No. He hasn't. There has been no amount stated. Just remove the debt ceiling.

Hmmmm. You love Carl Rove today....don't you? Did you fact check his claims? Chris Wallace didn't.
I kinda think they are going to let this happen.

It's a scorched earth thing.

The little kid on the playground could not get his way, so he takes his ball home. But someone brings another ball, so the little kid burns down the school. That is the mindset of the GOP right now. How frigin sick does someone have to be?
He can executive order debt ceiling via some hook that I can't remember precisely but he can do it. What can't he do? If you think about there is barely any of this Republic left anyway so that makes it easier for him.

The 14th Amendment says no one can question the debt of the USA.

It also said Civil Rights of blacks were guaranteed.

Then the Supremes heard the Slaughterhouse Cases.

How'd that work out again? Oh yeah, a century of Jim Crow.

The Constitution means whatever the Supremes say it means, regardless of what is printed. It's a bitch when judicial interpretation works against you. Not that having a court that includes the likes of a Wise Latina and Paul Blart, Mall Cop will ever say that government doesn't have authority over something.

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