Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
should democrats let the nation default on its debt if the republicans refuse to allow them to negotiate about obamacare?

The Democrats don't control the House.

They can't force Boehner to submit a clean bill for a vote.

No more than we can force Reid to vote on ANY-fucking-THING the House passes.

As bad and scary as a default sounds, look around.
Every single year we have to raise this fucking debt ceiling just so we can borrow more money to pay the interest on our other loans.

It is completely unsustainable
It takes more than two to tango even in 1776. FYI ...low information radical lefties, the greatest Nation in the world can only default if the other 2/3 of the federal government including the president, wants it to happen.
I kinda think they are going to let this happen.

It's a scorched earth thing.

They won't stop until they gut this country of everything that makes it stand out.

They hate science
They hate tech
They hate investing in anything

Obama made the mistake with doubling food stamps...This issue drove these people off the edge.
Do you guys ever get tired of spouting the same talking points over and over?

Well, thier talking points vary weather they are in power or not.

But by in large, talking points are all they have. It is tedious in the extreme when they just go with that, rather than thinking things through
Obama should have the radical right arrested for treason and terror attacks against the nation.


this is why we are in this mess, dems/liberals actually believe this stuff, they believe their political opponents are terrorists and should be arrested.

that alone, says much about the left wing....

[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

The definition of terrorism describes the teabaggers perfectly.
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed on Sunday not to raise the U.S. debt ceiling without a "serious conversation" about what is driving the debt, while Democrats said it was irresponsible and reckless to raise the possibility of a U.S. default.

"The nation's credit is at risk because of the administration's refusal to sit down and have a conversation,"

Senator Ted Cruz, who has been the standard-bearer for Republican opposition to funding the government without measures to undercut Obama's healthcare law, told CNN that Congress frequently in the past had attached curbs on spending to votes to raise the debt ceiling.

Democratic Senator Charles Schumer told ABC's "This Week" he did not believe Boehner would let the nation go into default, as it would lead to chaos on financial markets, freeze lines of credit and cause a jump in interest rates.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


Revisit Obamacare or Social Security checks do not go out? :cuckoo:

Good gawd, Boner is the worst House Speaker in the history of the United States
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn0WdJx-Wkw]Airplane Movie Counter Point clip - YouTube[/ame]
What do you want lefties? It seems that the current left wing fantasy is that president Hussein would allow the greatest Nation in the world to default because he was annoyed that he only controlled 2/3 of the federal government. Low information lefties are becoming irrelevant and pathetic.
No more than we can force Reid to vote on ANY-fucking-THING the House passes.

As bad and scary as a default sounds, look around.
Every single year we have to raise this fucking debt ceiling just so we can borrow more money to pay the interest on our other loans.

It is completely unsustainable

The Senate has voted again and again on the House' bills.

The House, refuses to vote on the Senate's bills.
Good. Let us default. Let the blame game start and then we'll have no choice but to figure out how to fix this mess. Kicking the can worked for a long time, but that time is up.
If the nation defaults, it's because the Democrats chose not to pay the bills.

We have a partial govt. shutdown because Boehner refuses to let the House vote on the Senate bills.

If we have a debt default, it will be for the same reason.
it is NOT default.


there are still plenty of resources to first pay the debt obligations.

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