Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
you ever seen so many people worried over this damn Federal government?

like their VERY lives are going to end if they default...

Obama is the President and is the LEADER OF THIS COUNTRY

it they DEFAULT it will be ON HIS HEAD AND SHOULDERS...no matter how bad you all want to spin it or deny it

^^TRUTH. Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation have NO place here. SQUARELY on OBAMA...and REID.
If the nation defaults, it's because the Democrats chose not to pay the bills.
If the nation defaults, it will be because House Republicans feel that it is more important to defund Obamacare that to meet our obligations. I doubt that voters will agree with them
The nation does not really have to default. The nation has an enormous income. It merely has to prioritize. But, as Jack Lew said to Chris Wallace today, this regime will not prioritize.

It's sort of like if you maxed out your credit card and the bank refused to up your credit balance. You have a good job, you can pay your bills, you might not go out for dinner three nights a week, you might not throw that catered party, but you can pay your bills.

That's the position of the government. To imagine that if we cannot borrow more money, we can't pay any of the bills is plain silly. It's like saying that the entire country has no income, no one is paying taxes, no tariffs or fees are being collected. There's no income. In actuality there is plenty of income.

Yea, but there is this little thing called insolvency.

Edit: The UK have laws about it.

United Kingdom insolvency law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You mean the little things like people voting themselves retirement programs and pensions and healthcare policies that can never be paid for? That kind of insolvency? The dems will never understand that.
If the nation defaults, it's because the Democrats chose not to pay the bills.
If the nation defaults, it will be because House Republicans feel that it is more important to defund Obamacare that to meet our obligations. I doubt that voters will agree with them

Or is it because Democrats think Obamacare is more important than the stability of our nation's economy?
The Senate will of course vote on the House bills to raise the debt ceiling.

Will the House vote on the Senate bills?

All spending originates from the house. So nobody gives a shit what the Senate votes on budget wise. You should have learned this long ago.

As far as the default...let's default. F*ck it. 17 trillion in debt and the rtard we have posing as a president keeps pushing for more debt. We've already defaulted you dumb ass. No way we can pay back 17 trillion let alone the 100 trillion in unfunded mandates. Parlor tricks is all we are doing now. When do we drop the ball under the third cup? Before or after we can't pay the bills? Oh, looks like after.
Nope. Although spending bills including a budget resolution must originate in the House, they must be approved by the Senate. If the Senate does not approve, there is no approved budget.
The Senate will of course vote on the House bills to raise the debt ceiling.

Will the House vote on the Senate bills?

All spending originates from the house. So nobody gives a shit what the Senate votes on budget wise. You should have learned this long ago.

As far as the default...let's default. F*ck it. 17 trillion in debt and the rtard we have posing as a president keeps pushing for more debt. We've already defaulted you dumb ass. No way we can pay back 17 trillion let alone the 100 trillion in unfunded mandates. Parlor tricks is all we are doing now. When do we drop the ball under the third cup? Before or after we can't pay the bills? Oh, looks like after.
Nope. Although spending bills including a budget resolution must originate in the House, they must be approved by the Senate. If the Senate does not approve, there is no approved budget.

Well no shit sherlock. Seems to be why are in this position isn't it? The democrat held senate refuses to pass any bills that congress has sent them. Yet you act like the Senate is control here. Pass the f*cking bill that congress sent you, problem solved.
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed on Sunday not to raise the U.S. debt ceiling without a "serious conversation" about what is driving the debt, while Democrats said it was irresponsible and reckless to raise the possibility of a U.S. default.

"The nation's credit is at risk because of the administration's refusal to sit down and have a conversation,"

Senator Ted Cruz, who has been the standard-bearer for Republican opposition to funding the government without measures to undercut Obama's healthcare law, told CNN that Congress frequently in the past had attached curbs on spending to votes to raise the debt ceiling.

Democratic Senator Charles Schumer told ABC's "This Week" he did not believe Boehner would let the nation go into default, as it would lead to chaos on financial markets, freeze lines of credit and cause a jump in interest rates.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


This is just scary to me. What the Tea baggers don't seem to understand is that no matter what, the debt ceiling MUST be raised. It does not matter what spending programs get cut. Defaulting on our debt is the worst possible scenario no matter what dems or repubs agree to.
The nation does not really have to default. The nation has an enormous income. It merely has to prioritize. But, as Jack Lew said to Chris Wallace today, this regime will not prioritize.

It's sort of like if you maxed out your credit card and the bank refused to up your credit balance. You have a good job, you can pay your bills, you might not go out for dinner three nights a week, you might not throw that catered party, but you can pay your bills.

That's the position of the government. To imagine that if we cannot borrow more money, we can't pay any of the bills is plain silly. It's like saying that the entire country has no income, no one is paying taxes, no tariffs or fees are being collected. There's no income. In actuality there is plenty of income.

Yea, but there is this little thing called insolvency.

Edit: The UK have laws about it.

United Kingdom insolvency law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the US government is insolvent, it doesn't have enough income to pay it's obligations and it is bankrupt. The US is not insolvent. It merely has to cut down on the frills a tiny bit. No more 100 million dollar vacations for instance. That 300 million the US is giving to the Syrian terrorists, that gets scratched off the list. Likewise another 300 million to Palestinians. Egypt is getting 250 million.

Then there are the parties, junkets, bonuses (for doing an ordinary job) and the useless studies like how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill. Government waste costs 16 Billion dollars a year.

Government Spending Waste: 25 Wasteful Items - Business Insider

There there are 160 agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies wasting billions more.
GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending - The Hill's RegWatch

In reality, we cannot continue to borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed last time while we fritter away our income. No one can. No person, no business, no country can.
Well no shit sherlock. Seems to be why are in this position isn't it? The democrat held senate refuses to pass any bills that congress has sent them. Yet you act like the Senate is control here. Pass the f*cking bill that congress sent you, problem solved.

The Senate has voted on the House bills, time and time again.

The House, refuses to vote on the Senate bills.

Its time for the House to vote on the Senate bill.
...This is just scary to me. What the Tea baggers don't seem to understand is that no matter what, the debt ceiling MUST be raised. It does not matter what spending programs get cut. Defaulting on our debt is the worst possible scenario no matter what dems or repubs agree to.


Congress could pass a bill giving The Dept. of the Treasury the authority to prioritize spending on interest on the debt.

Sure, they'd be sued in Federal court. But while the SCOTUS looks into this for a few months, we wouldn't default.
Let the government default. The money they print is worthless anyway. Let's face it, a barrel pickle could be bought for 5 cents in 1955. A barrel pickle today cost $1.00. So, if one dollar is worth a mere 5cents --- then 100 dollars is actually worth only $5.00, and a thousand is really only $50.
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed on Sunday not to raise the U.S. debt ceiling without a "serious conversation" about what is driving the debt, while Democrats said it was irresponsible and reckless to raise the possibility of a U.S. default.

Democratic Senator Charles Schumer told ABC's "This Week" he did not believe Boehner would let the nation go into default, as it would lead to chaos on financial markets, freeze lines of credit and cause a jump in interest rates.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


This is just scary to me. What the Tea baggers don't seem to understand is that no matter what, the debt ceiling MUST be raised. It does not matter what spending programs get cut. Defaulting on our debt is the worst possible scenario no matter what dems or repubs agree to.

yeah sure, I bet it was scareeey back then too
[ame=http://youtu.be/ydZTHPkOnvE]Obama on raising the Debt Ceiling during his 2008 Campaign - YouTube[/ame]

you need to grow up
Let the government default. The money they print is worthless anyway. Let's face it, a barrel pickle could be bought for 5 cents in 1955. A barrel pickle today cost $1.00. So, if one dollar is worth a mere 5cents --- then 100 dollars is actually worth only $5.00, and a thousand is really only $50.

why do you hate the USA enough to want us to default?
Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner is as much a liar as a coward.

The president has no problem ‘negotiating,’ with regard to current, unresolved budgeting issues. Of course one fails to see why the president would ‘negotiate’ given the Executive neither writes nor passes spending legislation. Boehner needs to negotiate with Reid. WW staff are allowed to sit in and monitor Congressional negotiations, and contribute items the president might want to see as part of a given law, but any final legislative resolution can be agree upon only by members of Congress.

But Obama cannot ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law, such as the ACA. It’s ignorant idiocy to suggest otherwise.

Boehner and House republicans are of course at liberty to address amending the ACA after they’ve discharged their responsibility to ensure the government is funded and able to pay its debts.

All or nothing is not compromise.

Indeed. Neither is MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY...just what Reid And Obama are saying...and taking US down with them.

The Madness from them stops NOW.

WE have been trying to compromise through the House...NEITHER of these two goons will hear of it.

TIME to take matters into OUR hands...
Problem is, Cruz is right. Go to the fb page healthcare dot gov and read what the heck is going on with Obamacare. Not too long ago these politicians could get away with backdoor deals,etc b/c of the lack of internet media. Now, all their little shenanigans are discovered soon after they pull them, e.g. McConnell & Cornyn whipping up votes against Cruz & Lee.
Furthermore, why hasn't anyone mentioned the fact that our gov't is spending money so fast that nat'l parks are closed the DAY of the shutdown? Americans paid for those years ago and this administration is so arrogant that they actually have the balls to block any avenue to view Mt. Rushmore? Why is no one screaming about this crap? Ted is right; we don't need to raise the debt ceiling, we need to hold the gov't accountable for spending our hard earned $$ so recklessly. What we see going on now is that both sides are pissed b/c they've been busted. Good.

[ame=http://youtu.be/bMh8BueGme8]Obama Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006 - All Democrats Did - So why the change? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/ELkbDdPeL7I]Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt limit last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy - YouTube[/ame]

Obama Reid admit attempted sabotage of Bush

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