Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
If the Democrats refuse to talk or compromise just as they have been doing... It's on their heads.


Let's see how that plays out after a default.

The banks and financial industry which use to hedge between parties? They aren't going to do that anymore.

Then you are REALLY going to regret Citizen's United.


there will be no default..
The nations heavily invested in the US will see to it none of the sky will fall. As much as Obama would love to that happen, the Chinese, Germans and Japanese among others require a healthy US economy...
Well, Staph, who predicted the outcome of 6Nov12 correctly, you or me?

How are you enjoying President Romney's first term?:lol:
So Crocks? That means Obama and REID can run roughshod over the rest of US because they won?

YOU are in for one HELL of an extreme disappointment.

YOU don't declare WAR on the American society, particuliarally those whom didn't VOTE for you and expect smooth sailing...


We're not going to default.


That's what was being said about the Sequester..


And the earth did not stop rotating. The sky remained in place. The economy did not collapse..
Does this not appear familiar?
Obama said the stimulus was going to "put America back to work" and "shovel ready projects".."Infrastructure"...."New Teachers"...
SO where are we One Trillion bucks later? Not one step forward.
This Obama guy could not correctly predict whether or not the sun will rise.
Nice Fear Mongering. Neither side wants to default on the debt.

One side wants cuts to the Gov't including Obamacare, which will increase the debt and is already harmful to the eonomy.

The other side wants no cuts at all, and as a matter of fact have requested to end the sequester cuts.

The sequester cuts were only 85 BILLION A YEAR. 45 BILLION of those cuts directly to the DOD.

Our payments due to the interest on the debt is 395 Billion so far this year. As we continue this path of debt this amount continues to rise. If we do not change course it will eventually be the greatest expenditure in the Federal Gov't over time. The longer we wait to make the difficult choices to stop this ENDLESS CYCLE OF DEBT, the worse the situation gets.

It is time to STOP PLAYING GAMES with a Bloated Gov't that can't pay it's bills. It's time to FORCE THEM TO MAKE THE DECISIONS to end this endless cycle of debt. So, quite Frankly if they want to continue to act like a bunch of SPOILED BRATS, we need to put them in TIME OUT and put them in the corner.

Neither side will allow the default. They will pay the 30 BILLION due on the interest on the debt by the 17th. Unless rules for radicals apply with the libs and they allow it. There will be a bill to pay this in their hands to pay this bill, and if they don't sign it by that date THEY WILL BE THE ONES GUILTY OF CAUSING IT.

If, they refuse to sign a bill to pay this interest, and then we default by their not signing it, THEY ARE GUILTY OF IT.

Anyway, they will not allow it.
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed on Sunday not to raise the U.S. debt ceiling without a "serious conversation" about what is driving the debt, while Democrats said it was irresponsible and reckless to raise the possibility of a U.S. default.

Democratic Senator Charles Schumer told ABC's "This Week" he did not believe Boehner would let the nation go into default, as it would lead to chaos on financial markets, freeze lines of credit and cause a jump in interest rates.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


This is just scary to me. What the Tea baggers don't seem to understand is that no matter what, the debt ceiling MUST be raised. It does not matter what spending programs get cut. Defaulting on our debt is the worst possible scenario no matter what dems or repubs agree to.

No..The federal government could easily make the necessary cuts.
All that needs to be done is take the baseline budget increases for all depts which receive discretionary spending and cut the increases for each dept by 50%...
Each dept would get an increase. Not just as large. Problem solved.
But of course with a free spending socialist in the WH and democrats in the Senate concerned only with their freeloading constituencies would never consider such "Draconian" ( democrats word) cuts. Event though it's not a cut. It's a reduction of a scheduled increase.
Only on planet liberal can an increase be deemed a cut.
Scary? You're God damned right it's scary. It's scary when almost half the population's hair starts to fall out because they believe government will suddenly not be there to care for them.
Well no shit sherlock. Seems to be why are in this position isn't it? The democrat held senate refuses to pass any bills that congress has sent them. Yet you act like the Senate is control here. Pass the f*cking bill that congress sent you, problem solved.

The Senate has voted on the House bills, time and time again.

The House, refuses to vote on the Senate bills.

Its time for the House to vote on the Senate bill.

Fuck the senate bills. They have no power other than adding amendment's to the congressional bill. If congress decides to go along with those. No law exists that makes those additions binding to anyone.

The Senate is powerless in producing a budget. They can only pass what the congress approves of.
Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports?

Are we on the wrong track..................

Americans consistently say we are on the wrong track. Last poll at 63% believing this. That site shows the people continuously saying this OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Congress Approval Rating Lower Than Cockroaches, Genghis Khan And Nickelback, Poll Finds


Congressional approval ratings..... They aren't good.

The will of the people is being ignored. Nothing new. The people want them to fix this mess and move down the right path. Most Americans know we cannot sustain the path of continued debt.

There many roots of this crisis. Demographic, ideological, regional, some parts tied to accidents of history (the existence of the debt ceiling itself), others to the structure of our government. But I think most people, as crazy as this looks, are underestimating the scope of the crisis we're in the midst of. The pieces are in place to resolve the matter quickly, in the narrow sense of the votes. But the House Tea Party (and it really does look more like a distinct party or faction at this point) is forcing the matter, despite having well under a hundred seats in the House. Behind them they have an aggrieved GOP base and sustaining them the vast tranches of money provided by the Kochs and other top GOP mega-funders. John Boehner, not structurally in the sense of his office or position but personally, is simply too weak a figure to avert what's coming. Get ready.
Get Ready. It's Going to Happen.
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


This is just scary to me. What the Tea baggers don't seem to understand is that no matter what, the debt ceiling MUST be raised. It does not matter what spending programs get cut. Defaulting on our debt is the worst possible scenario no matter what dems or repubs agree to.

No..The federal government could easily make the necessary cuts.
All that needs to be done is take the baseline budget increases for all depts which receive discretionary spending and cut the increases for each dept by 50%...
Each dept would get an increase. Not just as large. Problem solved.
But of course with a free spending socialist in the WH and democrats in the Senate concerned only with their freeloading constituencies would never consider such "Draconian" ( democrats word) cuts. Event though it's not a cut. It's a reduction of a scheduled increase.
Only on planet liberal can an increase be deemed a cut.
Scary? You're God damned right it's scary. It's scary when almost half the population's hair starts to fall out because they believe government will suddenly not be there to care for them.

Here's an idea, how about freezing all Federal agency budgets every year? After all Federal workers pay has been frozen for 3+ years. Why do they need bigger budgets every year?
Let the government default. The money they print is worthless anyway. Let's face it, a barrel pickle could be bought for 5 cents in 1955. A barrel pickle today cost $1.00. So, if one dollar is worth a mere 5cents --- then 100 dollars is actually worth only $5.00, and a thousand is really only $50.

why do you hate the USA enough to want us to default?

Americans don't, but Odummer does

You folks do know who is the biggest buyer of our debt; right?

The United States- Through 85 billion a month of printing from the FED

Think about that, we need to raise the debt limit so we can continue to sell our debt to ourselves by printing money we don't have

What a ponzi scheme


The nation does not really have to default. The nation has an enormous income. It merely has to prioritize. But, as Jack Lew said to Chris Wallace today, this regime will not prioritize.

It's sort of like if you maxed out your credit card and the bank refused to up your credit balance. You have a good job, you can pay your bills, you might not go out for dinner three nights a week, you might not throw that catered party, but you can pay your bills.

That's the position of the government. To imagine that if we cannot borrow more money, we can't pay any of the bills is plain silly. It's like saying that the entire country has no income, no one is paying taxes, no tariffs or fees are being collected. There's no income. In actuality there is plenty of income.

Yea, but there is this little thing called insolvency.

Edit: The UK have laws about it.

United Kingdom insolvency law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the US government is insolvent, it doesn't have enough income to pay it's obligations and it is bankrupt. The US is not insolvent. It merely has to cut down on the frills a tiny bit. No more 100 million dollar vacations for instance. That 300 million the US is giving to the Syrian terrorists, that gets scratched off the list. Likewise another 300 million to Palestinians. Egypt is getting 250 million.

Then there are the parties, junkets, bonuses (for doing an ordinary job) and the useless studies like how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill. Government waste costs 16 Billion dollars a year.

Government Spending Waste: 25 Wasteful Items - Business Insider

There there are 160 agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies wasting billions more.
GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending - The Hill's RegWatch

In reality, we cannot continue to borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed last time while we fritter away our income. No one can. No person, no business, no country can.

The US government is not insolvent and can pay its bills.
Part of me says yes, let the nation default if that's what the Republicans want.

The other part of me, the Patriotic part says no, we cannot let the nation default.

Maybe Obama can find some way of not letting the nation default.

Perhaps he can defend unilaterally raising the debt ceiling to fund all existing payments that need to be made, but nothing more.

Once all spending is paid for by raising the debt ceiling, then Obama will have no excuse to raise the debt ceiling again, as all spending will be funded..except for interest on the debt.

The Constitution gives the House of Representatives sole authority to raise debt. Now of course Obama has trashed the Constitution before. And I expect he will again. But if he does it this time and it is allowed to stand then we have essentially a dictatorship. And it's time for the 3rd American Revoliution.

If the GOP loons allow the US to default...then their party is over. The Tea baggers will be the victims.
Well no shit sherlock. Seems to be why are in this position isn't it? The democrat held senate refuses to pass any bills that congress has sent them. Yet you act like the Senate is control here. Pass the f*cking bill that congress sent you, problem solved.

The Senate has voted on the House bills, time and time again.

The House, refuses to vote on the Senate bills.

Its time for the House to vote on the Senate bill.

Fuck the senate bills. They have no power other than adding amendment's to the congressional bill. If congress decides to go along with those. No law exists that makes those additions binding to anyone.

The Senate is powerless in producing a budget. They can only pass what the congress approves of.

Then of course the Senate is called the upper chamber....mainly because they are people who actially use their heads unlike the teatard loons in the House.
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed on Sunday not to raise the U.S. debt ceiling without a "serious conversation" about what is driving the debt, while Democrats said it was irresponsible and reckless to raise the possibility of a U.S. default.

"The nation's credit is at risk because of the administration's refusal to sit down and have a conversation,"

Senator Ted Cruz, who has been the standard-bearer for Republican opposition to funding the government without measures to undercut Obama's healthcare law, told CNN that Congress frequently in the past had attached curbs on spending to votes to raise the debt ceiling.

Democratic Senator Charles Schumer told ABC's "This Week" he did not believe Boehner would let the nation go into default, as it would lead to chaos on financial markets, freeze lines of credit and cause a jump in interest rates.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


Listen, Fool
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8FcVrehkpo]Obama says adding $4 trillion to debt is unpatriotic - YouTube[/ame]

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