Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
In just under a week Boehner has finally caved to the radical right wing and decided to put the nation's faith and credit at risk.

Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

So there you have it. Since Obama will not "talk" to him about unfunding a legally passed law, Boehner is willing to sink the entire nation's credit.

The GOP is like a bunch of whiny fucking kids. :funnyface:

Is it any wonder the GOP got their asses handed to them in 2012 and will again in 2014 and 2016?


Listen, Fool
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8FcVrehkpo]Obama says adding $4 trillion to debt is unpatriotic - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmm....I listened to it more than once and did not hear him say that a small faction of wacko politicians SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT to keep a law that has been deemed legal from being implemented was proper?

Perhaps you can tell me where he said it..........fool.


well, we know you people won't be able to live without, ObamaNoCare scam...and really the hell with all that freedoms OF CHOICE crap or Freedom from the Federal Government to FORCE something on you..that is ONLY FOR ABORTION evidently
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If the US government is insolvent, it doesn't have enough income to pay it's obligations and it is bankrupt. The US is not insolvent. It merely has to cut down on the frills a tiny bit. No more 100 million dollar vacations for instance. That 300 million the US is giving to the Syrian terrorists, that gets scratched off the list. Likewise another 300 million to Palestinians. Egypt is getting 250 million.

Then there are the parties, junkets, bonuses (for doing an ordinary job) and the useless studies like how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill. Government waste costs 16 Billion dollars a year.

Government Spending Waste: 25 Wasteful Items - Business Insider

There there are 160 agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies wasting billions more.
GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending - The Hill's RegWatch

In reality, we cannot continue to borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed last time while we fritter away our income. No one can. No person, no business, no country can.

The US government is not insolvent and can pay its bills.

I wouldn't count on that, if I were you. Buy U.S. war bonds. Or just stick your head between your knees.

The House Republicans are doing their best to not pay our bills.

But not being able to and choosing not to are two different things.
Both parties are going to have to negotiate. No more playing chicken. It's time to put their big boy pants on and stop playing games with the American people's future.

Negotiate over what?

I take it that you are an advocate of using the nations full faith credit and operations as tactics to be used in ALL negotiations?

I mean, if it's good enough for Republicans to use, you won't have a problem with the Dems using the same tactics. Would that be a correct statement?

Obama is the one that was going to cut the debt by half and did not. I would say it's time for either party to get serious for spending cuts when the debt is out of control the way it is.
Both parties are going to have to negotiate. No more playing chicken. It's time to put their big boy pants on and stop playing games with the American people's future.

Negotiate over what?

I take it that you are an advocate of using the nations full faith credit and operations as tactics to be used in ALL negotiations?

I mean, if it's good enough for Republicans to use, you won't have a problem with the Dems using the same tactics. Would that be a correct statement?

Obama is the one that was going to cut the debt by half and did not. I would say it's time for either party to get serious for spending cuts when the debt is out of control the way it is.

Hey you really are a Republican. Can't answer a straight forward question. Dodge dodge. I'll try again.

Are you in favor of both parties using the full faith and credit of our government as well as whether or not the government is "open", as negotiating tactics to be used in the future as bargaining chips?

Seems like a pretty simple question to me.
You have to love it how the left is lying as always - not raising the debt ceiling has nothing to do with not paying our bills on the debt.
Negotiate over what?

I take it that you are an advocate of using the nations full faith credit and operations as tactics to be used in ALL negotiations?

I mean, if it's good enough for Republicans to use, you won't have a problem with the Dems using the same tactics. Would that be a correct statement?

Obama is the one that was going to cut the debt by half and did not. I would say it's time for either party to get serious for spending cuts when the debt is out of control the way it is.

Hey you really are a Republican. Can't answer a straight forward question. Dodge dodge. I'll try again.

Are you in favor of both parties using the full faith and credit of our government as well as whether or not the government is "open", as negotiating tactics to be used in the future as bargaining chips?

Seems like a pretty simple question to me.

That usually is not an option. It just happened to fall on the same time period this time. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
If the nation defaults, it's because the Democrats chose not to pay the bills.

We have a partial govt. shutdown because Boehner refuses to let the House vote on the Senate bills.

If we have a debt default, it will be for the same reason.

The government collects approximately $230 Billion dollars a month in taxes. The interest on the national debt is about 20 Billion a month. Why would we ever default on our national debt unless the Obama Administration decided not to pay the interest?
the American people sure do know...that is why Obama and his party is at 41% approval rating

but you all need dreams and any spin will do for ya

Congress approval rating, 14.2%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

okey, I guess that INCLUDES DEMOCRATS :lol:

These Congress approval polls are a whole lot of bunk.
Using the percentage of the reelection of incumbents, if those polled were asked what their thoughts of THEIR OWN Senator or House member, the approval rating would be in the 80's or even 90's.
Typical...."Oh my guy/gal is fine. It's those other ones they need to get rid of"..

These Congress approval polls are a whole lot of bunk.
Using the percentage of the reelection of incumbents, if those polled were asked what their thoughts of THEIR OWN Senator or House member, the approval rating would be in the 80's or even 90's.
Typical...."Oh my guy/gal is fine. It's those other ones they need to get rid of"..

Do you even understand what a "gerrymandered" voting district is? And how come ANY poll that doesn't reflect well on Republicans is "bunk" and any polls that reflect bad on Dems is "gospel"?
I can't wait for the forced banning of abortion by this FEDERAL guberment...

then we can all say, but it's THE LAW

frikken deal

Hmmm....I listened to it more than once and did not hear him say that a small faction of wacko politicians SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT to keep a law that has been deemed legal from being implemented was proper?

Perhaps you can tell me where he said it..........fool.


well, we know you people won't be able to live without, ObamaNoCare scam...and really the hell with all that freedoms OF CHOICE crap or Freedom from the Federal Government to FORCE something on you..that is ONLY FOR ABORTION evidently

Oh boohoo staph. If only the party you support could win the Senate and the WH. But that ain't gonna happen for a long long time.

BTW Obama care hasn't affected me negatively. (except for the government shut down provided by rethugs) I already have health insurance. You should try working for a living with a company that provides health insurance. Then maybe you wouldn't cry about it all the time.
I can't wait for the forced banning of abortion by this FEDERAL guberment...

then we can all say, but it's THE LAW

frikken deal[/QUOTE

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till the Dems control the House. They are gonna refuse to fund government or pay our bills. In exchange for opening the government and paying our bills, the Dems will be willing to do this IF they get universal background checks for all gun buyers and IF the ultra wealthy get a tax increase of 5%.

Won't you really love blackmail then?
Let the government default. The money they print is worthless anyway. Let's face it, a barrel pickle could be bought for 5 cents in 1955. A barrel pickle today cost $1.00. So, if one dollar is worth a mere 5cents --- then 100 dollars is actually worth only $5.00, and a thousand is really only $50.

why do you hate the USA enough to want us to default?
I don't hate the USA. The government has become as self-servicing as any other government. It is all about their power, their money, their benefits, their terms, and their twisted morality. America needs to return to her roots and appeal to God for mercy. USA has become and presently is nothing more than another Babylon, Athens, or Rome. God save her....
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This is just scary to me. What the Tea baggers don't seem to understand is that no matter what, the debt ceiling MUST be raised. It does not matter what spending programs get cut. Defaulting on our debt is the worst possible scenario no matter what dems or repubs agree to.

No..The federal government could easily make the necessary cuts.
All that needs to be done is take the baseline budget increases for all depts which receive discretionary spending and cut the increases for each dept by 50%...
Each dept would get an increase. Not just as large.
Problem solved.
But of course with a free spending socialist in the WH and democrats in the Senate concerned only with their freeloading constituencies would never consider such "Draconian" ( democrats word) cuts. Event though it's not a cut. It's a reduction of a scheduled increase.
Only[B] on planet liberal can an increase be deemed a cut.[/B]
Scary? You're God damned right it's scary. It's scary when almost half the population's hair starts to fall out because they believe government will suddenly not be there to care for them.

Do you make up all of you own bullshit? Or do you have help? Better yet, do you believe all your own bullshit? I hope not.

BTW, you need to make up your mind. Is an increase a decrease if the increase is not as much as planned? You know, like your idea above.

But I will tell you what is scary. The stupidity of people like you who want to use the governments ability to function and pay our bills as a negotiating chip to change or remove existing law.

How you gonna like it when the Dems shut the government down and refuse to pay our bills if the ultra wealthy don't get a 5% tax increase. Or how about shut er down if assault weapons are not banned. There are a LOT of things the Dems might want to use the shut down for. Won't it be great when the Dems do it?

One day the Dems will be in the majority in the House. You sure you want this idea of default and shutting down the government to be used against Repugs in the future?
First. There is no need to make this personal. So cut the insults. I will not tolerate it.
Now, you have deftly sidestepped the point.
Baseline budgeting is the method by which our federal departments are funded. That includes discretionary spending.
All budgets are increased on a yearly basis by a certain percentage based on the fiscal requirements of each department.
The idea is to reduce the amount of increase each fiscal year until the federal government can cease running deficits to operate at full capacity.
Each time this idea is introduced, howls of protest come from the political left. The message given to the people is "they are cutting your( name the entitlement)....When in fact there is no cut at all. It is simple a reduction in the budget increase.
This tactic to not fund Obamacare is nothing new. These types of deals have been part of how our government works from the beginning.
For example, do you really think the Electric Boat Company where all of our nuclear submarines are built has been in Groton, CT because it is THE ideal place to do this work?
The subs are built there because powerful legislators have made deals to insure the work is kept in this otherwise small Connecticut South Shore town.
This deal with Obamacare is nothing new. It's just on a more grand scale.
Laws are changed all the time. For the most part new legislation is written to make the existing law no longer valid.
Where do you people get the idea that once a law is passed and signed it is sacrosanct?
The wealthy DID get a tax increase. So did everyone else.
BTW, there was no continuing resolution or any spending measure tied to the tax increase.
The gun thing is not going to happen. First, that is an issue for the states. Second, many states have passed laws restricting the use or ownership of certain weapons. They have done this without breaching the 2nd Amendment.
Your emotion filled post used two very poor examples of how you see this as a tit for tat issue.
That's scary.
Here we have a program, Obamacare, which offers nothing in resemblance to what we were told, will cost THREE times the original figure. That is based on the report from the CBO. Has caused premiums to skyrocket for those who choose to stay with their current carrier.
What else is there to say. ACA is a bad law and it needs to be changed dramatically or not funded in its current form.
This fight is not about health insurance or medical care. This impasse is the work of the President who is concerned more with his legacy and a democrat faction willing to carry the water for the President.
The words "I will not negotiate" are not those of an elected governing executive. Those are the words of ruler.
Hmmm....I listened to it more than once and did not hear him say that a small faction of wacko politicians SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT to keep a law that has been deemed legal from being implemented was proper?

Perhaps you can tell me where he said it..........fool.


well, we know you people won't be able to live without, ObamaNoCare scam...and really the hell with all that freedoms OF CHOICE crap or Freedom from the Federal Government to FORCE something on you..that is ONLY FOR ABORTION evidently

Oh boohoo staph. If only the party you support could win the Senate and the WH. But that ain't gonna happen for a long long time.

BTW Obama care hasn't affected me negatively. (except for the government shut down provided by rethugs) I already have health insurance. You should try working for a living with a company that provides health insurance. Then maybe you wouldn't cry about it all the time.
Oh. So your employer insurance policy is in 100% compliance with the federal mandates?
If not, you'll be getting a substantial increase in your premiums so that your carrier can come into compliance. Otherwise, you'll be on the exchanges along with all the other people who are employed but their employer decided it was just too expensive to insure the workers.
I can't wait for the forced banning of abortion by this FEDERAL guberment...

then we can all say, but it's THE LAW

frikken deal[/QUOTE

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till the Dems control the House. They are gonna refuse to fund government or pay our bills. In exchange for opening the government and paying our bills, the Dems will be willing to do this IF they get universal background checks for all gun buyers and IF the ultra wealthy get a tax increase of 5%.

Won't you really love blackmail then?

Why are you so hung up on guns and taxes?
Is it because you view the government as the supreme authority that requires double or even triple the revenue to institute the totalitarian policies you so desire? And of course to provide the social order required for the security of the State, by God those guns MUST go.
Strike the 2nd Amnedment by executive order. Create criminals of every gun owner.
Pay our bills? DO you mean the ones our government SHOULD NOT be running up?
No..The federal government could easily make the necessary cuts.
All that needs to be done is take the baseline budget increases for all depts which receive discretionary spending and cut the increases for each dept by 50%...
Each dept would get an increase. Not just as large.
Problem solved.
But of course with a free spending socialist in the WH and democrats in the Senate concerned only with their freeloading constituencies would never consider such "Draconian" ( democrats word) cuts. Event though it's not a cut. It's a reduction of a scheduled increase.
Only[B] on planet liberal can an increase be deemed a cut.[/B]
Scary? You're God damned right it's scary. It's scary when almost half the population's hair starts to fall out because they believe government will suddenly not be there to care for them.

Do you make up all of you own bullshit? Or do you have help? Better yet, do you believe all your own bullshit? I hope not.

BTW, you need to make up your mind. Is an increase a decrease if the increase is not as much as planned? You know, like your idea above.

But I will tell you what is scary. The stupidity of people like you who want to use the governments ability to function and pay our bills as a negotiating chip to change or remove existing law.

How you gonna like it when the Dems shut the government down and refuse to pay our bills if the ultra wealthy don't get a 5% tax increase. Or how about shut er down if assault weapons are not banned. There are a LOT of things the Dems might want to use the shut down for. Won't it be great when the Dems do it?

One day the Dems will be in the majority in the House. You sure you want this idea of default and shutting down the government to be used against Repugs in the future?
First. There is no need to make this personal. So cut the insults. I will not tolerate it.
Now, you have deftly sidestepped the point.
Baseline budgeting is the method by which our federal departments are funded. That includes discretionary spending.
All budgets are increased on a yearly basis by a certain percentage based on the fiscal requirements of each department.
The idea is to reduce the amount of increase each fiscal year until the federal government can cease running deficits to operate at full capacity.
Each time this idea is introduced, howls of protest come from the political left. The message given to the people is "they are cutting your( name the entitlement)....When in fact there is no cut at all. It is simple a reduction in the budget increase.
This tactic to not fund Obamacare is nothing new. These types of deals have been part of how our government works from the beginning.
For example, do you really think the Electric Boat Company where all of our nuclear submarines are built has been in Groton, CT because it is THE ideal place to do this work?
The subs are built there because powerful legislators have made deals to insure the work is kept in this otherwise small Connecticut South Shore town.
This deal with Obamacare is nothing new. It's just on a more grand scale.
Laws are changed all the time. For the most part new legislation is written to make the existing law no longer valid.
Where do you people get the idea that once a law is passed and signed it is sacrosanct?
The wealthy DID get a tax increase. So did everyone else.
BTW, there was no continuing resolution or any spending measure tied to the tax increase.
The gun thing is not going to happen. First, that is an issue for the states. Second, many states have passed laws restricting the use or ownership of certain weapons. They have done this without breaching the 2nd Amendment.
Your emotion filled post used two very poor examples of how you see this as a tit for tat issue.
That's scary.
Here we have a program, Obamacare, which offers nothing in resemblance to what we were told, will cost THREE times the original figure. That is based on the report from the CBO. Has caused premiums to skyrocket for those who choose to stay with their current carrier.
What else is there to say. ACA is a bad law and it needs to be changed dramatically or not funded in its current form.
This fight is not about health insurance or medical care. This impasse is the work of the President who is concerned more with his legacy and a democrat faction willing to carry the water for the President.
The words "I will not negotiate" are not those of an elected governing executive. Those are the words of ruler.

What the fuk are you gonna do about it? Put me on ignore. Oh I know, NEG REP. OMG. Not that. But if you didn't put me on ignore, talk about deft dodge. You da man.

You never did answer my question. You want the Dems to do the same thing with the funding of government and paying our bills, as the Republicans are doing right now?

And if you are not smart enough to figure out what subjects (guns and taxes) that the Dems might choose to use this tactic on, well it just goes to prove again how short sighted people like you are.

I have sent my couple of e mails to the WH urging the President not to enter negotiations with the terrorist rethugs in Congress.

Lets bring this to a head and find out just where we are going with this bull shit.
well, we know you people won't be able to live without, ObamaNoCare scam...and really the hell with all that freedoms OF CHOICE crap or Freedom from the Federal Government to FORCE something on you..that is ONLY FOR ABORTION evidently

Oh boohoo staph. If only the party you support could win the Senate and the WH. But that ain't gonna happen for a long long time.

BTW Obama care hasn't affected me negatively. (except for the government shut down provided by rethugs) I already have health insurance. You should try working for a living with a company that provides health insurance. Then maybe you wouldn't cry about it all the time.
Oh. So your employer insurance policy is in 100% compliance with the federal mandates?
If not, you'll be getting a substantial increase in your premiums so that your carrier can come into compliance. Otherwise, you'll be on the exchanges along with all the other people who are employed but their employer decided it was just too expensive to insure the workers.

You know what. There was an increase in premiums this year. And last year, and the year before and the year before that and on and on.

But you want to know the interesting thing about those increases? (I am sure you don't) the increases have been smaller since Obamacare was brought into play.

How could that be?

But the idea of shutting down the government and defaulting on debt could be applied to ANY legislation that the other party didn't like.

Are you for that or not. I am getting tired of asking and reading your dodges.
"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.
We must make our election between economy and liberty
or profusion and servitude.
If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and
in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and
our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...
[we will] have no time to think,
no means of calling our miss-managers to account
but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves
to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers...
And this is the tendency of all human governments.
A departure from principle in one instance
becomes a precedent for [another ]...
till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery...
And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt.
Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression."
~Thomas Jefferson

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