Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
Default is not a certainty. Sequester & improving economy are rapidly closing the debt gap. We have a very real chance of keeping or improving every ones current standard of living. But a default will greatly lower everyone's living standards, not just the poor & working class. Great wars have been fought over much less. None of us have ever lived through the misery of a world war.

that is the answer. cut the spending. the gap narrowed, but it is a big stretch to say it is closing as it is a big stretch to say economy is improving.
It is NOT.

Agreed. Anyone who believes that this economy is "improving" is drinking the kool-aid of OBarry. There are just as many people unemployed now as there were 2 years ago. Difference? They have given up looking and are living off Uncle Barry.

What you two are saying is absolutely not true. And blowing up the global economy & telling all those countries that we are not paying them back based on your lies is utterly insane. It will piss the entire planet of at us & we don't have the manufacturing base, oil or young warriors to fight them all off.

The hand in the photo should be black...

Damn, it is!
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that is the answer. cut the spending. the gap narrowed, but it is a big stretch to say it is closing as it is a big stretch to say economy is improving.
It is NOT.

Agreed. Anyone who believes that this economy is "improving" is drinking the kool-aid of OBarry. There are just as many people unemployed now as there were 2 years ago. Difference? They have given up looking and are living off Uncle Barry.

Maybe you should try to get a job.

The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

Another stupid reply. The Fortune 500 recording record profits has little to do with unemployment. The majority of their profits come from overseas equities. Just like the stock market. It continues to roll - why? Because they are dealing GLOBALLY now, not just in North America. Most North American companies have vested themselves OUTSIDE of North America now. Use your head for something other than a stand for Barry's feet.

I HAD two jobs. For the last 47 years. Never been unemployed a day in my life. You?
that is the answer. cut the spending. the gap narrowed, but it is a big stretch to say it is closing as it is a big stretch to say economy is improving.
It is NOT.

Agreed. Anyone who believes that this economy is "improving" is drinking the kool-aid of OBarry. There are just as many people unemployed now as there were 2 years ago. Difference? They have given up looking and are living off Uncle Barry.

What you two are saying is absolutely not true. And blowing up the global economy & telling all those countries that we are not paying them back based on your lies is utterly insane. It will piss the entire planet of at us & we don't have the manufacturing base, oil or young warriors to fight them all off.

are you high?

what does cutting spending ( sequester) and not improving economy has to do with "blowing up global economy and telling all those countries we are not paying them back"? :cuckoo:
This is a race to the bottom, folks. Anyway you slice it up, eventually the day of reckoning will come. The government, at some point, is destined to default on its obligations. It's either that, or they hyperinflate. Or they run tyrannical protectionsit measures in order to pay creditors.

Who is the biggest buyer currently of US monetized debt?

Who is the biggest buyer of Euro Debt? Yes all countries are crashing to the bottom, but all we have to do is fall slower & turn the corner first. Then investment flows our way. We are managing that.
Agreed. Anyone who believes that this economy is "improving" is drinking the kool-aid of OBarry. There are just as many people unemployed now as there were 2 years ago. Difference? They have given up looking and are living off Uncle Barry.

Maybe you should try to get a job.

The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

Another stupid reply

What did you expect from Chris?

Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

But you're right of course. Profits have been high because of cost cutting, which is why they are up when the economy is not improving.
This is a race to the bottom, folks. Anyway you slice it up, eventually the day of reckoning will come. The government, at some point, is destined to default on its obligations. It's either that, or they hyperinflate. Or they run tyrannical protectionsit measures in order to pay creditors.

Who is the biggest buyer currently of US monetized debt?

IF we don't cut our spending - you are right.

not that the left is NOT planning to default on our obligations - by the means of skyrocketing inflation - they don't even hide their intentions - but if we are talking about some responsibility here, that is not the way to act.
The Senate has voted on the House bills, time and time again.

The House, refuses to vote on the Senate bills.

Its time for the House to vote on the Senate bill.

Fuck the senate bills. They have no power other than adding amendment's to the congressional bill. If congress decides to go along with those. No law exists that makes those additions binding to anyone.

The Senate is powerless in producing a budget. They can only pass what the congress approves of.

Then of course the Senate is called the upper chamber....mainly because they are people who actially use their heads unlike the teatard loons in the House.

Since when is the inability or refusal to pass a budget called using their heads?
Maybe you should try to get a job.

The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

Another stupid reply

What did you expect from Chris?

Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

But you're right of course. Profits have been high because of cost cutting, which is why they are up when the economy is not improving.

Apparently this guy has never heard the word: Divestiture. So, what the hell, here is the definition: Disposition or sale of an asset by a company. A company will often divest an asset which is not performing well, which is not vital to the company's core business, or which is worth more to a potential buyer or as a separate entity than as part of the company.

This is what is happening with a large number of Fortune 500 companies in the US - cutting the fat here and doing business where it is profitable.

This guy is apparently unable to grasp the idea that companies are going to make profits IN SPITE of our government's incompetence.
This is a race to the bottom, folks. Anyway you slice it up, eventually the day of reckoning will come. The government, at some point, is destined to default on its obligations. It's either that, or they hyperinflate. Or they run tyrannical protectionsit measures in order to pay creditors.

Who is the biggest buyer currently of US monetized debt?

Who is the biggest buyer of Euro Debt? Yes all countries are crashing to the bottom, but all we have to do is fall slower & turn the corner first. Then investment flows our way. We are managing that.

The Euro isn't the world's reserve currency. I see you aren't economically inept like many here, but I do believe you're being overly optimistic regarding our position at the world table.

This is not a sustainable system, and when the music stops we're not going to have a chair.
This is a race to the bottom, folks. Anyway you slice it up, eventually the day of reckoning will come. The government, at some point, is destined to default on its obligations. It's either that, or they hyperinflate. Or they run tyrannical protectionsit measures in order to pay creditors.

Who is the biggest buyer currently of US monetized debt?

Who is the biggest buyer of Euro Debt? Yes all countries are crashing to the bottom, but all we have to do is fall slower & turn the corner first. Then investment flows our way. We are managing that.

The Euro isn't the world's reserve currency. I see you aren't economically inept like many here, but I do believe you're being overly optimistic regarding our position at the world table.

This is not a sustainable system, and when the music stops we're not going to have a chair.

Yes the Euro isn't the world's reserve currency like the US Dollar is, but it is one of them. You can ring-fence a Greek default but you can't do that to the Euro or the US Dollar. Life will be pure hell for everyone on earth if either collapse.
Who is the biggest buyer of Euro Debt? Yes all countries are crashing to the bottom, but all we have to do is fall slower & turn the corner first. Then investment flows our way. We are managing that.

The Euro isn't the world's reserve currency. I see you aren't economically inept like many here, but I do believe you're being overly optimistic regarding our position at the world table.

This is not a sustainable system, and when the music stops we're not going to have a chair.

Yes the Euro isn't the world's reserve currency like the US Dollar is, but it is one of them. You can ring-fence a Greek default but you can't do that to the Euro or the US Dollar. Life will be pure hell for everyone on earth if either collapse.

Now you've simply gone to hyperbole and demogoging the issue.
The Euro isn't the world's reserve currency. I see you aren't economically inept like many here, but I do believe you're being overly optimistic regarding our position at the world table.

This is not a sustainable system, and when the music stops we're not going to have a chair.

Yes the Euro isn't the world's reserve currency like the US Dollar is, but it is one of them. You can ring-fence a Greek default but you can't do that to the Euro or the US Dollar. Life will be pure hell for everyone on earth if either collapse.

Now you've simply gone to hyperbole and demogoging the issue.

Ok - If you have gold it won't be pure hell, but we will be back to the barter system. It won't be anything like the efficient point & click global trade & leverage system we have now.
How far will our living standards fall without US dollar backed by the full faith & credit of the Federal Government?

There would be no post office to send your gold coin to China & South Korea for your I-Phone or Samsung Galaxy. No shipping protection for your gold or phone from pirates either direction. Will the cellular tower system still work? I will have to ship gold to foreign countries for equipment, fuel & fertilizer to grow the 1,000+ acres of crops I do now that feeds 850 people at current food consumption rates. If things go wrong people will starve.
This is a race to the bottom, folks. Anyway you slice it up, eventually the day of reckoning will come. The government, at some point, is destined to default on its obligations. It's either that, or they hyperinflate. Or they run tyrannical protectionsit measures in order to pay creditors.

Who is the biggest buyer currently of US monetized debt?

That's nonsense. There is no reason they must default on the debt. The British Empire ran a deficit for probably 100 years with no issue. The problem is not a deficit per se. The problem is teh deficit in regard to the rest of the economy. And here we are pushing the limit.
But if somehow by some miracle Obama woke up and said The deficit is too high. We need to cut it in half in the next 2 years, and then actually did that, we could go on foreever.
Yea, but there is this little thing called insolvency.

Edit: The UK have laws about it.

United Kingdom insolvency law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the US government is insolvent, it doesn't have enough income to pay it's obligations and it is bankrupt. The US is not insolvent. It merely has to cut down on the frills a tiny bit. No more 100 million dollar vacations for instance. That 300 million the US is giving to the Syrian terrorists, that gets scratched off the list. Likewise another 300 million to Palestinians. Egypt is getting 250 million.

Then there are the parties, junkets, bonuses (for doing an ordinary job) and the useless studies like how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill. Government waste costs 16 Billion dollars a year.

Government Spending Waste: 25 Wasteful Items - Business Insider

There there are 160 agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies wasting billions more.
GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending - The Hill's RegWatch

In reality, we cannot continue to borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed last time while we fritter away our income. No one can. No person, no business, no country can.
Actually, it's more than a tiny bit. Preventing the government from borrowing to meet its obligations would require all discretionary spending, such as for defense, education, housing and other annual appropriations, to stop, according to the Congressional Research Service. Most of the outlays for mandatory programs, such as Social Security, also would have to be halted, while taxes would need to rise to ensure the government had money to spend. Deep spending cuts and tax hikes would throw the economy into recession.

As of Oct 17th, the federal government will have about 30 billion dollars of cash on hand. That isn't enough because the government spends as much as $60 billion per day. How long the government could avoid defaulting would depend on how agile the administration is at raising cash by cutting spending to pay obligations coming due. Eventually, the government would be faced with either violating the law by not preforming some mandatory function or defaulting. At that point they would probably default. However before that happened financial markets would be in crisis mode and the country would be heading into a recession.

Well, if the government gets out of the business of public education, there will be open scripture reading a prayer allowed back in. Not such a bad thing...
Obama should have the radical right arrested for treason and terror attacks against the nation.


this is why we are in this mess, dems/liberals actually believe this stuff, they believe their political opponents are terrorists and should be arrested.

that alone, says much about the left wing....

[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

The definition of terrorism describes the teabaggers perfectly.

give specific examples
This is a race to the bottom, folks. Anyway you slice it up, eventually the day of reckoning will come. The government, at some point, is destined to default on its obligations. It's either that, or they hyperinflate. Or they run tyrannical protectionsit measures in order to pay creditors.

Who is the biggest buyer currently of US monetized debt?

That's nonsense. There is no reason they must default on the debt. The British Empire ran a deficit for probably 100 years with no issue. The problem is not a deficit per se. The problem is teh deficit in regard to the rest of the economy. And here we are pushing the limit.
But if somehow by some miracle Obama woke up and said The deficit is too high. We need to cut it in half in the next 2 years, and then actually did that, we could go on foreever.

Have you ever seen the movie Road Warrior? Times change, and in the one hundred years you referred to, times didn't change a whole lot, not at least, anything like they did or could, as is exemplified in this movie.
If the US government is insolvent, it doesn't have enough income to pay it's obligations and it is bankrupt. The US is not insolvent. It merely has to cut down on the frills a tiny bit. No more 100 million dollar vacations for instance. That 300 million the US is giving to the Syrian terrorists, that gets scratched off the list. Likewise another 300 million to Palestinians. Egypt is getting 250 million.

Then there are the parties, junkets, bonuses (for doing an ordinary job) and the useless studies like how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill. Government waste costs 16 Billion dollars a year.

Government Spending Waste: 25 Wasteful Items - Business Insider

There there are 160 agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies wasting billions more.
GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending - The Hill's RegWatch

In reality, we cannot continue to borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed last time while we fritter away our income. No one can. No person, no business, no country can.
Actually, it's more than a tiny bit. Preventing the government from borrowing to meet its obligations would require all discretionary spending, such as for defense, education, housing and other annual appropriations, to stop, according to the Congressional Research Service. Most of the outlays for mandatory programs, such as Social Security, also would have to be halted, while taxes would need to rise to ensure the government had money to spend. Deep spending cuts and tax hikes would throw the economy into recession.

As of Oct 17th, the federal government will have about 30 billion dollars of cash on hand. That isn't enough because the government spends as much as $60 billion per day. How long the government could avoid defaulting would depend on how agile the administration is at raising cash by cutting spending to pay obligations coming due. Eventually, the government would be faced with either violating the law by not preforming some mandatory function or defaulting. At that point they would probably default. However before that happened financial markets would be in crisis mode and the country would be heading into a recession.

Well, if the government gets out of the business of public education, there will be open scripture reading a prayer allowed back in. Not such a bad thing...

Please Lord Jesus, save our poor asses, cause the gop's tearin us up!

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