Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
Flap-yap all you want, Teabaggers. When it hits the fan, ain't gonna be the Dems that everyone comes down on. You fellows have been shouting for years about drowning the goverment, now you are actually doing it. And the American Citizen knows exactly who to blame.
Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner is as much a liar as a coward.

The president has no problem ‘negotiating,’ with regard to current, unresolved budgeting issues. Of course one fails to see why the president would ‘negotiate’ given the Executive neither writes nor passes spending legislation. Boehner needs to negotiate with Reid. WW staff are allowed to sit in and monitor Congressional negotiations, and contribute items the president might want to see as part of a given law, but any final legislative resolution can be agree upon only by members of Congress.

But Obama cannot ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law, such as the ACA. It’s ignorant idiocy to suggest otherwise.

Boehner and House republicans are of course at liberty to address amending the ACA after they’ve discharged their responsibility to ensure the government is funded and able to pay its debts.

Hmmmm, then how did he change ACA (unconstitutional btw) to delay the employer mandate and 4 other provisions? Funny how he picks and choose what he wants enforced, isn't it? Also, the immigration laws are the "law of the land" yet Obama, et al. refuse to enforce them to the detriment of the American people. Does that qualify as "ignorant idiocy?"
Flap-yap all you want, Teabaggers. When it hits the fan, ain't gonna be the Dems that everyone comes down on. You fellows have been shouting for years about drowning the goverment, now you are actually doing it. And the American Citizen knows exactly who to blame.

the American people sure do know...that is why Obama and his party are at 41% approval rating

but you all need dreams and any spin will do for ya
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Wall Steet, bankers, the fellow working his tail off and living from paycheck to paycheck are all going to be on the same side on this one. All of their incomes are going to be affected severely. I really get the feeling that the Teabaggers and people like Cruz and many on this board have totally retreated from reality. You crash the economy on purpose after crashing accidentally through idiocy, you are going to answer to the whole of America. And it is not going to be pretty for the GOP.
Wall Steet, bankers, the fellow working his tail off and living from paycheck to paycheck are all going to be on the same side on this one. All of their incomes are going to be affected severely. I really get the feeling that the Teabaggers and people like Cruz and many on this board have totally retreated from reality. You crash the economy on purpose after crashing accidentally through idiocy, you are going to answer to the whole of America. And it is not going to be pretty for the GOP.

whoa, the FEAR MONGERING is reaching FEVER PITCH

now they are CRASHING THE ECONOMY...like we can't survive without the government. probably in some of your worlds we cant'

Who care about what fweeeling you have, good gawd
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Flap-yap all you want, Teabaggers. When it hits the fan, ain't gonna be the Dems that everyone comes down on. You fellows have been shouting for years about drowning the goverment, now you are actually doing it. And the American Citizen knows exactly who to blame.

the American people sure do know...that is why Obama and his party is at 41% approval rating

but you all need dreams and any spin will do for ya

Congress approval rating, 14.2%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval
The nation does not really have to default. The nation has an enormous income. It merely has to prioritize. But, as Jack Lew said to Chris Wallace today, this regime will not prioritize.

It's sort of like if you maxed out your credit card and the bank refused to up your credit balance. You have a good job, you can pay your bills, you might not go out for dinner three nights a week, you might not throw that catered party, but you can pay your bills.

That's the position of the government. To imagine that if we cannot borrow more money, we can't pay any of the bills is plain silly. It's like saying that the entire country has no income, no one is paying taxes, no tariffs or fees are being collected. There's no income. In actuality there is plenty of income.

Yea, but there is this little thing called insolvency.

Edit: The UK have laws about it.

United Kingdom insolvency law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the US government is insolvent, it doesn't have enough income to pay it's obligations and it is bankrupt. The US is not insolvent. It merely has to cut down on the frills a tiny bit. No more 100 million dollar vacations for instance. That 300 million the US is giving to the Syrian terrorists, that gets scratched off the list. Likewise another 300 million to Palestinians. Egypt is getting 250 million.

Then there are the parties, junkets, bonuses (for doing an ordinary job) and the useless studies like how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill. Government waste costs 16 Billion dollars a year.

Government Spending Waste: 25 Wasteful Items - Business Insider

There there are 160 agencies that duplicate the work of other agencies wasting billions more.
GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending - The Hill's RegWatch

In reality, we cannot continue to borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed last time while we fritter away our income. No one can. No person, no business, no country can.

Insolvency is not something you can fudge. I took two years of General Business in high school and learned a lot about insolvency. From my understanding (correct me if I am wrong), it is very possible, but of course unlikely, that private citizens can go to jail for being insolvent. That means the police and the court will determine if the luxuries you indulged in were REALLY necessary or not. It boils down to necessities versus luxuries. If the U.S. ever determines to go the route of the UK, all of that on a national level will be hashed out meticulously in the U.S. Supreme Court eventually.
Obama should have the radical right arrested for treason and terror attacks against the nation.

And just who would be included in your defination of "radical right" to be arrested for treason and terror attacks against the nation?

Cruz first and foremost, then any other right winger that voted against the nation paying it's bills and supports holding the nation hostage over their own butthurt with a completely unrelated bill.

Yer funny when you're angry
What you suggest may exist in that little lefty moonbat compartment in which you live, but it doesn't fly here.
The nation does not really have to default. The nation has an enormous income. It merely has to prioritize. But, as Jack Lew said to Chris Wallace today, this regime will not prioritize.

It's sort of like if you maxed out your credit card and the bank refused to up your credit balance. You have a good job, you can pay your bills, you might not go out for dinner three nights a week, you might not throw that catered party, but you can pay your bills.

That's the position of the government. To imagine that if we cannot borrow more money, we can't pay any of the bills is plain silly. It's like saying that the entire country has no income, no one is paying taxes, no tariffs or fees are being collected. There's no income. In actuality there is plenty of income.

Yea, but there is this little thing called insolvency.

Edit: The UK have laws about it.

United Kingdom insolvency law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You mean the little things like people voting themselves retirement programs and pensions and healthcare policies that can never be paid for? That kind of insolvency? The dems will never understand that.

Necessities and luxuries have to be tangible goods, services, etc.
Flap-yap all you want, Teabaggers. When it hits the fan, ain't gonna be the Dems that everyone comes down on. You fellows have been shouting for years about drowning the goverment, now you are actually doing it. And the American Citizen knows exactly who to blame.

the American people sure do know...that is why Obama and his party is at 41% approval rating

but you all need dreams and any spin will do for ya

Congress approval rating, 14.2%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

okey, I guess that INCLUDES DEMOCRATS :lol:
If the Democrats refuse to talk or compromise just as they have been doing... It's on their heads.

The Democrats don't decide what bills get brought up for a vote in the House.

Speaker Boehner does.

He has the power to bring up a clean bill that funds the govt. and extends the debt ceiling.

Its all on him.

The clean bill thing is the spin the democrats want everyone to hear.
It's not gaining any traction because the majority of us are opposed to Obamacare. We want it GONE...
And quite frankly, the Obamacare sticker shock is getting plenty of notice.
Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won't negotiate

Boehner is as much a liar as a coward.

The president has no problem ‘negotiating,’ with regard to current, unresolved budgeting issues. Of course one fails to see why the president would ‘negotiate’ given the Executive neither writes nor passes spending legislation. Boehner needs to negotiate with Reid. WW staff are allowed to sit in and monitor Congressional negotiations, and contribute items the president might want to see as part of a given law, but any final legislative resolution can be agree upon only by members of Congress.

But Obama cannot ‘negotiate’ concerning existing Federal law, such as the ACA. It’s ignorant idiocy to suggest otherwise.

Boehner and House republicans are of course at liberty to address amending the ACA after they’ve discharged their responsibility to ensure the government is funded and able to pay its debts.

Hmmmm, then how did he change ACA (unconstitutional btw) to delay the employer mandate and 4 other provisions? Funny how he picks and choose what he wants enforced, isn't it? Also, the immigration laws are the "law of the land" yet Obama, et al. refuse to enforce them to the detriment of the American people. Does that qualify as "ignorant idiocy?"

The president didn’t ‘change’ anything.

The text of the Act is exactly the same as the day it was signed into law.

Either because you’re ignorant or a partisan hack, you’re confusing legislating with implementation – Congress writes the legislation and sends those measures to be signed into law by the president. It then becomes the president’s responsibility to implement that now existing Federal law.

Historically presidents have interpreted Federal law and implemented the law in accordance with that interpretation.

If you or anyone else on the right believes the president is interpreting and implementing a given Federal law inappropriately, feel free to take the Administration to court.

Last, however a president might interpret or implement a given Federal law, that has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with Congress’ responsibility to ensure the government is funded and able to pay its debts.
Wall Steet, bankers, the fellow working his tail off and living from paycheck to paycheck are all going to be on the same side on this one. All of their incomes are going to be affected severely. I really get the feeling that the Teabaggers and people like Cruz and many on this board have totally retreated from reality. You crash the economy on purpose after crashing accidentally through idiocy, you are going to answer to the whole of America. And it is not going to be pretty for the GOP.

Lol, why is it people won't hold their reps accountable for wasting our money for the last 5 decades? All of a sudden, it's Cruzs' fault for forcing this nation to wake up and smell the roses. And no one has answered as to why our reps are so upset these days. It's b/c they are being called down on their crap.
Wall Steet, bankers, the fellow working his tail off and living from paycheck to paycheck are all going to be on the same side on this one. All of their incomes are going to be affected severely. I really get the feeling that the Teabaggers and people like Cruz and many on this board have totally retreated from reality. You crash the economy on purpose after crashing accidentally through idiocy, you are going to answer to the whole of America. And it is not going to be pretty for the GOP.

whoa, the FEAR MONGERING is reaching FEVER PITCH

now they are CRASHING THE ECONOMY...like we can't survive without the government. probably in some of your worlds we cant'

Who care about what fweeeling you have, good gawd

Wow the economy is crashing people are making runs on the banks there are bread lines it's the great depression all over again not. On the even more bizarre front a leftie concerned about Wall Street bankers losing some of their profits the very same type of people they labeled as the so called 1% and vilified only a year or so ago. There are some really strange thought patterns going on here.

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