Let The Truth Be Known To All

So lets see now. Tell us how long Palestine has "been a kingdom in the Levant." We love you. Heh Heh

Because you're premise is false, it hasn't been israel's land since antiquity. Fix that and maybe you'll get a serious response.

You're mentally ill, and too stupid for anyone to even be interested in a serious discussion with.

I see. You're claiming israel has continuously been a kingdom in the levant for 3000 years?
Enough of Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so Palestinians can remain in Israel.

Gosh I wonder why Alfafa has so suddenly disappeared?

So lets see now. Tell us how long Palestine has "been a kingdom in the Levant." We love you. Heh Heh

I see. You're claiming israel has continuously been a kingdom in the levant for 3000 years?

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