LET THEM EAT CAKE.... round 11,000

Ahh... isn't it sweet??
Look at Nancy Pelosi attending a super crowded wedding, and what's that?? - No one wearing mask???


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Kids aren’t vaccinated
You think it's reasonable for the people who say we should wear masks, to wear one?

Or do they not really believe it?

They know it is theater. It is about CONTROL.

The sheep love it.

One can open the pen to let a sheep run free, and it WILL NOT.

It will WILLINGLY march to the slaughterhouse.

That is your lefty mentality.
When combined with the vaccine, and social distancing, they help.
When combined with the vaccine, and social distancing, they help.

Does it look like Pelosi is social distancing?

Then why do you morons whine when Democrats don't wear them?
Do we need to wear masks? Yes or no?
Okay. Let's try this thing one more time.

They SAY that WE PEONS need to wear the face diapers, no matter what.


If someone cannot perceive the perverse asymmetry of that situation, they are beyond teaching.

Are they gods, incorruptible and incapable of infecting others? Where's their "Do it for the most vulnerable among us" attitude at that wedding?

We are the chattel and they are the owners. Period.

And y'all love it.

You who submit to being owned are nearly as disgusting as your owners.
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Still not getting it are you.
You idiots claim masks don't work and refuse to wear them.
Then you whine when you see Dems not wearing them.
Why would Dems wear a mask if (according to you idiots) they don't work?
rules for thee but not for me?
We aren't the ones making the rules, the corrupt dems are the ones saying everyone else have to have the shots and wear the masks but they are above their own laws...

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