‘Let them keep it!’: Trump says US shouldn’t take drone back


Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.
The 'world leaders' already know all about Trump. He's been eating the lunch of these 'world leaders businessmen for decades.
They all KNOW when Trump says something he means it.
If he tells Asad there is a new sheriff in town with a can of red spray paint you can be 100% guaranteed Assad will NEVER cross any 'red line' laid down by Trump.
It may take a few VERY unpleasant experiences on the part of some 'world leaders' until some of them get the message.

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.
The 'world leaders' already know all about Trump. He's been eating the lunch of these 'world leaders businessmen for decades.
They all KNOW when Trump says something he means it.
If he tells Asad there is a new sheriff in town with a can of red spray paint you can be 100% guaranteed Assad will NEVER cross any 'red line' laid down by Trump.
It may take a few VERY unpleasant experiences on the part of some 'world leaders' until some of them get the message.
lets hope that Trumps experience in negotiating will give him the ability to lay down the law, make world leaders understand that he is not going to put up with their crap, and that he can do it without having to resort to anything that might be considered unpleasant experiences.
Not sure about the rest of you but I am personally tired of the U.S having a body count to report.
imo, he knows that China will NOT give back such a valuable intelligence prize, so making demands that you can not enforce, short of war, is a bad idea.

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.
The 'world leaders' already know all about Trump. He's been eating the lunch of these 'world leaders businessmen for decades.
They all KNOW when Trump says something he means it.
If he tells Asad there is a new sheriff in town with a can of red spray paint you can be 100% guaranteed Assad will NEVER cross any 'red line' laid down by Trump.
It may take a few VERY unpleasant experiences on the part of some 'world leaders' until some of them get the message.
lets hope that Trumps experience in negotiating will give him the ability to lay down the law, make world leaders understand that he is not going to put up with their crap, and that he can do it without having to resort to anything that might be considered unpleasant experiences.
Not sure about the rest of you but I am personally tired of the U.S having a body count to report.
Trump will use financial measures to protect American interests.
The world is too dependant on the US economically to give Trump any shit.
You watch. One of the first things Trump will do is tear up the fucking joke 'agreement' with Iran.
The Mullahs don't like it?
President Trump's government shuts off Iran's money supply and throws in a bunch of HD sanctions for good measure.
Watch how long before the fucking rag head sand monkeys come crawling.
President Trump sends in a thousand AMERICAN!!!!! scientists to 100% dismantle Iran's nuclear bomb making facilities. Then and only then will President Trump take any phone calls from the sand monkeys.
I haven't really followed this story. Was the drone in their territory spying on them or did they steal it from us?

It is an relatively inexpensive unclassified drone used to map the sea floor, and in international waters.

China stole US underwater drone in South China Sea as Americans watched
Anyone can buy one of these drones off Ebay.
The drone isn't the point. The Chinese have reached the point where they couldn't give a fuck what the official Obama's administration response is.
The Chinese decided to rub Obama's cowardliness in his face one more time just for fun.

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump owes hundreds of millions to the Bank of China. What happens when they tell him they want their money back?

He will probably tell them "if you think this is alot of money, wait until you don't get paid for what you lent the U.S federal government"!

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.
The 'world leaders' already know all about Trump. He's been eating the lunch of these 'world leaders businessmen for decades.
They all KNOW when Trump says something he means it.
If he tells Asad there is a new sheriff in town with a can of red spray paint you can be 100% guaranteed Assad will NEVER cross any 'red line' laid down by Trump.
It may take a few VERY unpleasant experiences on the part of some 'world leaders' until some of them get the message.
lets hope that Trumps experience in negotiating will give him the ability to lay down the law, make world leaders understand that he is not going to put up with their crap, and that he can do it without having to resort to anything that might be considered unpleasant experiences.
Not sure about the rest of you but I am personally tired of the U.S having a body count to report.
Trump will use financial measures to protect American interests.
The world is too dependant on the US economically to give Trump any shit.
You watch. One of the first things Trump will do is tear up the fucking joke 'agreement' with Iran.
The Mullahs don't like it?
President Trump's government shuts off Iran's money supply and throws in a bunch of HD sanctions for good measure.
Watch how long before the fucking rag head sand monkeys come crawling.
President Trump sends in a thousand AMERICAN!!!!! scientists to 100% dismantle Iran's nuclear bomb making facilities. Then and only then will President Trump take any phone calls from the sand monkeys.
Or they send more fighters into the fight. Man I hope you guys prove me wrong. I don't agree or approve, just like in Iraq 2003 but good luck. Don't start another war you can't finish like bush and chaney. Defense contractors did well in the 2000s so did oil companies. This will cost you $4 a gallon by the way.

I'm 7 minutes from my job now. In the 2000s I drove an hour each way. Go ahead and Jack up gas prices again I'm prepared
Y'all are a little late they are already returning the drone.
After they took it you mean.....
Where did they take it from?

In Internationally waters and territory which has multiple claims from different countries. Located near the South China Sea where the Chinese have been building illegal islands and arming them with runways and military weapons for a future assault on heir neighbours and American interests.

No need to fire a weapon. Start rolling back their economic successes, going very hard on any Chinese spies who are engaging in military and corporate espionage, strengthen ties with Japan and their surrounding enemies, push for other countries to seek other cheap labour sources, be they Vietnam or another location.

China has become arrogant and unconcerned with any responses from America, this is why they are so bold. They just couldn't help themselves when they had it so good and decided a little military excursion would be worth trying.

This is one battle I hope Trump doesn't avoid. I'm not talking about war, I'm talking about consequences. Just for the record, you can be sure that Putin sees the threat that China is going to present Russia. I am not going to support him or side with him, but, it is for the incoming administration and American people to decide what makes sense and which threat is most immediate.
Y'all are a little late they are already returning the drone.
After they took it you mean.....
Where did they take it from?
International waters.....why?
I haven't followed the story... wasn't sure if we were caught spying on them in their territory or if they took it from IW

Even if they were spying (which apparently, it was not), it was in International waters. The problem is that China is illegally expanding into these waters.

The time has come to confront them and build the support from the American public for this confrontation. If not, the rest of the world will have a Communist, dictatorship as the super power leading the world. What will that do for religious freedoms and Right to Self Determination?
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Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.
You're stupid. Is he a pussy because he didn't get us in a war? When your son's and daughters come back missing limbs and with PTSD, call Obama a pussy then you fool

Is he a pussy because he didn't get us in a war?

He's a pussy because he's a pussy.
How's that red line working out for you?
How's his new flexibility after 2012 working for you?

call Obama a pussy

He's a pussy. He'll be gone on January 20th, good riddance pussy!

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.
Except a pussy grabber. One that doesn't ask because he knows he will be told no.

Show me on this doll where Trump touched you.

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump owes hundreds of millions to the Bank of China. What happens when they tell him they want their money back?

What happens when they tell him they want their money back?

He tells them, talk to the people running the company you lent the money to, I'm the President now.

Maybe one of these "you want to take our drone, go ahead, don't ask for anything when we respond in kind?" Not sure what he is trying to do here unless it's to let China know America isn't going to be so nice in the future.
Trump will be tested by other world leaders.

We'll have to hope he's less of a pussy than Obama.

I don't think anyone could be more of a pussy than Obama.
You're stupid. Is he a pussy because he didn't get us in a war? When your son's and daughters come back missing limbs and with PTSD, call Obama a pussy then you fool

Is he a pussy because he didn't get us in a war?

He's a pussy because he's a pussy.
How's that red line working out for you?
How's his new flexibility after 2012 working for you?

call Obama a pussy

He's a pussy. He'll be gone on January 20th, good riddance pussy!
You tough guys show your pussy when big bad America can't even win in Iraq. Let's see if you can avoid destroying the global economy again. K?
It's a throwaway line from the president-elect and It's interesting that Trump sets the agenda once again before he is even sworn in. He has to be laughing while Hussein figures out what to do.
It's a throwaway line from the president-elect and It's interesting that Trump sets the agenda once again before he is even sworn in. He has to be laughing while Hussein figures out what to do.
Will trumps 2 boys be as corrupt as OoDay and Coosay Hussain? Wasn't that Saddam's kids names? 2 dead mofos
This is some high level chess. Basically "take the drone and have fun, because we will when we retaliate".
In his second move of the game, Trump moves his queen to the opponents side of the board.

Ah yes, strip chess, a favorite of mine..

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