CDZ Let us consider--'bias'


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Too many ppl have political hero's or teams they cheer on and root for. Its difficult to get folks to disagree with their childhood, er adult, heroes on anything much less their team, er political party.
It shouldn’t require you to suspend all belief in bias that benefits your team; especially in retrospect. Trump had enough free media for 2 elections in 2016….In 2008, Obama got almost as much:

The Washington Free Beacon is probably the blue ribbon champion for Fake News on the Internet but they’re graphic comparison between how Obama and Trump are treated on the covers of mass media is not fake.

I’ll cut and paste a few here….

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There are a lot of ways to show Obama as the first “gay president” without a halo…don’t-cha-think?

I’m the first to say that Trump is a clown and Obama is 10X the man, the president, and has more character in his scratch paper than Trump has in his body.

I’m not a member of the media…. The media shouldn’t be slanting it this badly.

Esquire…. It’s not his fault but the most honest commentary one can read is from their political beat writers.

Their covers? Not so much.

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Looks like a painting…”A new hope”.


Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.47.01 PM.png

Hater? Really? You can make quantitative analyses using words like “Amateur”, “Dilettante”, or even more hateful terms like “Lightweight in chief.” You really can’t quantify “hater”. Again, the mass media shouldn’t be stating this sort of stuff on their cover. They have columnists who can let the fur fly in the pages but the editorial decisions for the covers should be much more neutral.
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Well, I was mainly referring to the message boards and how we who participate in the various message boards encounter 'bias' but of course he media is perhaps the best example of bias .....followed not too far behind by Hollywood, and the world of academia....Berkeley being the best example there....not even allowing conservatives to speak on campus.

The bias against Trump dwarfs any bias that might have existed against obama. The country has never witnessed such a extensive overall attack on a sitting President based on nothing but bias, ignorance and least in modern times. Lincoln in his time also experienced a lot of bias that did not wither until he was assasinated. Still yet despite the extreme bias of the msm Trump is doing better in the polls at this point than obama was....and Trump appreciation is rising and if he can get a deal with N. Korea ....that will give him a huge popularity boost as well as most likely the nobel peace prize. Now we see one of Obama's greatest accomplishments ....'the deal with Iran' yeh right hahahahahah being exposed for what it really was....Iran pulling the wool over obama's eyes. The only thing obama really had going for him was liberal bias which translated into the media covering for him and too many at the time did not realize how fake the msm was....people have since woken up to a large degree and now understand the msm is mostly b.s. and most likely even the polls exaggerated obama's popularity.....very easy to rig a poll.

Media Fail: Trump More Popular than Obama at This Point in Presidency

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshell: “Trump Could Be Greatest President In History!”
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Well, I was mainly referring to the message boards and how we who participate in the various message boards encounter 'bias' but of course he media is perhaps the best example of bias .....followed not too far behind by Hollywood, and the world of academia....Berkeley being the best example there....not even allowing conservatives to speak on campus.

The bias against Trump dwarfs any bias that might have existed against obama. The country has never witnessed such a extensive overall attack on a sitting President based on nothing but bias, ignorance and least in modern times. Lincoln in his time also experienced a lot of bias that did not wither until he was assasinated. Still yet despite the extreme bias of the msm Trump is doing better in the polls at this point than obama was....and Trump appreciation is rising and if he can get a deal with N. Korea ....that will give him a huge popularity boost as well as most likely the nobel peace prize. Now we see one of Obama's greatest accomplishments ....'the deal with Iran' yeh right hahahahahah being exposed for what it really was....Iran pulling the wool over obama's eyes. The only thing obama really had going for him was liberal bias which translated into the media covering for him and too many at the time did not realize how fake the msm was....people have since woken up to a large degree and now understand the msm is mostly b.s. and most likely even the polls exaggerated obama's popularity.....very easy to rig a poll.

Media Fail: Trump More Popular than Obama at This Point in Presidency

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshell: “Trump Could Be Greatest President In History!”

The bias that the people on message boards (and everywhere else) should be much greater against President Trump than it was against President Obama. For one thing, Trump is a disgusting person. We know this through his comments about Megan Kelley, Carly Fiorina, made to Billy Bush, etc... about women. We know this through his comments about the nationality of a judge hearing his case. We know this by his comments about the Charlottesville riots where he called white supremacists "very fine people".

As for job performance, he's blessed with a Congress that is of the same party and has basically wasted a year and a half. The largest piece of legislation he has passed was the tax plan which has been quite a thud. Obama's accomplishments were much more painstaking since the GOP was very effective in obstructing on all fronts; topping off with refusing to staff the Supreme Court.
Well, I was mainly referring to the message boards and how we who participate in the various message boards encounter 'bias' but of course he media is perhaps the best example of bias .....followed not too far behind by Hollywood, and the world of academia....Berkeley being the best example there....not even allowing conservatives to speak on campus.

The bias against Trump dwarfs any bias that might have existed against obama. The country has never witnessed such a extensive overall attack on a sitting President based on nothing but bias, ignorance and least in modern times. Lincoln in his time also experienced a lot of bias that did not wither until he was assasinated. Still yet despite the extreme bias of the msm Trump is doing better in the polls at this point than obama was....and Trump appreciation is rising and if he can get a deal with N. Korea ....that will give him a huge popularity boost as well as most likely the nobel peace prize. Now we see one of Obama's greatest accomplishments ....'the deal with Iran' yeh right hahahahahah being exposed for what it really was....Iran pulling the wool over obama's eyes. The only thing obama really had going for him was liberal bias which translated into the media covering for him and too many at the time did not realize how fake the msm was....people have since woken up to a large degree and now understand the msm is mostly b.s. and most likely even the polls exaggerated obama's popularity.....very easy to rig a poll.

Media Fail: Trump More Popular than Obama at This Point in Presidency

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshell: “Trump Could Be Greatest President In History!”

Yes, pretty much true.

I don't consider 'bias' to be automatically a negative thing, though; bias against 'progressives' and their encouragement of fake 'rights' and ludicrous politicizing of sexual fetishes and 'rights movements' founded by pedophile fans and highly supportive of pedophiles is definitely a positive, not a negative, for instance. Then via the 'magic' of circular 'reasoning' proclaim pastors and Xians suddenly aren't 'permitted' to voice any dissent with their agenda, cuz, like, 'churches aren't supposed to be political n stuff' because of 'separation of church and state', which of course is absurdly stupid, and they have fans on the right re that sort of idiocy as well.

.Some of the more neurotic and emotionally dysfunctional in society seem to think having an open mind is exactly the same as having a huge gaping hole in your head.
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We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Too many ppl have political hero's or teams they cheer on and root for. Its difficult to get folks to disagree with their childhood, er adult, heroes on anything much less their team, er political party.

Many 'Yellow Dog' Democrats now vote for GOP and Libertarian candidates. When radicals take over a Party, changes in voting patterns alter a whole lot, and overnight in many cases. Texas, a traditionally liberal and populist state, went GOP almost overnight due to Ann Richard's idiotic need to pander to her over-aged trust fund hippie drinking buddies in Austin still in their first childhoods, tossed Bob Bullock and the real liberals under the bus, and then promptly lost to a Republican nobody in Texas liked, or even heard of before the election, for instance. Democrats didn't learn squat from the 1960's and letting a bunch of stupid doper radical morons take over their Party, and then losing to Nixon right off the bat.
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We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Too many ppl have political hero's or teams they cheer on and root for. Its difficult to get folks to disagree with their childhood, er adult, heroes on anything much less their team, er political party.

Many 'Yellow Dog' Democrats now vote for GOP and Libertarian candidates. When radicals take over a Party, changes in voting patterns alter a whole lot, and overnight in many cases. Texas, a traditionally liberal and populist state, went GOP almost overnight due to Ann Richard's idiotic need to pander to her over-aged trust fund hippie drinking buddies in Austin still in their first childhoods, tossed Bob Bullock and the real liberals under the bus, and then promptly lost to a Republican nobody in Texas liked, or even heard of before the election, for instance. Democrats didn't learn squat from the 1960's and letting a bunch of stupid doper radical morons take over their Party, and then losing to Nixon right off the bat.

I'll give you the assassination of RFK, the riots, the hippies not voting enough and the split in the Democratic Party with the re-allignment of the racists cost the D's the 68 & 72 elections.

If we count the 40 years between 1976 and 2016 don't we have 20 years of D's and 20 years of R's in the white house? Not that I love the 2 party system but they amazingly figure out how to offset each other.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Too many ppl have political hero's or teams they cheer on and root for. Its difficult to get folks to disagree with their childhood, er adult, heroes on anything much less their team, er political party.

Many 'Yellow Dog' Democrats now vote for GOP and Libertarian candidates. When radicals take over a Party, changes in voting patterns alter a whole lot, and overnight in many cases. Texas, a traditionally liberal and populist state, went GOP almost overnight due to Ann Richard's idiotic need to pander to her over-aged trust fund hippie drinking buddies in Austin still in their first childhoods, tossed Bob Bullock and the real liberals under the bus, and then promptly lost to a Republican nobody in Texas liked, or even heard of before the election, for instance. Democrats didn't learn squat from the 1960's and letting a bunch of stupid doper radical morons take over their Party, and then losing to Nixon right off the bat.

I'll give you the assassination of RFK, the riots, the hippies not voting enough and the split in the Democratic Party with the re-allignment of the racists cost the D's the 68 & 72 elections.

If we count the 40 years between 1976 and 2016 don't we have 20 years of D's and 20 years of R's in the white house? Not that I love the 2 party system but they amazingly figure out how to offset each other.

We have Nixon pandering to the black racist radicals, and the D's dreaming up their 'super-delegate rule' to deny 70% of their base any say in Party primaries or leadership or anything else. Neither were the same Party after 1970, and with the advent of corporations consolidating in massively big multi-nationals under Reagan now able sway govt.s into all kinds of subsidies and tax breaks and making off-shoring cheap for them, the whole game has changed entirely, from the ground up.
American' corporations no longer care about our domestic economy, they don't have to, and over 80% of income now goes straight to the top of the financial sector,, doesn't circulate through the domestic economy; the morons just keep trying to generate real estate bubbles and massive borrowing, which all goes to the same place as well. Both Parties take money from the financial sector, and neither Party has to give a shit what the proles think about anything. Both the 'progressives' and the 'libertarian right' are now just parrots for the establishment, an establishment that could now care less if the country collapses or not, their money is safe.

I think those Americans who are still patriots and don't want to move to some shithole, or turn our own country into some shithole , should be as biased as they can possibly manage, and start taking a cue from Thomas Jefferson.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

And I could care less what Party they voted for, left or right, if they're traitors, they go.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Too many ppl have political hero's or teams they cheer on and root for. Its difficult to get folks to disagree with their childhood, er adult, heroes on anything much less their team, er political party.

Many 'Yellow Dog' Democrats now vote for GOP and Libertarian candidates. When radicals take over a Party, changes in voting patterns alter a whole lot, and overnight in many cases. Texas, a traditionally liberal and populist state, went GOP almost overnight due to Ann Richard's idiotic need to pander to her over-aged trust fund hippie drinking buddies in Austin still in their first childhoods, tossed Bob Bullock and the real liberals under the bus, and then promptly lost to a Republican nobody in Texas liked, or even heard of before the election, for instance. Democrats didn't learn squat from the 1960's and letting a bunch of stupid doper radical morons take over their Party, and then losing to Nixon right off the bat.

I'll give you the assassination of RFK, the riots, the hippies not voting enough and the split in the Democratic Party with the re-allignment of the racists cost the D's the 68 & 72 elections.

If we count the 40 years between 1976 and 2016 don't we have 20 years of D's and 20 years of R's in the white house? Not that I love the 2 party system but they amazingly figure out how to offset each other.

It's just a good cop-bad cop scam. They both hate Trump, Dems or GOP, screw them both, toss them both out and let them make some other country 'blessed' with their crap.

Trump did fail to mess up Obama's economic recovery.

He did fail to mess up the problems North Korea is having with nuclear testing. Heck, if we caused them it wouldn't even surprise me but neither Obama or Trump will get credit for that for 30 years.

This I mean with all compliments intended, Trump did not make the Syria situation any worse and it would be quite easy to.

Overall I will say he has done WAY better than I thought. Not that I'd go back in time and vote for him but he has done way better.

So I know you have quoted people saying Trump did well. What do you think Trump has done well? Specifics whenever possible. Perhaps I'm skipping over some legislation.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Irregardless isn't a proper word, and logic is subjective when dealing in conceptual models.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Irregardless isn't a proper word, and logic is subjective when dealing in conceptual models.

You are guilty of undue attention paid to minor details and it is a age old tactic on message boards to stoop to grammatical critiques when one has difficulty responding to a topic under discusssion.

Some do consider the word not to be proper. However, "irregardless" is a word. at least according to The Oxford English Dictionary and Scrabble. hehheh

But I'm not going to stop there. No. I would also like to contend that "irregardless" is the baddest-ass word of all time. This is for several reasons, which I will now explain.

  1. It's the only word where attaching the "ir-" prefix to the root word has the exact same meaning as the root word: Throwing an "ir-" in front of normal, less bad-ass words that begin with "R" changes the meaning to the opposite of the word. Irrefutable. Irreverent. Irrelevant. Irresponsible. Not "irregardless." It doesn't care what the rules of grammar are. It means exactly the same thing as "regardless," and that's the way it likes it.
  2. Against all odds, against all logic, and (ir)regardless of everyone hating it, it has achieved official word status: How can you not pull for the underdog in this case? "Irregardless" went up against the rules of grammar, stick-by-the-book lexicographers, and the fact that it's a completely redundant word. Didn't matter. Whatever didn't kill it made it stronger. It's the hardest-working word in the dictionary, and it should have earned your respect by now.
  3. Even though it's a word, Merriam-Webster says you shouldn't use it: Can you name another word in the dictionary that the dictionary says you shouldn't use? Even really bad swear words don't have a dictionary-imposed boycott. That just makes me want to use it more.
  4. It simultaneously makes sense and doesn't make sense: You can think of the word in one of two ways: (1) it should mean the opposite of "regardless," or something along the lines of "keeping the facts in regard," or (2) it could mean "regardless of the fact that something is regardless." The latter of the two is like double-super regardless, and it's the meaning I prefer. "Irregardless" really, really doesn't care what the facts are or what you think. It should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as when a course of action is ridiculously counterintuitive. "Irregardless of the fact that you are very thirsty, you should eat this pile of salt." Stuff like that.
  5. It practices what it preaches: Irregardless of the rules of grammar, "irregardless" is a word. It's self-reflexive. It's the exception that proves the rule. It talks the talk and walks the walk. Is there another word like that? No, because "irregardless" is bad-ass. It is a text-based , roundhouse-kicking everything else in the dictionary into submission.
  6. If you think about it long enough, it will blow your mind: It's the Mobius Strip of words, but it's also packed with Eminem's aggressively apathetic attitude. It's completely unique, completely confusing, and it couldn't give a rat's ass about any of that. It just is what it is. If you don't like it, don't use it.
So that's my argument. I think "irregardless" should be embraced and celebrated. And damn it, I'm going to use it every chance I get.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

Irregardless isn't a proper word, and logic is subjective when dealing in conceptual models.

You are guilty of undue attention paid to minor details and it is a age old tactic on message boards to stoop to grammatical critiques when one has difficulty responding to a topic under discusssion.

Regardless, you had a wall of post and didn't comment on the substance of my position that conceptual models are subjective logic. Were you going for irony?
We live in a society that tends to be governed by fake news and questionable facts.....subjective logic allows people to think about all these supposed 'truths' they are constantly bombarded with by the fake msm, the liberal world of academia and the fiction of hollywood. and come to a good decision on whether or not any of it is worthwhile,true, reliable or just propaganda...aka bullshite the media dishes out
attempting to indoctrinate them --falsely believing they can fool all the people all of the time.

The state of our mass media ....tragically is at the point of being little more than propaganda and a primary reason for the country being so dangerously divided. Time and again during the recent Presidential Campaign we saw Trump supporters being attacked and subjected to violence but the msm narrative was quite the opposite of that truth and most people to their credit recognized that. The mass media needs to be reigned in....there should be a congressional investigation into their modus operandi....basically they are attempting to do what Obama claimed he would do....aka....fundamentally change America...aka destroy it. Thus subjective logic is the means by which folks can find some balance and order in our society dominated by fake news.

Futhamoe....when trying to make sense of the world around us we must understand that truth is mostly subjective and that objective truth can be very slippery and difficult to get a grasp of. Objective reality exists but our understanding of that will be subjective.

Trump did fail to mess up Obama's economic recovery.

He did fail to mess up the problems North Korea is having with nuclear testing. Heck, if we caused them it wouldn't even surprise me but neither Obama or Trump will get credit for that for 30 years.

This I mean with all compliments intended, Trump did not make the Syria situation any worse and it would be quite easy to.

Overall I will say he has done WAY better than I thought. Not that I'd go back in time and vote for him but he has done way better.

So I know you have quoted people saying Trump did well. What do you think Trump has done well? Specifics whenever possible. Perhaps I'm skipping over some legislation.

I provided a link to the list of Trump's accomplishments....did you overlook it?

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump’s Historic Accomplishments His First Year in Office!

You provided 6 links with titles saying someone praised Trump and one about Trump's pending North Korean accomplishment (which is not to be totally disregarded). That Gateway Pundit site spent a few moments "checking my browser" then had some distasteful google ads which led me to just skim it.

Do you have your own opinions on Trump's accomplishments?

Let me repeat mine.

"Trump did fail to mess up Obama's economic recovery.

He did fail to mess up the problems North Korea is having with nuclear testing. Heck, if we caused them it wouldn't even surprise me but neither Obama or Trump will get credit for that for 30 years.

This I mean with all compliments intended, Trump did not make the Syria situation any worse and it would be quite easy to.

Overall I will say he has done WAY better than I thought. Not that I'd go back in time and vote for him but he has done way better. "

I should give Trump MORE credit for getting talks rolling with North Korea. His fault or not he has not screwed it up which many people would have by "demanding per-conditions" or whatever the old call was. As long as things don't take an unforeseen downturn this may be a big deal!

I also remember a good number of posts on here deriding various other candidates for meeting with monsters, shaking their hands or whatever. I'm not gonna deride Trump for meeting with Kim Jong-un or tweeting anything positive about the monster and want to be larger monster Jong-un has been. We had to deal with Stalin in WWII. You have to deal sometimes on the world stage. I can go dig up old posts showing people shaking hands though in which other non-Trumps were ridiculed for meeting with monsters.
You make the same mistake many political board newbies make aka...........attempting to make it personal. I am not interested in your personal opinion nor would I think that most would be. Neither should they be interested in my personal opinions. 'Opinions are like arseholes....everyone has one'. Thus the adage --discuss the topic not the poster....if everyone followed that.............. much rancor could be avoided.

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump’s Historic Accomplishments His First Year in Office!

Now you may discuss any of these in regards to whether you dispute them or not and the logic or reason for your dispute and that would be a legitimate response.
We have all seen it and I am referring not solely to authoritarian powers on the various boards but also by members who demonstrate quite clearly that no matter where the evidence and logic leads they are going to stick to their 'story' no matter what.

'By reason only can we attain to a correct knowledge of the world and a solution of its great problems'.....Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

Is an appeal to reason and fairness too much to expect of message boards?....from what I have seen and I have visited many boards-- apparantly it is....though this board is better than most in regards to that. At least the moderators on here will tell you why you are banned and it is good to see their 'transparency' regarding disciplinary actions. Some boards will ban people for life and give no reason because to do so would embarass them aka make them look foolish. Like...'oh I am banning you because you win too many arguments for the wrong side of the aisle.' hehheh or sumptin like dat.

Thus it can honestly be said that the average poster is going to believe what he wants to believe, irregardless of the facts or evidence. Fortunately there are some but very few that are alive today who are unbiased, rational who make judgements solely on the basis of logic. People who are actually capable of withholding judgement indefinitely if there is insufficent evidence for them to base a conclusion on.

If people were rational and made judgments solely on the basis of logic, these boards would not exist because politics would not exist.

You've raised an incredibly important point, though amidst a culture where philosophy is taboo, it's a hard sell. The cultural paradigm must be noted as the most significant causal factor of this phenomenon. Consistently, otherwise productive debates are derailed by an appeal to indoctrinated assumptions, most notably the notion that government's claim to legitimate authority is valid, despite a complete lack of logical proof to this effect.

We're dealing with religion here, not rationality. Faith-based beliefs abound, and it should be no surprise, as government is rife with all the trappings of religion: ancient scripture, oaths, ritual, symbology, clergy, saints, dogma/commandments, tithing, holy hoidays, religious garb and talismans (judge's robes, policemen's badges) - it's all there, cluing us in to the true nature of this institution.

So no logic is possible in an environment of dogmatic belief. To expect it within this construct is irrational in itself.

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