Let us discuss this openly... What exactly IS the "two states solution"?

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Tunisia, Lebanon, Albania, Bosnia Herzogovina, Indonesia, Malaysia are all makority Muslim and democratic. Unlike Israel, they don't provide special privileges for citizens of a particular religion like Israel does for Jews. Turkey used to be on the list but Erdogan has changed that.

Persecuted Circassian Muslims: In Israel, we are free!

Would that be the same Malaysia where any Jewish religious items are illegal? Where one has to get permission from the Sharia Court to change religious faiths? Where non-Muslims can't get custody of their children? Where one is not permitted to proselytize to Muslims, but Muslims are permitted to proselytize to non-Muslims? Where religious donations by Muslims result in a tax refund, while religious donations of other faiths do not? Where Hindu temples are destroyed?

That Malaysia? Nope, I haven't been there. Not likely to.

Much like in Israel for the Jews, Malays, who are almost exclusively Muslim, are given preferential treatment. This is to maintain the "Malay" nature of the country, much like the Jews maintain the Jewish nature of Israel. Only Muslims have to go to the Sharia court to change religions. A Hindu can freely convert to Christianity and vice versa. Much like Jewish courts in Israel handle matters like marriage for Jews. In Israel only certified Section 46 charitable organizations can receive tax deductible charitable contributions, there are no Muslim charities so certified, so israel does effectively the same thing as the Malaysians. And finally, Malaysia doesn't hold millions of non-Muslims in virtual concentration camps (in the original meaning of the term) as Israel does for the population in Gaza and the WB.
Tunisia, Lebanon, Albania, Bosnia Herzogovina, Indonesia, Malaysia are all makority Muslim and democratic. Unlike Israel, they don't provide special privileges for citizens of a particular religion like Israel does for Jews. Turkey used to be on the list but Erdogan has changed that.

Persecuted Baha’i: In Israel we are free! Baha’i World Headquarters In Israel Why is the Baha'i World Centre in Israel? - Baha'i Blog


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Or we can talk about Tunisia, if you want. I haven't been there either. But I understand that the president must be Muslim. Very democratic. (Not).

Since Israel doesn't have a constitution it is not clear that a non-Jew could become the president of Israel. Israeli Basic Law says any Israeli citizen is qualified to become president, but no non-Jew would pass the loyalty test. No difference.
Guess what, it is a Jewish state and a sovereign country. It can do what it wishes about who can be president
Or we can talk about Tunisia, if you want. I haven't been there either. But I understand that the president must be Muslim. Very democratic. (Not).

Since Israel doesn't have a constitution it is not clear that a non-Jew could become the president of Israel. Israeli Basic Law says any Israeli citizen is qualified to become president, but no non-Jew would pass the loyalty test. No difference.
Guess what, it is a Jewish state and a sovereign country. It can do what it wishes about who can be president

Muslim President of Israel LOL

How many Jewish and Christian Presidents among 57 Islamic countries? LOL
"Michel Aoun, the former Lebanese army chief, has been elected president of Lebanon, ending more than two years of deadlock surrounding the vacancy...."

Michel Aoun is a Christian.
"Michel Aoun, the former Lebanese army chief, has been elected president of Lebanon, ending more than two years of deadlock surrounding the vacancy...."

Michel Aoun is a Christian.

Birdbrain: Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, Muslims
"Michel Aoun, the former Lebanese army chief, has been elected president of Lebanon, ending more than two years of deadlock surrounding the vacancy...."

Michel Aoun is a Christian.

Birdbrain: Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, Muslims

Dimwit, the President of Lebanon is a Christian, the Prime Minister is a Sunni and the Speaker of the Parliament is Shiite.

Hezbollah hold 11 seats in a parliament of 128 members.
"Michel Aoun, the former Lebanese army chief, has been elected president of Lebanon, ending more than two years of deadlock surrounding the vacancy...."

Michel Aoun is a Christian.

Birdbrain: Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, Muslims

Dimwit, the President of Lebanon is a Christian, the Prime Minister is a Sunni and the Speaker of the Parliament is Shiite.

Hezbollah hold 11 seats in a parliament of 128 members.

President of Lebanon is a ceremonial position. Hezbollah controls Lebanon.

Now you know
The PM is a Sunni. How does Hezbollah "control" Lebanon? Hezbollah is not even the largest Shiite party in Parliament.
The PM is a Sunni. How does Hezbollah "control" Lebanon? Hezbollah is not even the largest Shiite party in Parliament.
Thank You Monte,as usual
Yes, thank Monte who is hiding Hezbollah wherever he can.
Lebanon sees Hezbollah very well. Shhhhh....So does Iran.....

Thank you Monte and theliq, as usual.
Uncalled for 60's.....What is so awful is how the Zionists have corrupted the entire entity of the Jews,and to the total detriment of Judaism and the Jewish way of life.............Zionists Control Israel...........

Shhhh, but they don't want me to know that,they parade as wolves in sheep's clothing.
The PM is a Sunni. How does Hezbollah "control" Lebanon? Hezbollah is not even the largest Shiite party in Parliament.
Thank You Monte,as usual
Yes, thank Monte who is hiding Hezbollah wherever he can.
Lebanon sees Hezbollah very well. Shhhhh....So does Iran.....

Thank you Monte and theliq, as usual.
Uncalled for 60's.....What is so awful is how the Zionists have corrupted the entire entity of the Jews,and to the total detriment of Judaism and the Jewish way of life.............Zionists Control Israel...........

Shhhh, but they don't want me to know that,they parade as wolves in sheep's clothing.
You do not know anything about Judaism, Zionism or Israel.

You are a wolf in sheep's clothing and anyone can see the wolf from under all of those sheepish clothes.

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The PM is a Sunni. How does Hezbollah "control" Lebanon? Hezbollah is not even the largest Shiite party in Parliament.
Thank You Monte,as usual
Yes, thank Monte who is hiding Hezbollah wherever he can.
Lebanon sees Hezbollah very well. Shhhhh....So does Iran.....

Thank you Monte and theliq, as usual.
Uncalled for 60's.....What is so awful is how the Zionists have corrupted the entire entity of the Jews,and to the total detriment of Judaism and the Jewish way of life.............Zionists Control Israel...........

Shhhh, but they don't want me to know that,they parade as wolves in sheep's clothing.
You do not anything about Judaism, Zionism or Israel.

You are a wolf in sheep's clothing and anyone can see the wolf from under all of those sheepish clothes.

Well that was a cheap shot at me 60's,moreover using all my words....I know Israel very well,considering I worked as a Tourist Guide for EL AL, it was at that time I saw for myself how Zionists threatened,berated and abused non Zionist Jews,let alone the Palestinians...So don't tell me I don't understand,the mentality and in my honest opinion their deliberate threatening behaviour towards those that don't conform to their mantra....I have seen it with my own eyes and given them a verbal spray with my own mouth,so you need not deny me the truth of my life experiences.....

but thanks for trying to put the Boot in embers of 2017....steven
to the total detriment of Judaism and the Jewish way of life...

Yea ... we're so much harder to kill these days .. that must frustrate the heck out of you.

Indeed, look at all the stuff they can MOOCH.

Indeed, you poor, disgruntled Islamist. Your Arab-Moslem armies tried on multiple occasions to push the Israelis into the sea and you were handed humiliating defeats. Those defeats you suffered were accomplished by the Israeli armies without assistance from the Great Satan™️.

Your weak excuses won’t minimize the ineffectual and incompetent tactics and strategies that lead to those Arab-Moslem defeats.
to the total detriment of Judaism and the Jewish way of life...

Yea ... we're so much harder to kill these days .. that must frustrate the heck out of you.

Indeed, look at all the stuff they can MOOCH.

Indeed, you poor, disgruntled Islamist. Your Arab-Moslem armies tried on multiple occasions to push the Israelis into the sea and you were handed humiliating defeats. Those defeats you suffered were accomplished by the Israeli armies without assistance from the Great Satan™️.

Your weak excuses won’t minimize the ineffectual and incompetent tactics and strategies that lead to those Arab-Moslem defeats.

The US offered F-15s (and subsequently the F-16) to Israel because up to that time, the Israeli-built Nesher was proving itself to be one of the premier air combat fighters of that time. The 100% Israeli -built Nesher had 100+ Mig kills in its short 5-year operational history and was poised to be a top-seller in the International arms market.

By supplying F-15s to Israel, McDonnell Douglas was able to prove it's combat effectiveness to the world and subsequently remove the Nesher as competition.
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