Letitia James fraud case victory in question?

Which, they did.

The entire point of the submitted financial statements is that the banks can rely on them.

Banks don't have to account for felonies.
And the bank said they did their assessment of Trumps net worth and gave him the loan. So who was defrauded again?

If Trump wasn’t running for President this case is never brought.
Banks were harmed, if they lost out on profits by giving a deal to someone who didn’t deserve it. Customers who were denied loans despite having better financials, were also harmed.

The banks testified they happy with him as a customer and he repaid his loans, they were happy to loan to him again.
Assigning blame was the jury’s job. How do you expect me to name names? Your little quizzes make no sense. If there weren’t any victims, the jury would have acquitted.

So, you are full of it?

There was no jury you idiot
That does not absolve the business from being truthful in it's required filings of legal documents.

You are correct in that the lender is free to make their own assessment, however we are talking a home loan here. We are talking high finance with the "collateral" being spread across the country and even internationally.

Is your argument really, it’s too hard to assess the values, so the bank just went with it?

That’s dumb…
James didn't prosecute Trump's real estate dealings. She prosecuted him for falsifying his business records.

Same issue. Has this practice happened in the past in the real estate world? If so, has it ever been previously prosecuted? If not, then why now?

That’s what I understood from the question the judge asked.
Assigning blame was the jury’s job. How do you expect me to name names? Your little quizzes make no sense. If there weren’t any victims, the jury would have acquitted.


You can’t name a victim because there wasn’t one. Well there was it’s all of us because political prosecutions hurt everyone.
Cite the testimony.


Deutsche Bank reviewed the financial statements before making the loans through its department that works with rich individuals — a pathway that allowed for more favorable interest rates than likely available from the commercial real estate division, according to the lawsuit. The deals came with conditions about Trump’s net worth and, sometimes, liquidity, and they often required annual submissions of his financial statements.

But, testifying for the defense, managing director David Williams said the bankers viewed clients’ reports of their net worth as “subjective or subject to estimates” and took its own view of such financial statements.

“I think we expect clients-provided information to be accurate. At the same time, it’s not an industry standard that these statements be audited. They’re largely reliant on the use of estimates,” Williams said, so bankers routinely “make some adjustments.”
Banks were harmed, if they lost out on profits by giving a deal to someone who didn’t deserve it. Customers who were denied loans despite having better financials, were also harmed.

No, they weren't. Every bank did their due diligence and every bank made money.

There was no harm. It is a fiction claimed by a corrupt politician.
No, they weren't. Every bank did their due diligence and every bank made money.

There was no harm. It is a fiction claimed by a corrupt politician.
Whether they made money isn’t the question and their “due diligence” seems to be lacking and does not exonerate Trump.


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