Let's acknowledge the indisputable sad truth on this Independence Day

I'm disappointed with the left.

I totally expected to be getting called a sexist for having the same views that made me a racist that were just my views the day before Obama was sworn in.

but 'extremist' sounds good.

beats "The murder party", which is what the dnc has become
You hypocritical partisans crack me up. You are no better than those who you despise.
so you deny that we were called cons one day then the next we were all racists, and you deny the incredibly high probability that we would have been called sexists.

you also deny that they left has started to murder people on the right.

your level of delusion is astounding.
Our nation is doing just fine.
While things are certainly looking up because Hitlery Clinton was not elected president, we are not exactly doing "fine". We are $20 trillion in debt. The U.S. Constitution has been shredded. And the left is engaging in all forms of fascism and violence around the nation.

We have some rebuilding to do. But there is light at the end of the tunnel now that the adults are in charge once again.
trump is an adult?

trump is an adult?mmmkay
Well...President Trump is a billionaire who has run a multitude of large businesses. His predecessor - Barack Insane Obama - was a community organizer who never held a real job before his 2-year stint as a junior Senator.
I'm disappointed with the left.

I totally expected to be getting called a sexist for having the same views that made me a racist that were just my views the day before Obama was sworn in.

but 'extremist' sounds good.

beats "The murder party", which is what the dnc has become
You hypocritical partisans crack me up. You are no better than those who you despise.
so you deny that we were called cons one day then the next we were all racists, and you deny the incredibly high probability that we would have been called sexists.

you also deny that they left has started to murder people on the right.

your level of delusion is astounding.
I dont play the cherry pick partisan games. There this thing called reality that you need to find if you want to be taken seriously
What does it say that about how radicalized and unhinged the left side of the political spectrum has become that they now consider those of us who believe in liberty, a small, limited government, and the rule of law just like these revered men, to be "extremists"?

View attachment 136900

True constitutional conservatives (the Tea Party, the Constitution Party, etc.) simply want the U.S. Constitution upheld. Nothing less. Nothing more.
You gotta get out of your bubble man. Users on this board do not represent normal Americans and neither do people in the media. Go out in your community and interact with real people. Our nation is doing just fine.
Looking around at the voting public I would have to disagree. I do not think we are doing just fine anymore. We will persevere for many years to come but the people have lost all desire to properly control the government and that never turns out well for the people (or those that they eventually have to tear out of power for that matter).
What does it say that about how radicalized and unhinged the left side of the political spectrum has become that they now consider those of us who believe in liberty, a small, limited government, and the rule of law just like these revered men, to be "extremists"?

View attachment 136900

True constitutional conservatives (the Tea Party, the Constitution Party, etc.) simply want the U.S. Constitution upheld. Nothing less. Nothing more.
You gotta get out of your bubble man. Users on this board do not represent normal Americans and neither do people in the media. Go out in your community and interact with real people. Our nation is doing just fine.
Looking around at the voting public I would have to disagree. I do not think we are doing just fine anymore. We will persevere for many years to come but the people have lost all desire to properly control the government and that never turns out well for the people (or those that they eventually have to tear out of power for that matter).
Your think people have lost all desire to properly control government? Donald Trump just got elected president, I can't think of a bigger fuck you to government than that. I will say that we have done a pretty piss poor job with our elected leaders
Out of curiosity, what exactly are Big Govt, oppressive taxation, anti 2A left wing socialists celebrating today?

Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 4, 2017
It can be no worse than the self delusional idea that there will ever be voluntary small govt..It's another pipe smoking dream...
Not everyone is a sad, lonely, and vindictive animal who needs to hold power over others to feel better about themselves - like you do. George Washington voluntarily stepped down after two terms even though his fellow countrymen begged him to run again. There are still good men and women in this world. You just can't comprehend that because you are not one of them.
Oh really. I have a power position in politics, yeah, you run with that, it makes your argument weak when you deny reality..
Liberals want a totalitarian state wherein the masses are virtual slaves to the system and an elite oligarchy rules them.

Sad, but I think you really believe that crazy crap. You need a mental health intervention.
Why wouldn't one believe reality? Every single thing the left engages in is designed to build a totalitarian state. Either you're a liar or you are an ultra-naïve lapdog. Either one doesn't bode well for you.
Your chosen version of reality might align with the right wing radio and fox view of the world, but it just doesn't align with the facts.
What does it say that about how radicalized and unhinged the left side of the political spectrum has become that they now consider those of us who believe in liberty, a small, limited government, and the rule of law just like these revered men, to be "extremists"?

View attachment 136900

True constitutional conservatives (the Tea Party, the Constitution Party, etc.) simply want the U.S. Constitution upheld. Nothing less. Nothing more.
You gotta get out of your bubble man. Users on this board do not represent normal Americans and neither do people in the media. Go out in your community and interact with real people. Our nation is doing just fine.
Looking around at the voting public I would have to disagree. I do not think we are doing just fine anymore. We will persevere for many years to come but the people have lost all desire to properly control the government and that never turns out well for the people (or those that they eventually have to tear out of power for that matter).
Your think people have lost all desire to properly control government? Donald Trump just got elected president, I can't think of a bigger fuck you to government than that. I will say that we have done a pretty piss poor job with our elected leaders
Yes, they have.

The general voting public votes for a letter after a name rather than an actual candidate. Most don't bother to understand the issues or position of those candidates even tangentially.

Trump is actually a really good example of this IMHO. Here is a guy that stood for single payer, backs eminent domain, buddy buddy with the Clintons to even include donating and backing HRC in her political endeavors, openly stated he was pro-choice and was even registered as a democrat until he decided to actually run for office. And this is the candidate that was elected by the Republicans...

Trump might be a big "fuck you" to the government but it is a big fuck you with about as much effort as a fart in a hurricane.
Your chosen version of reality might align with the right wing radio and fox view of the world, but it just doesn't align with the facts.
Really? It's amazing watching the left deny reality. The federal government was granted 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and they have currently assumed thousands of powers. Thousands. Energy. Education. Healthcare. Lands. Parks. Social. The list goes on and on and on. We are at 3/4th's of the way to a totalitarian government. Barack Insane Obama created, altered, and abolished legislation hundreds of times through Presidential Memorandums - bypassing Congress.

You can deny the facts all you want - it doesn't make them any less factual.
Your think people have lost all desire to properly control government? Donald Trump just got elected president, I can't think of a bigger fuck you to government than that. I will say that we have done a pretty piss poor job with our elected leaders
You do make a great point there Slade3200. Electing Donald Trump was a giant "fuck you" to government and the establishment.

But that being said - if you ever watch "Waters World" on Fox, you'd be hard pressed to deny that the citizenry is astoundingly ignorant and uninterested in controlling government. Literally 9 out of every 10 people he asks cannot tell you who fought in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. And don't even think about asking them questions regarding the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.
If you people believed in small government you wouldn't support spending as much on the military as the rest of the world combined.
Your think people have lost all desire to properly control government? Donald Trump just got elected president, I can't think of a bigger fuck you to government than that. I will say that we have done a pretty piss poor job with our elected leaders
You do make a great point there Slade3200. Electing Donald Trump was a giant "fuck you" to government and the establishment.

But that being said - if you ever watch "Waters World" on Fox, you'd be hard pressed to deny that the citizenry is astoundingly ignorant and uninterested in controlling government. Literally 9 out of every 10 people he asks cannot tell you who fought in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. And don't even think about asking them questions regarding the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.
Waters world and other "street interviews" are made for entertainment. The people are selected and edited in a way to make them look stupid. There is a reason why the "Real Housewives" and Kardashians are so popular. "We" like to watch stupid people be stupid. The majority of the people that I associate with are capable of having very intelligent conversations. People of every type of political ideology, ethnicity and religion. I know a few nutty characters and a few airheads, but for the most part people, and our nation, are doing just fine.
If you people believed in small government you wouldn't support spending as much on the military as the rest of the world combined.
The size of my military has nothing to do with the size of my government. The men and women who wear the uniform do not pass legislation. Much like you, they simply follow orders!
Your chosen version of reality might align with the right wing radio and fox view of the world, but it just doesn't align with the facts.
Really? It's amazing watching the left deny reality. The federal government was granted 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and they have currently assumed thousands of powers. Thousands. Energy. Education. Healthcare. Lands. Parks. Social. The list goes on and on and on. We are at 3/4th's of the way to a totalitarian government. Barack Insane Obama created, altered, and abolished legislation hundreds of times through Presidential Memorandums - bypassing Congress.

You can deny the facts all you want - it doesn't make them any less factual.

Get a 6th grade government book and someone to help you read it, and you will see how laws are made.
Your chosen version of reality might align with the right wing radio and fox view of the world, but it just doesn't align with the facts.
Really? It's amazing watching the left deny reality. The federal government was granted 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and they have currently assumed thousands of powers. Thousands. Energy. Education. Healthcare. Lands. Parks. Social. The list goes on and on and on. We are at 3/4th's of the way to a totalitarian government. Barack Insane Obama created, altered, and abolished legislation hundreds of times through Presidential Memorandums - bypassing Congress.

You can deny the facts all you want - it doesn't make them any less factual.

Get a 6th grade government book and someone to help you read it, and you will see how laws are made.
Ah...that's the problem! You're operating on a 6th grade level. No wonder you're so fuck'n clueless.

Laws are made through Congress, snowflake. Anything outside of Congress is illegal. Period. Please find a public civics class at your local community college so we don't have to waste so much time explaining the basics to you.
Your chosen version of reality might align with the right wing radio and fox view of the world, but it just doesn't align with the facts.
Really? It's amazing watching the left deny reality. The federal government was granted 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and they have currently assumed thousands of powers. Thousands. Energy. Education. Healthcare. Lands. Parks. Social. The list goes on and on and on. We are at 3/4th's of the way to a totalitarian government. Barack Insane Obama created, altered, and abolished legislation hundreds of times through Presidential Memorandums - bypassing Congress.

You can deny the facts all you want - it doesn't make them any less factual.

Get a 6th grade government book and someone to help you read it, and you will see how laws are made.
Ah...that's the problem! You're operating on a 6th grade level. No wonder you're so fuck'n clueless.

Laws are made through Congress, snowflake. Anything outside of Congress is illegal. Period. Please find a public civics class at your local community college so we don't have to waste so much time explaining the basics to you.

Yes, I know how it works. You were the one crying because our rights have extended beyond what was recognized in 1787
The sixth grade government class of today was written by a liberal socialist, and is written to bolster the idea of a massive central government to "nurture" the people. The true Constitutional government is far from what the shit in a suit had in mind. He and his court appointees chose legislation by executive instrument instead of by Constitutional means. Trump is keeping within the confines of his Constitutional authority, and the shit in a suit and his treasonous cadre are doing everything they can to interfere with the LEGAL, Constitutional acts of the duly elected government.
Yes, I know how it works. You were the one crying because our rights have extended beyond what was recognized in 1787
Wait...your position is that our rights have "extended"? :uhh:

Which one's exactly? The right to be forced to be a part of Obamacare? The right to be forced to fund the Department of Energy - something the constitution does NOT grant the federal government powers over? The right to be spied on by the NSA? :dunno:

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