Let's Adopt Mexico's Voting Laws

Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).

Not sure what your point is.

If we're going to adopt the Mexican model, apparently (not sure), the government issues the same voter's card to every registrant. I would be just giddy if we did that and also standardized the voting devices as well...

Not sure federal __________________ will pass muster with anyone (you could fill that in for everything the feds do).
My point is that they require people to prove their eligibility to vote before they can vote, but you already knew that. We already have the means to prove who we are yet you libs don't want that requirement because half of your candidates would lose without voter fraud.
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.
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How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).

Not sure what your point is.

If we're going to adopt the Mexican model, apparently (not sure), the government issues the same voter's card to every registrant. I would be just giddy if we did that and also standardized the voting devices as well...

Not sure federal __________________ will pass muster with anyone (you could fill that in for everything the feds do).
My point is that they require people to prove their eligibility to vote before they can vote, but you already knew that. We already have the means to prove who we are yet you libs don't want that requirement because half of your candidates would lose without voter fraud.
That's just utter right-wing crap. Try being a rational adult, for once.

And when everyone does have photo ID, we're gettin' there, you're still gonna get your asses kicked. What will be your excuse then?
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How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).

Not sure what your point is.

If we're going to adopt the Mexican model, apparently (not sure), the government issues the same voter's card to every registrant. I would be just giddy if we did that and also standardized the voting devices as well...

Not sure federal __________________ will pass muster with anyone (you could fill that in for everything the feds do).
My point is that they require people to prove their eligibility to vote before they can vote, but you already knew that. We already have the means to prove who we are yet you libs don't want that requirement because half of your candidates would lose without voter fraud.

Fuck you.

I support making people show voter ID cards and a picture ID. I've said so about 40 times on this forum.





Their system has a federal entity issuing the cards. Would you be okay with that?
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.
Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Not sure what your point is.

If we're going to adopt the Mexican model, apparently (not sure), the government issues the same voter's card to every registrant. I would be just giddy if we did that and also standardized the voting devices as well...

Not sure federal __________________ will pass muster with anyone (you could fill that in for everything the feds do).
My point is that they require people to prove their eligibility to vote before they can vote, but you already knew that. We already have the means to prove who we are yet you libs don't want that requirement because half of your candidates would lose without voter fraud.

Fuck you.

I support making people show voter ID cards and a picture ID. I've said so about 40 times on this forum.





Their system has a federal entity issuing the cards. Would you be okay with that?
You may support it but your party leaders sure don't.
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Ridiculing people who love freedom pretty much tells you where the creep is coming from.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".

Preach em brother
Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Oh we know rights very well. For 200 years in this country you didn't need ID to vote. Now that you can't win an election to save your ass, suddenly we all need ID that millions of people won't be able to get, for one reason or another, and your opinion is fuck 'em, they don't vote for us anyway.
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Ridiculing people who love freedom pretty much tells you where the creep is coming from.

So I will explain it to the far left, even though it will not override their programming.

You have no right to vote on the national level, it is the state delegates that decide the presidential elections. Thus even though a candidate may win in a particular state, that state can still put their electoral votes behind any other candidate. And the so called "right to vote" prohibits anyone under 18 to vote in national elections. Which means that this is not a right. If it were a right then everyone regardless of age would be able to vote.

Another far left talking point shot out the window.
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Ridiculing people who love freedom pretty much tells you where the creep is coming from.
What's the Freedom of required photo ID? Papers please is Freedom? Interesting.

And I support freedom. In this case we are so free that for generations we've been pretty damn casual about even written down who was born here, let alone issuing them formal papers. For many Americans the only record of when they were born is in the Family Bible. Look it up, it's all true.
Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Ridiculing people who love freedom pretty much tells you where the creep is coming from.

So I will explain it to the far left, even though it will not override their programming.

You have no right to vote on the national level, it is the state delegates that decide the presidential elections. Thus even though a candidate may win in a particular state, that state can still put their electoral votes behind any other candidate. And the so called "right to vote" prohibits anyone under 18 to vote in national elections. Which means that this is not a right. If it were a right then everyone regardless of age would be able to vote.

Another far left talking point shot out the window.
You will find that the courts see voting as a Right, and that you are Wrong. The fact that the Right has age requirements does not make it less of a Right. There are age requirements to be President and serve in Congress. Does that mean that no American has a Right to be President or serve in Congress? No, it means that you are not so smart smart guy and you don't actually know what a Right is.


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Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Oh we know rights very well. For 200 years in this country you didn't need ID to vote. Now that you can't win an election to save your ass, suddenly we all need ID that millions of people won't be able to get, for one reason or another, and your opinion is fuck 'em, they don't vote for us anyway.

Funny how the far left wants the US to be more like Europe in everyway except this one.
Ridiculing people who love freedom pretty much tells you where the creep is coming from.

So I will explain it to the far left, even though it will not override their programming.

You have no right to vote on the national level, it is the state delegates that decide the presidential elections. Thus even though a candidate may win in a particular state, that state can still put their electoral votes behind any other candidate. And the so called "right to vote" prohibits anyone under 18 to vote in national elections. Which means that this is not a right. If it were a right then everyone regardless of age would be able to vote.

Another far left talking point shot out the window.
You will find that the courts see voting as a Right, and that you are Wrong. The fact that the Right has age requirements does not make it less of a Right. There are age requirements to be President and serve in Congress. Does that mean that no American has a Right to be President or serve in Congress? No, it means that you are not so smart smart guy and you don't actually know what a Right is.

U.S. Voting Rights | Infoplease.com

Even further proof that the far left does not understand what a "right" is.

Oh my!
So I will explain it to the far left, even though it will not override their programming.

You have no right to vote on the national level, it is the state delegates that decide the presidential elections. Thus even though a candidate may win in a particular state, that state can still put their electoral votes behind any other candidate. And the so called "right to vote" prohibits anyone under 18 to vote in national elections. Which means that this is not a right. If it were a right then everyone regardless of age would be able to vote.

Another far left talking point shot out the window.
You will find that the courts see voting as a Right, and that you are Wrong. The fact that the Right has age requirements does not make it less of a Right. There are age requirements to be President and serve in Congress. Does that mean that no American has a Right to be President or serve in Congress? No, it means that you are not so smart smart guy and you don't actually know what a Right is.

U.S. Voting Rights | Infoplease.com

Even further proof that the far left does not understand what a "right" is.

Oh my!

Freedom to express yourself.
Freedom to worship as you wish.
Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.
Right to vote in elections for public officials.
Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.
Right to run for elected office.
Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities | USCIS

You lose little man.
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

A straight up lie. It is required BY LAW to have a picture ID and a social security number to do ANY banking at ANY bank, credit union or other bank service. It is required by law to have ID to cash checks use food stamps or get on welfare.

Further it is required to have proof of citizenship and usually id to initially register to vote.

So who exactly is registered to vote that does not have picture ID? How are they cashing those Government checks? How are they buying smokes and booze? How are they driving? How are they using any form of banking?
Further proof that the far left has no clue about "rights".
Oh we know rights very well. For 200 years in this country you didn't need ID to vote. Now that you can't win an election to save your ass, suddenly we all need ID that millions of people won't be able to get, for one reason or another, and your opinion is fuck 'em, they don't vote for us anyway.

Funny how the far left wants the US to be more like Europe in everyway except this one.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

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