Let's Adopt Mexico's Voting Laws

You will find that the courts see voting as a Right, and that you are Wrong. The fact that the Right has age requirements does not make it less of a Right. There are age requirements to be President and serve in Congress. Does that mean that no American has a Right to be President or serve in Congress? No, it means that you are not so smart smart guy and you don't actually know what a Right is.

U.S. Voting Rights | Infoplease.com

Even further proof that the far left does not understand what a "right" is.

Oh my!

Freedom to express yourself.
Freedom to worship as you wish.
Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.
Right to vote in elections for public officials.
Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.
Right to run for elected office.
Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities | USCIS

You lose little man.

Once again the far left shows that they have no clue what "rights" really are.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?
Distract from what, denying people their right to vote because you now require photo ID you never did before and can't be bothered to provide everyone before you ask for it?

That Freedom thing you are so in love with means you can be born here, live here, and die here without anything formal being recorded on you. Now you say, show us your photo ID and they say, rightly, I don't even have birth certificate you idiot. In the US that is not unknown, believe it or not. You want to ask everyone for ID? Issue them one first and then ask. That's how your protect a founding principle of this country, the right to vote.

A straight up lie. It is required BY LAW to have a picture ID and a social security number to do ANY banking at ANY bank, credit union or other bank service. It is required by law to have ID to cash checks use food stamps or get on welfare.

Further it is required to have proof of citizenship and usually id to initially register to vote.

So who exactly is registered to vote that does not have picture ID? How are they cashing those Government checks? How are they buying smokes and booze? How are they driving? How are they using any form of banking?
That is no lie. There are people who have been voting for decades before we had such a thing as photo ID. They are still alive, and they still have their right to vote. Now it's up to you to make sure they don't lose it just because you want to see ID. Issue the ID, then ask for it.
Good idea.

I strongly advocate mandatory possession of addressable biometric citizen ID cards, the major advantages of which would be the end of illegal immigration and prevention of impersonation and ID theft.
Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.
The only true statement you made in that rant is that there are plenty of voters with no ID. Close to 12 million of them and they're all illegal. You don't want voter ID because with it you couldn't register multiple times under multiple names with no one to challenge it.
Even further proof that the far left does not understand what a "right" is.

Oh my!

Freedom to express yourself.
Freedom to worship as you wish.
Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.
Right to vote in elections for public officials.
Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.
Right to run for elected office.
Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities | USCIS

You lose little man.

Once again the far left shows that they have no clue what "rights" really are.

I got the list from your government. Maybe you should take the classes they require to become a citizen? Those who do know their rights a lot better than you do.
Oh we know rights very well. For 200 years in this country you didn't need ID to vote. Now that you can't win an election to save your ass, suddenly we all need ID that millions of people won't be able to get, for one reason or another, and your opinion is fuck 'em, they don't vote for us anyway.

Funny how the far left wants the US to be more like Europe in everyway except this one.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

More proof that the far left has no clue what they post about.

Oh well can only argue so long against far left programming before it breaks down.

I bet I see more far left propaganda and programming in future posts from this one, who does not understand what "rights" are.
Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.
The only true statement you made in that rant is that there are plenty of voters with no ID. Close to 12 million of them and they're all illegal. You don't want voter ID because with it you couldn't register multiple times under multiple names with no one to challenge it.
That's simply crap, since they don't vote now. That's your excuse for losing elections. When everyone has ID, you'll see just how screwed you really are as a political party.
Oh we know rights very well. For 200 years in this country you didn't need ID to vote. Now that you can't win an election to save your ass, suddenly we all need ID that millions of people won't be able to get, for one reason or another, and your opinion is fuck 'em, they don't vote for us anyway.

Funny how the far left wants the US to be more like Europe in everyway except this one.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

There is no requirement that the Government give for free IDs, or tell me when is the last time you got a drivers license for free? Nor is there a requirement that the Government find and provide you with the documents required for ID. Again remind me of the last time you got any Government ID State or Federal , where the Government did the leg work?

And I notice you are ignoring the fact that your claim that millions do not have IDs is a straight up LIE.
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.
The only true statement you made in that rant is that there are plenty of voters with no ID. Close to 12 million of them and they're all illegal. You don't want voter ID because with it you couldn't register multiple times under multiple names with no one to challenge it.
That's simply crap, since they don't vote now. That's your excuse for losing elections. When everyone has ID, you'll see just how screwed you really are as a political party.

How do you know that they don't vote now? What is your empirical evidence (and not from a far left source)?
Funny how the far left wants the US to be more like Europe in everyway except this one.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

More proof that the far left has no clue what they post about.

Oh well can only argue so long against far left programming before it breaks down.

I bet I see more far left propaganda and programming in future posts from this one, who does not understand what "rights" are.
Sweetcheeks, I just proved you wrong. You and you're little buddies are the only ones who can't see it. Your logic is no such thing. Learn something, for once, here: Constitutional Rights, Powers and Duties

Also look at their immigration laws and enforcement
The left will never want voter ID laws, unless blacks and illegals start voting republican
The only true statement you made in that rant is that there are plenty of voters with no ID. Close to 12 million of them and they're all illegal. You don't want voter ID because with it you couldn't register multiple times under multiple names with no one to challenge it.
That's simply crap, since they don't vote now. That's your excuse for losing elections. When everyone has ID, you'll see just how screwed you really are as a political party.

How do you know that they don't vote now? What is your empirical evidence (and not from a far left source)?
Because if they were, you'd have found evidence of it, and you have none. I don't have any evidence that Blue Teapots vote either. The elections aren't nearly as open as you believe. Ours are very fair considering. We have minor issues at times, and that's all. And illegals don't like to get in front of any authority at all, since they might be found out. They work and keep on the down low here, they don't vote.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

More proof that the far left has no clue what they post about.

Oh well can only argue so long against far left programming before it breaks down.

I bet I see more far left propaganda and programming in future posts from this one, who does not understand what "rights" are.
Sweetcheeks, I just proved you wrong. You and you're little buddies are the only ones who can't see it. Your logic is no such thing. Learn something, for once, here: Constitutional Rights, Powers and Duties

You did no such thing all you have done is use far left programming.

Even more proof the the far left does not understand what "rights" are and also showing they have no clue about the Constitution either.

A double whammy!

Next he will be posting how a drivers license is a "right".
Funny how the far left wants the US to be more like Europe in everyway except this one.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

There is no requirement that the Government give for free IDs, or tell me when is the last time you got a drivers license for free? Nor is there a requirement that the Government find and provide you with the documents required for ID. Again remind me of the last time you got any Government ID State or Federal , where the Government did the leg work?

And I notice you are ignoring the fact that your claim that millions do not have IDs is a straight up LIE.
Voting in this county is free. That's why the ID has to be Free. If I want to drive, that's on me to do the work but just by being born here I have the right to vote. That means it's not on me to prove I should be able to, it's on the government to prove that I shouldn't. That's how it works here.

As for the numbers, they are referenced in the courts cases where ID get tossed out. Look them up, the research will do you good.
That's simply crap, since they don't vote now. That's your excuse for losing elections. When everyone has ID, you'll see just how screwed you really are as a political party.

How do you know that they don't vote now? What is your empirical evidence (and not from a far left source)?
Because if they were, you'd have found evidence of it, and you have none. I don't have any evidence that Blue Teapots vote either. The elections aren't nearly as open as you believe. Ours are very fair considering. We have minor issues at times, and that's all. And illegals don't like to get in front of any authority at all, since they might be found out. They work and keep on the down low here, they don't vote.

You are the one that made the comments it is up to you to provide your empirical evidence that shows your comments are correct. Since you can not provide any, you used far left talking points based on programming and thus posted a lie.
More proof that the far left has no clue what they post about.

Oh well can only argue so long against far left programming before it breaks down.

I bet I see more far left propaganda and programming in future posts from this one, who does not understand what "rights" are.
Sweetcheeks, I just proved you wrong. You and you're little buddies are the only ones who can't see it. Your logic is no such thing. Learn something, for once, here: Constitutional Rights, Powers and Duties

You did no such thing all you have done is use far left programming.

Even more proof the the far left does not understand what "rights" are and also showing they have no clue about the Constitution either.

A double whammy!

Next he will be posting how a drivers license is a "right".
Driving isn't a Right but voting is. And read the links before you make yourself look like a total moron.

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