Let's Adopt Mexico's Voting Laws

You can't read. Try it next time. See your buddy on post #69. He can read.
You're the one that asked the stupid question about providing a car, you fucking idiot.
You asked if they should provide you a gun? I asked if they provide you a car you idiot. They provide you with neither. If you could think you would have understood that my question was your answer - no gun, no car, but voting has to be free, by law.

I REPEAT you have to show ID, prove residence and citizenship to REGISTER to vote. None of which is free.
You can't read. Try it next time. See your buddy on post #69. He can read.
You're the one that asked the stupid question about providing a car, you fucking idiot.
You asked if they should provide you a gun? I asked if they provide you a car you idiot. They provide you with neither. If you could think you would have understood that my question was your answer - no gun, no car, but voting has to be free, by law.
You equated driving with the 2nd amendment, as if it were a right. Otherwise, you would not have brought it up. Keep dancin', asshat.
No problem. Everyone gets a National ID card, provided for free, including any search for documentation, by the US, and they go door to door to do it. Problem solved.

Who said the ID was provided for free in Mexico? Neither do they go door to door to provide it. You claim to agree with the premise and then you go imposing additional conditions on it.

Oh, nothing could be more fascist than your idea of a national I.D. card.
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?

No we wouldn't, but how is that necessary?
When the Mexicans take over America, then there will be voter ID laws
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.

Most laws are based on that, nimrod.
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).

Not sure what your point is.

If we're going to adopt the Mexican model, apparently (not sure), the government issues the same voter's card to every registrant. I would be just giddy if we did that and also standardized the voting devices as well...

Not sure federal __________________ will pass muster with anyone (you could fill that in for everything the feds do).

The same voters card is one thing, if that's even true. The OP doesn't say so. A national ID is another. The OP says an ID is required, not a national ID.

You're just making stuff up out of thin air.
Because if they were, you'd have found evidence of it, and you have none. I don't have any evidence that Blue Teapots vote either. The elections aren't nearly as open as you believe. Ours are very fair considering. We have minor issues at times, and that's all. And illegals don't like to get in front of any authority at all, since they might be found out. They work and keep on the down low here, they don't vote.

You are the one that made the comments it is up to you to provide your empirical evidence that shows your comments are correct. Since you can not provide any, you used far left talking points based on programming and thus posted a lie.
The empirical evidence is no one has any empirical evidence that illegals vote here, you simply want to believe that they do. If you think they do, prove it.

There's plenty of empirical evidence, nimrod, like 104% of the eligible voters casting ballots for Obama in the last election.

Here's the bottom line: Anyone who opposes voter ID does so because they know Democrats can't win without voter fraud. There simply isn't any credible reason to oppose voter ID. Anyone who does so is a scumbag.
You did no such thing all you have done is use far left programming.

Even more proof the the far left does not understand what "rights" are and also showing they have no clue about the Constitution either.

A double whammy!

Next he will be posting how a drivers license is a "right".
Driving isn't a Right but voting is. And read the links before you make yourself look like a total moron.
We also have the right to keep and bear arms. Should the government provide us all with a gun?

Voting is not an inalienable right. It's nothing more than a legal right granted by the states.
Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.
Wrong, wrong and wrong. We have never been required to purchase health insurance, yet today we do. The argument about it never having been required in the past is a poorly thought out one on your part; or a deliberate attempt at dishonesty. I'm leaning toward the latter.

The GOP knows no such thing. It may in fact, be true that those who don't have ID vote democrat, or they may vote republican or they may vote other. One thing that the ID does do, however, is force everyone to vote ONLY once per election cycle. That is what the Dems fear.
The Left always points to how many blacks, minorities, and elderly would be negatively impacted or outright denied the right to vote if a photo ID were required. Yet, if you look at all of the other facets of our lives that do require photo ID such as acces to government, you would think their would be at least an independent push by the Left to get Government issued ID cards in these people's hands.

The NAACP required people at a recent Voter ID protest in North Carolina to produce ID in order to participate. The Democrat National Convention requires photo ID to its own convention. What are they so afraid of that photo IDs must be required?
I say yes but not just the ID law lets go all the way. Sorry folks I can't still link.

1. Nonpartisan election administration. Mexico's Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) is a nonpartisan, professional institution in which political party representatives have access but no control. IFE manages a nation-wide system with uniform rules. In contrast, the United States has 13,000 counties and municipalities that manage our national elections with different rules and less capacity. Partisan officials generally control the process, and in a close election, the opposition is often suspicious of the result.

No.2 was the ID

3. Poll workers. Mexico views the conduct of elections like Americans view jury duty – a civic obligation – and they recruit on a random basis a large number of people from each district. They are well-trained in every stage of the electoral process. When I asked a U.S. election official about the criteria for choosing poll workers, he said: "I'll take anyone with a pulse." Most poll workers are very senior citizens without the kind of stamina necessary to manage a polling station for 12 hours, and in most cases, they are poorly trained as compared to their Mexican counterparts.

4. Campaign finance/corruption. Each of Mexico's main political parties receive approximately $24 million of public financing for a three-month campaign. They can also receive 10% of their funds from supporters, but no one can give more than $71,000. In contrast, in the United States, there will be an estimated $6 billion raised privately, and with the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, corporations can spend unlimited amounts of money. Major contributors could have extraordinary access and substantial influence over public policy. Some would define that as corruption on a scale that even the drug cartels couldn't compete.

5. Equitable access to the media/negative advertising. IFE pays for media advertising, and ensures that the candidates have equal access. IFE also tries to discourage any negative advertising. A substantial amount of the $6 billion raised by the candidates in the United States goes for media advertising, and a recent study showed that 70 percent of ads in this year’s presidential contest has been negative. Just think what $6 billion could do as an endowment to a university; it would have lasting positive effects. Who believes that negative advertising can have a lasting positive effect?

6. Neutralizing incumbency. Since its revolution, Mexico's constitution prohibits re-election in order to prevent incumbents from using government to manipulate the electoral process. IFE goes even further by trying to prevent the president from even campaigning in the most indirect way for his party's candidates. In the United States, incumbents have a huge advantage in fund-raising because special interests can contribute to members of Congress while they are writing laws.

7. Judging disputes. Mexico has minutely-detailed election laws, and a professional and independent Electoral Tribunal to judge election disputes. The United States has few laws and no court with the expertise to settle such disputes.

8. Observers. Mexico invites international polling observers while the U.S. government does not welcome any international observers, and only two states allow them.
Now Mexico's elections are still corrupt but the USA's is not better at all.

At least they will invite more then the D's and R's to the debate. All 4 candidates were allowed to participate and the guy finished last with 2.8% of vote was still they treated the same as the others really unheard of.

I thought you can only have the 2 choices.
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Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.

BULLSHIT! There is NOBODY in this country who has no ID and cannot get one! Not ONE SINGLE PERSON. My grandmother has no birth certificate...yet she has photo ID.
You're the one that asked the stupid question about providing a car, you fucking idiot.
You asked if they should provide you a gun? I asked if they provide you a car you idiot. They provide you with neither. If you could think you would have understood that my question was your answer - no gun, no car, but voting has to be free, by law.

I REPEAT you have to show ID, prove residence and citizenship to REGISTER to vote. None of which is free.

No, you don't. I had to show...nothing.
Anyone can get a picture ID at DMV. And everyone is issued a birth certificate when they're born. If you lose it you can get a copy. Don't give me that bullshit. You act like only rich people have IDs. Any more Dem talking points you want to spout out to demagogue the issue in your attempt to derail the thread?
Wrong, and also Wrong, Wrong again, and yet again, also wrong, and yet again, wrong.

There are plenty of voters with no picture ID in this country, and no formal paperwork either. And it can be very hard to get and it cost bucks even if you can. If you did the research, like I have, and were an honest person, like I am, you'd know that, but you don't let facts get in your way. The reason the laws like this get in trouble is because we've never issued ID to everyone and we've never required it to vote. The GOP knows who voters without picture ID vote for, and they don't want them to vote. That's the whole idea of these laws. If it was really about ID, we'd issue one to everyone first and then ask for it, but that won't help the GOP and they know it.

BULLSHIT! There is NOBODY in this country who has no ID and cannot get one! Not ONE SINGLE PERSON. My grandmother has no birth certificate...yet she has photo ID.
Ah, so because you don't know of anyone it's not true? Do you know anyone who's been to the moon? No, well I guess we didn't go there then.
You are the one that made the comments it is up to you to provide your empirical evidence that shows your comments are correct. Since you can not provide any, you used far left talking points based on programming and thus posted a lie.
The empirical evidence is no one has any empirical evidence that illegals vote here, you simply want to believe that they do. If you think they do, prove it.

There's plenty of empirical evidence, nimrod, like 104% of the eligible voters casting ballots for Obama in the last election.

Here's the bottom line: Anyone who opposes voter ID does so because they know Democrats can't win without voter fraud. There simply isn't any credible reason to oppose voter ID. Anyone who does so is a scumbag.
Dead wrong and disproved. Look it up.

And you can ask for ID when everyone has one, not before.

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