Let's Adopt Mexico's Voting Laws

The government should bring the polls to you moron, and in lots of cases they do.

Utterly moronic. That idea would have gone over well in 1789.

You didn't address my question: shouldn't the government have to pay to put gas in your car so you can drive to the polls?
Your question is too dumb to address. It's idiotic, like you.

You're the one who said that voting shouldn't cost anything. The obvious corollary to that theory is that government should pay for your gas. Either government should pay for all expenses involved in voting or it shouldn't.

Which do you believe?
You're still flailing, boy. Just admit you're full of shit, everyone but you realized it a while ago!
Just because your stupid little right-wing buddies pay you on the back doesn't mean you have a clue. You don't.

No one paying [sic] you on the back, PMH?

BTW, you never explained how you've been reading my posts for years when you've only been a member of this forum since February.
Fixed my typo, and you have been posting for years on other forums.
You're still flailing, boy. Just admit you're full of shit, everyone but you realized it a while ago!
Just because your stupid little right-wing buddies pay you on the back doesn't mean you have a clue. You don't.

No one paying [sic] you on the back, PMH?

BTW, you never explained how you've been reading my posts for years when you've only been a member of this forum since February.

He's probably a sock.
Mexico goes even further with this Credencial Para Votar. You need to provide it when you open a back account, apply for a credit card, or credit at the merchant. Also for establishing certain services such as a phone.

And, they make it difficult to obtain the card. First the post office for an application, then photos and copies of documents, then to the voter registration office where you need two witnesses who declare you are who you say you are.

But, more than 90% of adult Mexicans have the card and turnout for elections in incredibly high.
Just because your stupid little right-wing buddies pay you on the back doesn't mean you have a clue. You don't.

No one paying [sic] you on the back, PMH?

BTW, you never explained how you've been reading my posts for years when you've only been a member of this forum since February.
Fixed my typo, and you have been posting for years on other forums.

Which forums were those? And what was your alias there?
Translation: "I'm a sock!"
Hey dummy, I've been posting on these types of boards for years and so has he, but my nicknames change. The Admins know what IPs come in little buddy. If I was a sock they'd know it.

Hmm, if they did, I wouldn't have been kicked out of the CompuServe Political Debate three times under different aliases. That forum is run by a couple of commies, by the way.
Why should anyone think we should adopt all of Mexico's election laws?

You premise is moronic.

Because as someone who never votes Democrat or Republican an actual Independent.
Who believes its a rigged system I realize its impossible to change the system when people in charge of system and are the same people who makes the rules. Where these elected crooks and there party's can gerrymander districts for they never lose power its a joke. Debate laws changed by Democrats and Republicans oh yeah great system should never change because that's the thing r's and d's keep themselves in power while the two bicker and fight on mostly on everything but agree on that?

And people like you love it, blame the other side. It's not my party fault it's yours. Seriously it's like little kids back n forth all day!

I never said election laws shouldn't ever change. I just questioned the notion that we should adopt Mexico's election laws whole hog because of the comparison with their laws on voter I.D.

It's a bogus premise.

4. Campaign finance/corruption. Each of Mexico's main political parties receive approximately $24 million of public financing for a three-month campaign. They can also receive 10% of their funds from supporters, but no one can give more than $71,000. In contrast, in the United States, there will be an estimated $6 billion raised privately, and with the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, corporations can spend unlimited amounts of money. Major contributors could have extraordinary access and substantial influence over public policy. Some would define that as corruption on a scale that even the drug cartels couldn't compete.

5. Equitable access to the media/negative advertising. IFE pays for media advertising, and ensures that the candidates have equal access. IFE also tries to discourage any negative advertising. A substantial amount of the $6 billion raised by the candidates in the United States goes for media advertising, and a recent study showed that 70 percent of ads in this year’s presidential contest has been negative. Just think what $6 billion could do as an endowment to a university; it would have lasting positive effects. Who believes that negative advertising can have a lasting positive effect?

6. Neutralizing incumbency. Since its revolution, Mexico's constitution prohibits re-election in order to prevent incumbents from using government to manipulate the electoral process. IFE goes even further by trying to prevent the president from even campaigning in the most indirect way for his party's candidates. In the United States, incumbents have a huge advantage in fund-raising because special interests can contribute to members of Congress while they are writing laws.

Tell me how these 3 are bad ideas. Definitely would love to see 6 if my opinion mattered. Instead of these folks campaigning and focusing on the next election right after the last election they would have too do there job they were voted in to do and not worried about what their party tells them to vote for. That would be better for us as a country instead of a ID law.
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Here's how you do it.

You wait until right before the polls close. Then you get Volusia County to report -20,000 (minus 20k) for the other candidate. Then, you get someone to rig the ballot layout so the other guy loses an additional 10K votes. Then, you close the polls and freeze the bogus numbers in place, and get the Supreme Court to obstruct a legal recount.

This is only something that would happen in Mexico or the Soviet Union.

Thank God we live in a better place.
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When Mexico wags it's finger at US about racism and civil rights for Latinos, remember their voter IDs and immigration laws. It's laughable.
Here's how you do it.

You wait until right before the polls close. Then you get Volusia County to report -20,000 (minus 20k) for the other candidate. Then, you get someone to rig the ballot layout so the other guy loses an additional 10K votes. Then, you close the polls and freeze the bogus numbers in place, and get the Supreme Court to obstruct a legal recount.

This is only something that would happen in Mexico or the Soviet Union.

Thank God we live in a better place.

Let's try something unusual for you - PROVIDE A LINK TO PROVE THIS HAPPENS IN MEXICO!!!!!
When Mexico wags it's finger at US about racism and civil rights for Latinos, remember their voter IDs and immigration laws. It's laughable.

Mexico's voter ID laws have nothing discriminatory about them. ALL Mexican citizens are eligible to obtain the ID card and therefore vote!

Their immigration laws are simple - follow the law and we'll gladly let you in. If not, go to jail, direction to jail, do not pass Go, and do not get $200.

Is that too difficult for you to follow? :eusa_whistle:

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