Let's Adopt Mexico's Voting Laws

How do you know that they don't vote now? What is your empirical evidence (and not from a far left source)?
Because if they were, you'd have found evidence of it, and you have none. I don't have any evidence that Blue Teapots vote either. The elections aren't nearly as open as you believe. Ours are very fair considering. We have minor issues at times, and that's all. And illegals don't like to get in front of any authority at all, since they might be found out. They work and keep on the down low here, they don't vote.

You are the one that made the comments it is up to you to provide your empirical evidence that shows your comments are correct. Since you can not provide any, you used far left talking points based on programming and thus posted a lie.
The empirical evidence is no one has any empirical evidence that illegals vote here, you simply want to believe that they do. If you think they do, prove it.
Sweetcheeks, I just proved you wrong. You and you're little buddies are the only ones who can't see it. Your logic is no such thing. Learn something, for once, here: Constitutional Rights, Powers and Duties

You did no such thing all you have done is use far left programming.

Even more proof the the far left does not understand what "rights" are and also showing they have no clue about the Constitution either.

A double whammy!

Next he will be posting how a drivers license is a "right".
Driving isn't a Right but voting is. And read the links before you make yourself look like a total moron.
We also have the right to keep and bear arms. Should the government provide us all with a gun?
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

There is no requirement that the Government give for free IDs, or tell me when is the last time you got a drivers license for free? Nor is there a requirement that the Government find and provide you with the documents required for ID. Again remind me of the last time you got any Government ID State or Federal , where the Government did the leg work?

And I notice you are ignoring the fact that your claim that millions do not have IDs is a straight up LIE.
Voting in this county is free. That's why the ID has to be Free. If I want to drive, that's on me to do the work but just by being born here I have the right to vote. That means it's not on me to prove I should be able to, it's on the government to prove that I shouldn't. That's how it works here.

As for the numbers, they are referenced in the courts cases where ID get tossed out. Look them up, the research will do you good.

No the voter ID has to be free, but the rest of your little rant shows the far left mentality in it's full light.

Research is definitely not a far left strong suit, but that would require independent thought and we all know that does not exist in the far left.
As long as you issue a National ID to all first, knock yourself out. It makes it that much easier to track you and ask for your papers.

There is no requirement that the Government give for free IDs, or tell me when is the last time you got a drivers license for free? Nor is there a requirement that the Government find and provide you with the documents required for ID. Again remind me of the last time you got any Government ID State or Federal , where the Government did the leg work?

And I notice you are ignoring the fact that your claim that millions do not have IDs is a straight up LIE.
Voting in this county is free. That's why the ID has to be Free. If I want to drive, that's on me to do the work but just by being born here I have the right to vote. That means it's not on me to prove I should be able to, it's on the government to prove that I shouldn't. That's how it works here.

As for the numbers, they are referenced in the courts cases where ID get tossed out. Look them up, the research will do you good.

One is REQUIRED by LAW to have ID to register to vote. Further you need proof of residence and citizenship. And last I checked there was no requirement that to register the Government give you ID. You just keep lying. First you claimed millions do not have ID and now you are claiming that the Government must provide ID to vote when they have never done so ever. Further there are States now that have voter ID laws and they do not issue free ID either.
You did no such thing all you have done is use far left programming.

Even more proof the the far left does not understand what "rights" are and also showing they have no clue about the Constitution either.

A double whammy!

Next he will be posting how a drivers license is a "right".
Driving isn't a Right but voting is. And read the links before you make yourself look like a total moron.
We also have the right to keep and bear arms. Should the government provide us all with a gun?
Does it give you a car? Think next time before you say something stupid.
Because if they were, you'd have found evidence of it, and you have none. I don't have any evidence that Blue Teapots vote either. The elections aren't nearly as open as you believe. Ours are very fair considering. We have minor issues at times, and that's all. And illegals don't like to get in front of any authority at all, since they might be found out. They work and keep on the down low here, they don't vote.

You are the one that made the comments it is up to you to provide your empirical evidence that shows your comments are correct. Since you can not provide any, you used far left talking points based on programming and thus posted a lie.
The empirical evidence is no one has any empirical evidence that illegals vote here, you simply want to believe that they do. If you think they do, prove it.

Exactly you posted a lie and got caught in said lie.

Up to you to prove your comments not on me to disprove them. You made them now back them up with empirical evidence (as you have demanded other to do). Can you do it? yes or no?
A real American would not mind spending a few bucks for a America ID.

Illegals would spend a lot of money to get a real American ID
Driving isn't a Right but voting is. And read the links before you make yourself look like a total moron.
We also have the right to keep and bear arms. Should the government provide us all with a gun?
Does it give you a car? Think next time before you say something stupid.

Driving is not a right as you noted above. Your claim that a right must be free means that using your logic the Government must provide us free firearms, after all it is a right.
There is no requirement that the Government give for free IDs, or tell me when is the last time you got a drivers license for free? Nor is there a requirement that the Government find and provide you with the documents required for ID. Again remind me of the last time you got any Government ID State or Federal , where the Government did the leg work?

And I notice you are ignoring the fact that your claim that millions do not have IDs is a straight up LIE.
Voting in this county is free. That's why the ID has to be Free. If I want to drive, that's on me to do the work but just by being born here I have the right to vote. That means it's not on me to prove I should be able to, it's on the government to prove that I shouldn't. That's how it works here.

As for the numbers, they are referenced in the courts cases where ID get tossed out. Look them up, the research will do you good.

One is REQUIRED by LAW to have ID to register to vote. Further you need proof of residence and citizenship. And last I checked there was no requirement that to register the Government give you ID. You just keep lying. First you claimed millions do not have ID and now you are claiming that the Government must provide ID to vote when they have never done so ever. Further there are States now that have voter ID laws and they do not issue free ID either.
Some of these people registered to vote when FDR was in office. Do you want to tell us about the laws then? And you'd better look up the fact that if ID is required, the state will issue it For Free, it's part of the law. Do your homework before calling me a liar.
Driving isn't a Right but voting is. And read the links before you make yourself look like a total moron.
We also have the right to keep and bear arms. Should the government provide us all with a gun?
Does it give you a car? Think next time before you say something stupid.
You're the one who said the government should provide the ID since voting is a right. You don't want to apply that same standard to the 2nd amendment. A little selective, aren't you? BTW, driving isn't a right, it's a privilege. Think next time you say something stupid.
We also have the right to keep and bear arms. Should the government provide us all with a gun?
Does it give you a car? Think next time before you say something stupid.

Driving is not a right as you noted above. Your claim that a right must be free means that using your logic the Government must provide us free firearms, after all it is a right.
That's idiotic and not what I said. I said Voting has to be Free. See Poll Taxes, and why they are illegal.
A illegal would pay whatever to get a real American ID
You are the one that made the comments it is up to you to provide your empirical evidence that shows your comments are correct. Since you can not provide any, you used far left talking points based on programming and thus posted a lie.
The empirical evidence is no one has any empirical evidence that illegals vote here, you simply want to believe that they do. If you think they do, prove it.

Exactly you posted a lie and got caught in said lie.

Up to you to prove your comments not on me to disprove them. You made them now back them up with empirical evidence (as you have demanded other to do). Can you do it? yes or no?
The evidence that millions of people don't have ID, or your made-up idea that illegals vote?

I'll start anyway: http://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/voter-id
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What's wrong, can't keep your talking points straight?
You can't read. Try it next time. See your buddy on post #69. He can read.
You're the one that asked the stupid question about providing a car, you fucking idiot.
You asked if they should provide you a gun? I asked if they provide you a car you idiot. They provide you with neither. If you could think you would have understood that my question was your answer - no gun, no car, but voting has to be free, by law.

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