Let's all support Tea Party Primaries



What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
Pop quiz rdean. What does the word 'Tea' stand for in 'Tea Party'?

Taxed Enough Already: the rallying cry of the trailer denizens and seniors who pay no taxes, along with the corporations that mostly pay no taxes.

Isn't it funny how all of the objectives of the so-called "grassroots" TP and the corporations are the same?
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?

thought you would be happy when any Republican has a target on their backs....
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Also cite where in the ACA insurance companies were required to cancel policies that didn’t meet the Act’s requirements, or be subject to punitive measures.
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?

thought you would be happy when any Republican has a target on their backs....
Cruz and his ilk are making it easier for Democrats. McConnell's teabagger opponent, Bevin, will use this to hurt Turtle Mitch and help Grimes, who is currently leading Yurtle by 1% in the polls.
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Also cite where in the ACA insurance companies were required to cancel policies that didn’t meet the Act’s requirements, or be subject to punitive measures.
He won't. He'll either run away or deflect, but he won't give either of us a straight answer to our questions.
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Also cite where in the ACA insurance companies were required to cancel policies that didn’t meet the Act’s requirements, or be subject to punitive measures.
He won't. He'll either run away or deflect, but he won't give either of us a straight answer to our questions.

you mean Dean?....
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Please point to one policy that either Obama or the government cancelled.


I did the last time you asked me that you ignored it. But one more time the grandfather clause written into Obsmacare that would have let people keep their plans was rewritten by HHS so those plans no longer meet the Obamacare standards and were cancelled in case it slipped your mind HHS is part of the government the person heading it up giving the go ahead to the rewritten grandfather clause was appointed by Obama. I have now explained this to you twice I won't be doing it a third time.
If Americans can be gulled into calling the greatest Abortion of the 21st Century "ACA" rather than Obamacare then it won't be long before you'll also be gulled into believing Bush signed it into law and Democrats had nothing to do with it but are powerless to fix it.
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?

It would be pretty sweet if the GOP were to sabotage their own candidates again.
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Also cite where in the ACA insurance companies were required to cancel policies that didn’t meet the Act’s requirements, or be subject to punitive measures.

If the policies that we're being offered no longer meet the requirements the law now demanded what did you think would happen the insurance companies would continue to offer plans the law no said we're below the government mandated standard? If the government really wanted the people to able to keep the plans they had why rewrite the grandfather clause?

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