Let's be honest about USA gun violence


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
If you look where the most gun homicides occur per capita, #1 is south of the border. Ah shit, who'd have guessed it. Meanwhile, no cause concerned liberals cling to open borders, break the law and favor illegal immigrants. How fucking stupid.

Here's some fun, the highest rate of gun homicide occurs in Honduras, where there are 6 guns per 100 people. The USA is ranked 18th in gun homicide, with 100 guns per 100 people.

Oh yeah, take a wild guess which continent runs second chair to south america? That would be some African countries. So if you're wondering why all the crime in cities like Detriot & Chicago, perhaps there's something to it.

Cause and effect. Plenty of white fucks too, but seems to me we're a melting pot with the gates open to south america. You figure that has an impact on crime, especially considering illegal immigrants commit more crime?

As for the Florida shooting, that occurred despite regulations. The FBI, local police and the Obama admin. fucked up.

Remember, we didn't use to have this level of a problem. While there are multiple reasons for the gun violence, we're clearly regressing, and dick-head (e.g., California) immigration "policy" plays a major role. It's just another instance of primarily liberals fucking shit up, they don't see the cause, but are sure to pass a knee jerk reaction........"It's the gun's fault, it's our Constitution's fault, let's progressive".........Wholly shit.
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The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.

It's not even close. Especially considering the number of guns available. My guess is the bad guys get the guns and the good guys don't....Go figure.

...and these are the people the dems want to replace their unreliable voting base? It's almost as if they haven't fully thought this through or don't care about consequences.
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.

It's not even close. Especially considering the number of guns available. My guess is the bad guys get the guns and the good guys don't....Go figure.

...and these are the people the dems want to replace their unreliable voting base? It's almost as if they haven't fully thought this through or don't care about consequences.

Almost as if they haven't thought this through? Ha, give me a break. There's no "almost as if" about it.....Pisses me off, sorry.

The liberal elite have their message. They're ignorant as heck, or they're smart and corrupt with bad intentions. My guess is the latter. They spread the words, and the left adopts them because they sound cool.
I've never met a violent gun in my entire life. The crazy sob's that use them for violent reasons is a whole nother story.
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.

It's not even close. Especially considering the number of guns available. My guess is the bad guys get the guns and the good guys don't....Go figure.

...and these are the people the dems want to replace their unreliable voting base? It's almost as if they haven't fully thought this through or don't care about consequences.

Almost as if they haven't thought this through? Ha, give me a break. There's no "almost as if" about it.....Pisses me off, sorry.

The liberal elite have their message. They're ignorant as heck, or they're smart and corrupt with bad intentions. My guess is the latter. They spread the words, and the left adopts them because they sound cool.

The liberal elite believe that white people are a menace to civilization. That's the core justification for their obsession with mass immigration, even if they won't admit it outright. Some of them do admit it though.
To be honest, if you look at the "mean" results, America is much lower.

Or, disregard the hopeless places like Detroit ad Chicago, disregard the lowest safe rural areas where there are plenty of guns, but they are use exclusively for hunting, and you and look for the median if it's possible. If you did this for all nations and ranked, I bet America is far lower on the list.

You have some really extreme outlier data, most very violent countries are consistently violent across the board. Considering the number of guns and relatively high population, America isn't nearly as bad as the TV would allow us to believe.
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.
To be honest, if you look at the "mean" results, America is much lower.

Or, disregard the hopeless places like Detroit ad Chicago, disregard the lowest safe rural areas where there are plenty of guns, but they are use exclusively for hunting, and you and look for the median if it's possible. If you did this for all nations and ranked, I bet America is far lower on the list.

You have some really extreme outlier data, most very violent countries are consistently violent across the board. Considering the number of guns and relatively high population, America isn't nearly as bad as the TV would allow us to believe.

"Hey guys, we're not THAT bad. I mean, Somalia is still more dangerous. Guess we shouldn't do anything."

The only thing shot in my peaceful conservative quiet area is a few geese and an ocassional deer.
Now the amount of shootings of actual humans in the multicultural liberal areas in the urban environment only 35 miles south in the Twin Cities, whole other ball game, entirely different culture and mindset.
View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.

They don't have the immigration either, on topic.
Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.
Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.

I usually don't dive into conspiracy theories, but I have to say that's an interesting perspective. Wholly shit if that were the truth, those responsible would be from the depths of Hell...............A lot of bad people out there, why not the FBI?..............................And I'm not lost on how easily swayed our public is now. The dumber and weaker we are, which both are regressing south, then the easier we are to control. Cell phone gadgets are a dream come true for those with bad intentions. Take away the guns even better..
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Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.

I usually don't dive into conspiracy theories, but I have to say that's an interesting perspective. Wholly shit if that were the truth, these people are from the depths of Hell................I'm not lost on how easily swayed our public is now. The dumber and weaker we are, and both are transitioning south, the easier we are to control. Cell phone gadgets is a dream come true for those with bad intentions. Take away the guns even better..

It's tinfoil hat stuff.
View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.
Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.
This is the same nut that thinks Pizzagate was real.
No really.

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