Let's Blow Up A Character Attack On Harris

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Yeah, and im not criticize Harris for having an affair, just that she did it to help her way into politics.
But since se was already an assT DA for Alameda County, it did not help here get anywhere. And then there is the matter of people VOTING for her.
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Nope. I read all about it. But that wasn't a conviction. A jury held him liable for damages, they didn't convict him of a crime.

How dense can you be?
For damages

and what damage did he inflict?


Sexual assault. Ramming his hand up an unwilling woman’s vagina
When he is convicted, get back to me.

Otherwise you have very little to stand on.
Dude. No one cares about whether or not you are convinced.

The fact remains that a jury found that Trump rammed his hand up an unwilling woman’s vagina.

Your attempts to minimize that only remind people of what he did and make you look like a total degenerate asshole
Usually the "black racist" has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X
He makes as much sense as Harris.
You mean the truth for which you are so gung-ho about it? How about her abysmal record as California AG? Or how about her extreme Leftist ideology? You who claim to be a "Conservative" yet support Democrats! Fucking hypocrite.

Trump lost in 2020 because of his record. He's worse. He'll lose again by a landslide.
You earlier made claims about how popular Tump was in NYC in the 80s and 90s. Were you a resident of NYC back then ?
No, but I worked for a company whose headquarters were on Park Avenue. He was loved by all, except the oddballs that kept panhandling
But since se was already an ass DA for Alameda Cpunty, it did not hep heret anywhere. And then there is the matter of people VOTING for her.
They voted for her because he endorsed her. And it only cost her swallowing a few million little Willie’s.
I not trying to convince you.

You’re an insane Trumper

I am simply exposing your insanity and pointing out what a sleazy fuck Trump is

Harris is a self maid woman. No, I didn’t misspell that, she probably wore a maids outfit with Willie. I hear it was his thing.
They keep ignoring that Harris was Asst. DA for Alameda County when she met Brown.
When she was using Brown, she was a trial DA in Oakland. She used Brown's influence to get a Deputy DA job which was just a senior prosecutor. The executive levels are called Senior Deputy DA’s or Chief Assistant DA’s.
No, but I worked for a company whose headquarters were on Park Avenue. He was loved by all, except the oddballs that kept panhandling
So you worked for a company that made money off him in some way but you didn’t live on NYC.

I lived most of my life in the metro area. He was ridiculed for most of my life.

To the point where he was reduced to showing up on the Opie and Anthony show
There was evidence and that is why Trump was determined by the judge to be liabe for rape and guilty of defamation. The story wasn't made up, and 25 other women have imilar stories.
You can’t help lying can you? Trump was never found liable for rape, only defamation.
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