Let's Blow Up A Character Attack On Harris

Thanks for reminding everyone how Trump set the Dobbs/Roe court in motion and how important it is to change that

We get that, like Obama, Harris, and Biden, you wipe your ass with the Constitution.

We happen to appreciate justices who abide by it. No matter how unpopular.

Roe was nothing but a social engineering job based on "rights" William O. Douglas pulled out of his ass.

Don't like it....pass an amendment. Moron.
We get that, like Obama, Harris, and Biden, you wipe your ass with the Constitution.

We happen to appreciate justices who abide by it. No matter how unpopular.

Roe was nothing but a social engineering job based on "rights" William O. Douglas pulled out of his ass.

Don't like it....pass an amendment. Moron.
Keep telling everyone how proud of the Dobbs decision you are and how you want to go further

That oughta go over well
Keep telling everyone how proud of the Dobbs decision you are and how you want to go further

That oughta go over well

You might not know this, but the revolutionary war that gave even a sorry ungrateful ignorant asshole like you the freedoms you enjoy....was not very popular.

The court ruled on the Constitution. We get that you wipe your ass with it.

And I said I wanted it to go further where ? Show me.

Lying sacks of s**t like you can't do anything but show us you have diarrhea of the mouth.
We allow states who want to ban abortion, to ban abortion.

We also allow states who want to pass reasonable abortion protections to do so.

State's rights. Isn't it grand?

It was fine up until Burger and Co. decided to stick their noses into it.

Five states were already allowing abortion when Roe was handed down.

It was a poorly written decision.

And it wasn't even transparent in the fact that they knew they were engaging in social engineering.

Not what courts do.

Penumbras of B.S.
It was fine up until Burger and Co. decided to stick their noses into it.

Five states were already allowing abortion when Roe was handed down.

It was a poorly written decision.

And it wasn't even transparent in the fact that they knew they were engaging in social engineering.

Not what courts do.

Penumbras of B.S.
Indeed. And a myopic adherence to precedent let remain for 50 years.
It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.


I never dated a married man
We allow states who want to ban abortion, to ban abortion.

We also allow states who want to pass reasonable abortion protections to do so.

State's rights. Isn't it grand?
And the women in those states are NOT VERY HAPPY.

And women in other states are very wary
It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.




How did I miss that?
Indeed. And a myopic adherence to precedent let remain for 50 years.

Yeah. And Harris was one of the assholes who tried to pin the judges down in their hearings.

Totally inappropriate questioning. Barrett cut her off at the knees and she bowed out.

Kinda like I am so glad he's dead Ted Kennedy (the liar of the senate).

That's why all those fatties (who were never going to get pregnant) marched on the SCOTUS every year.....BECAUSE THEY KNEW IT COULD BE OVERTURNED.

States passed laws to hem in abortion and they were not challenged....why ? Because they were afraid it would be overturned if the SCOTUS took it on.

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