Lets Call This Anything but Privilege: Stanford swimmer gets jailed only 6 months for rape

Rescue would not have been necessary if this woman wasn't trolling for a college kid.

The guy is no victim. Neither is she. She got what she went for, just not in the way she wanted it.
What was the intent of her leaving the party with this guy and going to his dorm room?

Who said she was? Thats the story of the dumpster rapist. Why do you believe the word of a rapist who ran when he was caught?

Did he run because he had consent? Of I changed his name to Freddie Gray would you see it then?
She got what she went for, just not in the way she wanted it.

That's the entire point. You owned yourself?

If you wanted a nose job and I broke your nose would you say you got what you were looking for?
She wanted to get laid. She got laid. She just didn't want to get laid behind a dumpster. She wanted to get laid in a dorm room.

Hopefully she learned a lesson from this and the results of her own behavior.
As I live in the Bay Area, this story has shown up in the local news from time to time. Based on what I've read, this looks like a case of regretted fooling around being redefined as rape (there's a nationwide epidemic of this). Both were drunk. The woman was able to begin the walk to the guy's dorm room, but they never arrived there. I suspect they started kissing and grabbing each other, and that in the middle of their behind the bushes encounter, she passed out from her excessive drinking. The spin is that she didn't affirmatively consent, so her participation up until passing out is completely disregarded.

Both used incredibly poor judgement. I don't think the guy is the demon that is portrayed by the anti White People cabal.
Really! No beating. No bruising She was on her way to his dorm room. What was she expecting to happen when they got there?

I guess you're saying she wanted to be raped in her sleep. Consent? What's that?

She didn't fall asleep. She passed out drunk in the middle of screwing around with this guy. She was an idiot for drinking too much. He was drunk too. They are both idiots for drinking too much. If this hadn't happened on a toxic PC campus, it would have been an incident of regretted sex on part of both of them, and likely chalked up to experience.
She got what she went for, just not in the way she wanted it.

That's the entire point. You owned yourself?

If you wanted a nose job and I broke your nose would you say you got what you were looking for?
She wanted to get laid. She got laid. She just didn't want to get laid behind a dumpster. She wanted to get laid in a dorm room.

Hopefully she learned a lesson from this and the results of her own behavior.

I doubt it. The Stanford reaction just turned her into the moral equivalent of Mattress Girl.
Four rules for avoiding this kind of rape.

1. Don't get drunk
2. Don't get drunk.
3. See rule number one.
4. See rule number two.

The two most stupid statements made by victims.

1. I didn't think.
2. I thought.
A freaking week ago the hypocrite radical left showed their disrespect for women and girls when they claimed that women and young girls should "get over their fear of the male genitalia" in the ladies rest room and girls locker room. Now the same radicals want to send a (white) college boy up for ten years for rape for fondling an intoxicated girl at a frat party. What the hell do they teach kids in High School sex-ed besides putting a condom on a cucumber? Lucky for Bill Clinton that the statute of limitations expired.
This was no girl. It was an older woman who should absolutely have known better.

She wasn't beaten into submission. She wasn't slipped a date rape drug. She kept slamming back shooters like she was on spring break in Florida.

First rule of dating. You are responsible for your own safety at all times.
Four rules for avoiding this kind of rape.

1. Don't get drunk
2. Don't get drunk.
3. See rule number one.
4. See rule number two.

The two most stupid statements made by victims.

1. I didn't think.
2. I thought.

Don't forget the rule: Don't Rape.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky said in handing down the punishment that a longer sentence would have a "severe impact" on Turner.

Sex assault victim to ex-Stanford swimmer: "Assault is not an accident" - CBS News

Right, because black guys have never gotten away with rape.
What Black guy has ever been caught in the act with witnesses and gotten away with rape?

Here ya go:

Lets call this anything but privledge, black man gets probation for rape
What was the intent of her leaving the party with this guy and going to his dorm room?

Who said she was going to his dorm room? Not the victim. Why do you take the word of a convicted rapist, who had to be pulled of his victim has he humped her unconscious body.

One of the two Swedish post grad students who stopped the attack was weeping and sobbing at the condition of the victim, when the police arrived.

The all-white jury, who actually heard the evidence of the witnessed, including the medical evidence of the victim's injuries and condition, and the photographs of the injuries to her genitals, unanimously convicted this poor excuse for a human being, of all 3 counts. No one who heard the evidence had the slightest doubt as to who they believed.

But you want to blame the victim. You're no better than the piece of shit who raped her.
What was the intent of her leaving the party with this guy and going to his dorm room?

Who said she was going to his dorm room? Not the victim. Why do you take the word of a convicted rapist, who had to be pulled of his victim has he humped her unconscious body.

One of the two Swedish post grad students who stopped the attack was weeping and sobbing at the condition of the victim, when the police arrived.

The all-white jury, who actually heard the evidence of the witnessed, including the medical evidence of the victim's injuries and condition, and the photographs of the injuries to her genitals, unanimously convicted this poor excuse for a human being, of all 3 counts. No one who heard the evidence had the slightest doubt as to who they believed.

But you want to blame the victim. You're no better than the piece of shit who raped her.
And he got 6 months.

Of course she's to blame. There are hundreds of instances in which rape victims are not to blame. This isn't one of them.

You are responsible for your own safety at all times.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky said in handing down the punishment that a longer sentence would have a "severe impact" on Turner.

Sex assault victim to ex-Stanford swimmer: "Assault is not an accident" - CBS News

Wealth has its privileges.

?had he done that to my daughter he would be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
Better you train your daughter not to go to frat parties and get shitfaced.

Don't we have talks with girls anymore. If I had a daughter it would never happen to her.
And he got 6 months.

Of course she's to blame. There are hundreds of instances in which rape victims are not to blame. This isn't one of them.

You are responsible for your own safety at all times.[/QUOTE]

What you're saying is that if a woman is unconscious, she's fair game. So if I slip and fall, and I'm knocked unconscious, it's my fault if someone robs me, or rapes me, because I shouldn't have fallen.

As human beings, if someone is unconscious or in need of aid, decent human beings don't rape them. A rapist rapes them. That's what Christians are told they must do, it's what my son would do. But you think it's the victim's fault.

You're scum.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky said in handing down the punishment that a longer sentence would have a "severe impact" on Turner.

Sex assault victim to ex-Stanford swimmer: "Assault is not an accident" - CBS News

Wealth has its privileges.

?had he done that to my daughter he would be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
Better you train your daughter not to go to frat parties and get shitfaced.

Don't we have talks with girls anymore. If I had a daughter it would never happen to her.

I had all of these talks with my daughter. And still she walked home late at night from a party in a bad part of town, not entirely sober. It might be helpful if we didn't give boys passes for raping women - under any circumstances. If we blamed and shamed the rapists instead of the victims.

Edited to add: My daughter made it home safely, but it was a bad idea and she realized it. The young think they are invincible
If we had not been in a public venue, my partner would have had an extra fist in his face on this one. His take:drunken bitch was there for no other reason than to be fucked. Poor sap who took advantage of the invite...six months was way too out of line. I'm glad my daughter and granddaughters are out-of-country.

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