Lets Call This Anything but Privilege: Stanford swimmer gets jailed only 6 months for rape

What about the severe impact on the individual he raped?

The Judge is as stupid as the idiot Judge here in Texas that thought Ethan Couch was too privileged to be sent to jail...

The little bastard should have gotten the maximum sentence ( the rapist and Couch )....
Yes, if the last time you had a college hookup was behind a trashcan with a girl who was passed out sure. When someone saw you did you pull up your pants and run too like this kid did?

Quite the ladies man you are

There was nothing in your linked article about that, or your op.

Yet it still happened.

how do you know that?

It's in every media report of the attack.

He raped her behind a dumpster. The two Swedish students who stopped attack had to pull him off her. The girl was unconscious and did not recover consciousness until she was at the hospital.

Brock Turner has never admitted to raping this woman, even after he was unanimously convicted of all 3 felony charges. He only admits to drinking too much.

He has agreed to giving public service speeches on the dangers of drinking too much.

Brock needs to have somebody fuck him forcefully up the ass for 20 minutes and see how much he enjoys it.
The reason why two Swedish students had to pull him off her is because Brock was just as passed out drunk as the woman.
No. Learn the facts you dummy.
The article that YOU gave us directly contradicts what you are now telling us.

No, what the rapists said contradicts reality. Several people included links, you can use google or you stand there with your hand out asking to be fed knowledge. Doesnt matter to me. I enjoy watching you take the word of a rapist as Gospel.

You started the thread with a link (I assume for us to read and discuss) and then proceeded to make comments. However, only an idiot makes comments not related to any of the information he provided and then tells those participating in the discussion to go use Google. Everyone else had to spoon feed you on your own thread. Pathetic.

Hey, thats fine continue to defend the rapist and complain about me giving you information. Maybe if you do it enough I will spoon feed you the information.

Start by holding your breath

LMAO! I love that maneuver by you. You changed the discussion to make it sound like I'm "defending the rapist". So asking questions about the article YOU provided is suddenly defending someone. That's pretty funny. Hey, unlike you I like to know the facts before I get to deep into a discussion.

Let's just be honest, you don't really want to discuss this girl's terrifying ordeal. You really wanted to make this about whitey, privilege and race. You could care less about what happened to that girl which explains your behavior when I asked questions about why your comments aren't in the article you provided. You're a racist and that's what this is about. Let's not dance around this fact by discussing an article you care nothing about.

Well done! It's nice to read a rational voice on USMB.
"This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business."
Well, there you go. Another excuse to rape: she was an older woman. Wait, or was she a younger woman? Or an African-American woman, or a middle-aged woman, or a Republican woman, or a disabled woman? I know! She was a WOMAN! Good God, TipsyCat, get a grip!
She wasn't going along minding her own business. She went to a raucus frat party. What did she think she was doing there besides checking out the frat boys?

She passed out behind a dumpster in an alley. He was passed out on top of her. No doubt she was horribly embarrassed at being discovered behind the trash can with her pants down.

He was not passed out on top of her. He digitally penetrated her, penetrated her with an object, and then raped her.

She wasn't horribly embarrassed, she was bruised, beaten and unconscious.

She had accompanied her sister to the party at her sisters request.

Nice victim blaming, scum.
This is the first report of her being beaten. Where did you pick up that nugget?

Of course she was unconscious. She drank herself to oblivion.
What about the severe impact on the individual he raped?

The Judge is as stupid as the idiot Judge here in Texas that thought Ethan Couch was too privileged to be sent to jail...

The little bastard should have gotten the maximum sentence ( the rapist and Couch )....
Yes, if the last time you had a college hookup was behind a trashcan with a girl who was passed out sure. When someone saw you did you pull up your pants and run too like this kid did?

Quite the ladies man you are

There was nothing in your linked article about that, or your op.

Yet it still happened.

how do you know that?

It's in every media report of the attack.

He raped her behind a dumpster. The two Swedish students who stopped attack had to pull him off her. The girl was unconscious and did not recover consciousness until she was at the hospital.

Brock Turner has never admitted to raping this woman, even after he was unanimously convicted of all 3 felony charges. He only admits to drinking too much.

He has agreed to giving public service speeches on the dangers of drinking too much.

Brock needs to have somebody fuck him forcefully up the ass for 20 minutes and see how much he enjoys it.
The reason why two Swedish students had to pull him off her is because Brock was just as passed out drunk as the woman.

Wrong. The students saw Brock humping her, saw that she was unconscious and yelled at him to stop. He didn't. They then ran over and pulled him off her.

This is a remorseless, smug asshole who thinks he's got it bad. If he had gotten in his car, run her down and left her crippled, would he get 6 months in county? This is really no different. Her physical injuries may heal, but the impact of what he did will affect her for the rest of her life.
There was nothing in your linked article about that, or your op.

Yet it still happened.

how do you know that?

It's in every media report of the attack.

He raped her behind a dumpster. The two Swedish students who stopped attack had to pull him off her. The girl was unconscious and did not recover consciousness until she was at the hospital.

Brock Turner has never admitted to raping this woman, even after he was unanimously convicted of all 3 felony charges. He only admits to drinking too much.

He has agreed to giving public service speeches on the dangers of drinking too much.

Brock needs to have somebody fuck him forcefully up the ass for 20 minutes and see how much he enjoys it.
The reason why two Swedish students had to pull him off her is because Brock was just as passed out drunk as the woman.

Wrong. The students saw Brock humping her, saw that she was unconscious and yelled at him to stop. He didn't. They then ran over and pulled him off her.

This is a remorseless, smug asshole who thinks he's got it bad. If he had gotten in his car, run her down and left her crippled, would he get 6 months in county? This is really no different. Her physical injuries may heal, but the impact of what he did will affect her for the rest of her life.
If only she remembered it!

People make poor decisions every day. This woman was looking to hook up with a college boy. She did. Just not the way she expected.

When she drank herself to the point of passing out did she really think these boys were going to protect her?
As I live in the Bay Area, this story has shown up in the local news from time to time. Based on what I've read, this looks like a case of regretted fooling around being redefined as rape (there's a nationwide epidemic of this). Both were drunk. The woman was able to begin the walk to the guy's dorm room, but they never arrived there. I suspect they started kissing and grabbing each other, and that in the middle of their behind the bushes encounter, she passed out from her excessive drinking. The spin is that she didn't affirmatively consent, so her participation up until passing out is completely disregarded.

Both used incredibly poor judgement. I don't think the guy is the demon that is portrayed by the anti White People cabal.
As I live in the Bay Area, this story has shown up in the local news from time to time. Based on what I've read, this looks like a case of regretted fooling around being redefined as rape (there's a nationwide epidemic of this). Both were drunk. The woman was able to begin the walk to the guy's dorm room, but they never arrived there. I suspect they started kissing and grabbing each other, and that in the middle of their behind the bushes encounter, she passed out from her excessive drinking. The spin is that she didn't affirmatively consent, so her participation up until passing out is completely disregarded.

Both used incredibly poor judgement. I don't think the guy is the demon that is portrayed by the anti White People cabal.

Fucking an unconscious person is rape. Period.
As I live in the Bay Area, this story has shown up in the local news from time to time. Based on what I've read, this looks like a case of regretted fooling around being redefined as rape (there's a nationwide epidemic of this). Both were drunk. The woman was able to begin the walk to the guy's dorm room, but they never arrived there. I suspect they started kissing and grabbing each other, and that in the middle of their behind the bushes encounter, she passed out from her excessive drinking. The spin is that she didn't affirmatively consent, so her participation up until passing out is completely disregarded.

Both used incredibly poor judgement. I don't think the guy is the demon that is portrayed by the anti White People cabal.
Really! No beating. No bruising She was on her way to his dorm room. What was she expecting to happen when they got there?
As I live in the Bay Area, this story has shown up in the local news from time to time. Based on what I've read, this looks like a case of regretted fooling around being redefined as rape (there's a nationwide epidemic of this). Both were drunk. The woman was able to begin the walk to the guy's dorm room, but they never arrived there. I suspect they started kissing and grabbing each other, and that in the middle of their behind the bushes encounter, she passed out from her excessive drinking. The spin is that she didn't affirmatively consent, so her participation up until passing out is completely disregarded.

Both used incredibly poor judgement. I don't think the guy is the demon that is portrayed by the anti White People cabal.

Fucking an unconscious person is rape. Period.

It is absolutely unclear when she passed out. She started something while she was conscious.

Why is Stanford enabling events where underage people consume alcohol to the point of mental annihilation? That aspect is completely glossed over while the man is demonized for getting too drunk to use good judgement and the woman is given a pass.

I suspect most of the people demonizing this guy wouldn't want their daughters to be drunk at 3 times the legal limit at a Frat Party, yet they excuse this woman for doing exactly that. She was an idiot who put herself in a situation where she couldn't control her mind and body. Don't try to spin this into a "she deserved it". She didn't deserve to be raped, but that's not really what happened. She had sex and regretted it later on because she drank to the point of being mentally impaired.
I don't know how old the guy was but the woman was 23. Hardly underage. Certainly old enough to know when her drinking was getting into dangerous territory.
As I live in the Bay Area, this story has shown up in the local news from time to time. Based on what I've read, this looks like a case of regretted fooling around being redefined as rape (there's a nationwide epidemic of this). Both were drunk. The woman was able to begin the walk to the guy's dorm room, but they never arrived there. I suspect they started kissing and grabbing each other, and that in the middle of their behind the bushes encounter, she passed out from her excessive drinking. The spin is that she didn't affirmatively consent, so her participation up until passing out is completely disregarded.

Both used incredibly poor judgement. I don't think the guy is the demon that is portrayed by the anti White People cabal.
Really! No beating. No bruising She was on her way to his dorm room. What was she expecting to happen when they got there?

I guess you're saying she wanted to be raped in her sleep. Consent? What's that?
Did passing out withdraw her consent? I see now why the 20 year old man got such a light sentence.
Did passing out withdraw her consent? I see now why the 20 year old man got such a light sentence.

Fucking an unconscious person is rape. This is a fact.

Unlike your claims that the victim was a cougar looking for young stuff. And unlike your claim that he was passed out on top of her. And unlike your claim that the victim was not a student.
I agree that six months is not much of a sentence. Still, he will have to carry around the SEX OFFENDER title for the rest of his life. That's sure to put a damper on his future opportunities even with "white privilege".

HE is not the victim. I could care less what he has to carry. This judge should be recalled.

Favortism for the affluent and/or rich is Donald. Trump's America, not mine.
What was the intent of her leaving the party with this guy and going to his dorm room?

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