Lets Call This Anything but Privilege: Stanford swimmer gets jailed only 6 months for rape

This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business.
This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business.

Welcome to She-was-asking-for-itsville. Population: You
This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business.

Welcome to She-was-asking-for-itsville. Population: You
Unfortunately there are some women whose decision making ability is so poor they really are asking for it. In this case, she was older, she exercised the judgment to go to a college party and get stinking drunk. She is an older woman preying on college kids and it didn't go her way.
"Liberal judge?" Really? This sounds more like a judge who believes women are always wrong, i.e conservatives. But I don't want to assume anything just to make a statement or reveal my bigotry like Trump. The uproar is because both the father of the perpetrator and the judge made statements about how minor a thing it was, and the victim made a powerful impact statement that touched many people that might not otherwise have felt anything at all. Yes, every rape, every campus assault, every child abused and raped is a disgusting injustice, especially if the judge doesn't want to give the rapist a "life sentence". The victim will never recover her confidence but she "was in the wrong place at the wrong time", "asking for it", drunk, unconscious, drugged, fair game, or lacked less privilege than the rapist.
"This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business."
Well, there you go. Another excuse to rape: she was an older woman. Wait, or was she a younger woman? Or an African-American woman, or a middle-aged woman, or a Republican woman, or a disabled woman? I know! She was a WOMAN! Good God, TipsyCat, get a grip!
"Liberal judge?" Really? This sounds more like a judge who believes women are always wrong, i.e conservatives. But I don't want to assume anything just to make a statement or reveal my bigotry like Trump. The uproar is because both the father of the perpetrator and the judge made statements about how minor a thing it was, and the victim made a powerful impact statement that touched many people that might not otherwise have felt anything at all. Yes, every rape, every campus assault, every child abused and raped is a disgusting injustice, especially if the judge doesn't want to give the rapist a "life sentence". The victim will never recover her confidence but she "was in the wrong place at the wrong time", "asking for it", drunk, unconscious, drugged, fair game, or lacked less privilege than the rapist.

Judge Aaron Persky is from San Francisco and was appointed to the bench in September 2003 by then-Governor Gray Davis, a Democrat and fellow Stanford University alum and athlete. The judge is a liberal. LOL Eat shit dumbass. Oh, and there goes the OP's racist assertion of privilege.

So let's get to the point. Why do Liberals think it's OK for a woman to be raped?

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky said in handing down the punishment that a longer sentence would have a "severe impact" on Turner.

Sex assault victim to ex-Stanford swimmer: "Assault is not an accident" - CBS News

Right, because black guys have never gotten away with rape.
This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business.

WTF?? The victiM is a 23 year old college student! Your blaming the victim is disgusting.
This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business.

WTF?? The victiM is a 23 year old college student! Your blaming the victim is disgusting.

You're trying to reason with a monster. You would have better luck reaching a house plant.
"This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business."
Well, there you go. Another excuse to rape: she was an older woman. Wait, or was she a younger woman? Or an African-American woman, or a middle-aged woman, or a Republican woman, or a disabled woman? I know! She was a WOMAN! Good God, TipsyCat, get a grip!
She wasn't going along minding her own business. She went to a raucus frat party. What did she think she was doing there besides checking out the frat boys?

She passed out behind a dumpster in an alley. He was passed out on top of her. No doubt she was horribly embarrassed at being discovered behind the trash can with her pants down.
This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business.

WTF?? The victiM is a 23 year old college student! Your blaming the victim is disgusting.
She was not a college student. She was the oldest person at that party.

Light Sentence for Brock Turner in Stanford Rape Case Draws Outrage
Turner is the real victim in all this. He barely has the appetite to eat his favorite food, steak. That girl should be ashamed of herself for allowing this 20 minutes of action to spoil his favorite num-nums. :mad:
She should pick herself up, dust herself off and come to grips with the danger she put herself in. Don't do that anymore.

No one could possibly trivialize a rape. But this woman had no idea she was raped. She voluntarily got drunk. It's not like this young girl was plied with liquor.
She should pick herself up, dust herself off and come to grips with the danger she put herself in. Don't do that anymore.

No one could possibly trivialize a rape. But this woman had no idea she was raped. She voluntarily got drunk. It's not like this young girl was plied with liquor.

First she was a cougar, now she is a young girl?
She should pick herself up, dust herself off and come to grips with the danger she put herself in. Don't do that anymore.

No one could possibly trivialize a rape. But this woman had no idea she was raped. She voluntarily got drunk. It's not like this young girl was plied with liquor.

First she was a cougar, now she is a young girl?
Do the words it's NOT LIKE this young girl was plied with liquor. She is not a young girl. She was not plied with liquor. She is an older woman looking to hook up with college boys. When she was found half dressed passed out behind a dumpster she was humiliated and embarrassed. She did that to herself.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky said in handing down the punishment that a longer sentence would have a "severe impact" on Turner.

Sex assault victim to ex-Stanford swimmer: "Assault is not an accident" - CBS News

What about the severe impact on the individual he raped?

The Judge is as stupid as the idiot Judge here in Texas that thought Ethan Couch was too privileged to be sent to jail...

The little bastard should have gotten the maximum sentence ( the rapist and Couch )....
"This is not a story of another drunk college hookup with poor decision making. "

Actually, that sounds exactly like what it was.

Yes, if the last time you had a college hookup was behind a trashcan with a girl who was passed out sure. When someone saw you did you pull up your pants and run too like this kid did?

Quite the ladies man you are

There was nothing in your linked article about that, or your op.

Yet it still happened.

how do you know that?

It's in every media report of the attack.

He raped her behind a dumpster. The two Swedish students who stopped attack had to pull him off her. The girl was unconscious and did not recover consciousness until she was at the hospital.

Brock Turner has never admitted to raping this woman, even after he was unanimously convicted of all 3 felony charges. He only admits to drinking too much.

He has agreed to giving public service speeches on the dangers of drinking too much.

Brock needs to have somebody fuck him forcefully up the ass for 20 minutes and see how much he enjoys it.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky said in handing down the punishment that a longer sentence would have a "severe impact" on Turner.

Sex assault victim to ex-Stanford swimmer: "Assault is not an accident" - CBS News

What about the severe impact on the individual he raped?

The Judge is as stupid as the idiot Judge here in Texas that thought Ethan Couch was too privileged to be sent to jail...

The little bastard should have gotten the maximum sentence ( the rapist and Couch )....
"This is not a story of another drunk college hookup with poor decision making. "

Actually, that sounds exactly like what it was.

Yes, if the last time you had a college hookup was behind a trashcan with a girl who was passed out sure. When someone saw you did you pull up your pants and run too like this kid did?

Quite the ladies man you are

There was nothing in your linked article about that, or your op.

Yet it still happened.

how do you know that?

It's in every media report of the attack.

He raped her behind a dumpster. The two Swedish students who stopped attack had to pull him off her. The girl was unconscious and did not recover consciousness until she was at the hospital.

Brock Turner has never admitted to raping this woman, even after he was unanimously convicted of all 3 felony charges. He only admits to drinking too much.

He has agreed to giving public service speeches on the dangers of drinking too much.

Brock needs to have somebody fuck him forcefully up the ass for 20 minutes and see how much he enjoys it.
The reason why two Swedish students had to pull him off her is because Brock was just as passed out drunk as the woman.
"This is an older woman, not a college girl. She went to a frat party and got drunk. Scuse me. She checked her maturity at the door. She's a cougar at that party doing some uptown shopping for downtown business."
Well, there you go. Another excuse to rape: she was an older woman. Wait, or was she a younger woman? Or an African-American woman, or a middle-aged woman, or a Republican woman, or a disabled woman? I know! She was a WOMAN! Good God, TipsyCat, get a grip!
She wasn't going along minding her own business. She went to a raucus frat party. What did she think she was doing there besides checking out the frat boys?

She passed out behind a dumpster in an alley. He was passed out on top of her. No doubt she was horribly embarrassed at being discovered behind the trash can with her pants down.

He was not passed out on top of her. He digitally penetrated her, penetrated her with an object, and then raped her.

She wasn't horribly embarrassed, she was bruised, beaten and unconscious.

She had accompanied her sister to the party at her sisters request.

Nice victim blaming, scum.

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