Lets clarify 11 CFR 110.20 Law

Jr worked for the campaign, a foreign government offered damning evidence about his campaigns opponent, he met with the foreign government and listened to said damning evidence... THATS COLLUSION ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.

This isnt about that. Thats for being irrelevant. As always.

Again, you're overlooking the point that Don Jr. has changed his story several times in the last 4 days. It becomes about the LIE. NYT had him cornered, that is the only reason he finally told the truth and released his emails.
Wake the fuck up. You can scrounge around and find all the laws you want, (like you understand what you're looking at).
But what matter is the Trumps have lied about their associations with the Russians. PERIOD FUCKING THE END.
Tick, tick, tick, tick
I was clarifying a law people thought he might have broke. Sorry if the truth hurts your massively stinky vagina.
Slap him. He is the one that doesnt like hygiene.
Jr worked for the campaign, a foreign government offered damning evidence about his campaigns opponent, he met with the foreign government and listened to said damning evidence... THATS COLLUSION ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.


And "collusion" ain't a crime, no matter which way you look at it. tick tock tick tock...
you Trumpdrones can move the goal post around until you shit and fall over in it. Its not going to make a damn bit of difference.

Jr worked for the campaign, a foreign government offered damning evidence about his campaigns opponent, he met with the foreign government and listened to said damning evidence... THATS COLLUSION ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.


And "collusion" ain't a crime, no matter which way you look at it. tick tock tick tock...

try and keep up ok ?

post #22
The lawyer and emin or whatever the fuck everyones names are, arent govt agents...

......and you know this because.........???

Do you think they walk around with a name tag stating, "foreign agent and part-time spy"???
As Postman said above, the legal definition of "donation" is:

(e)Donation. For purposes of part 300, donation means a payment, gift, subscription, loan, advance, deposit, or anything of value given to a person, but does not include contributions.​

Why is "gift" in there? Because people can donate objects in lieu of a cash payment. It's to close the loophole where someone could say, "Hey, I never paid the guy! I just gave him a vacation home as a gift!"

That means it's up to a judge (or rather, the attorneys) to argue whether the dirt on Hillary being offered counts as a gift or anything of value. Given that this is Trump's campaign working with a foreign gov't to affect the election, I have a feeling judges will see this as a gift since it had immense value to Trump's campaign. Worse, it can set up an obligation — Russia helps Trump, so Russia expects something in between. Like easing sanctions and letting Russia have Syria.

And before y'all Trumpies attack me, please note I'm not saying Trump himself did anything here.
They dont even know what was spoken about dude..
anything of value means MONETARY
I posted the law! Read the thing
Goddamn.. we cant even agree on something when its RIGHT THERE
1) The emails show that the Russian gov't wanted to help Trump win and had info that would. Trump Jr. has admitted the meeting was about that (as well as sanctions and adoption).
2) I read the law. I clicked on your link, and copy-n-pasted the definition for (e) Donation. You are saying value equals monetary. Fine. Then that means value equals something related to money. Again, that's why the law includes the term "gift". If it was literally only about money, then there wouldn't be that term in the law.

We cannot agree on something that's RIGHT THERE because you appear unable to accept that monetary value means something is valuable. Which is just silly.
Jr worked for the campaign, a foreign government offered damning evidence about his campaigns opponent, he met with the foreign government and listened to said damning evidence... THATS COLLUSION ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.


And "collusion" ain't a crime, no matter which way you look at it. tick tock tick tock...

try and keep up ok ?

post #22

I'm miles ahead of you junior. Best YOU try and keep up.
The lawyer and emin or whatever the fuck everyones names are, arent govt agents...

......and you know this because.........???

Do you think they walk around with a name tag stating, "foreign agent and part-time spy"???
you are grasping for air.
The guy he was emailing isnt even a citizen in russia. The other guy involved in the emails is a real estate developer.
You think we could find out if the are spies? Come on nat..
Donation is only monetary
Here is the law
11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).
Here is the def of donation
11 CFR 300.2 - Definitions.
I was wrong and so are many others.
So DID Trump Jr break a law? Better find another one cause it aint 11 CFR 110.20.
The law is translated as if a Republican gets a candy bar from a foreigner the MSM shall talk about it 7/24 and people will go to jail.

If it's a Clinton getting millions from another government, the MSM is to talk about the hottest model and what she wore last night.

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
1) Whatever Clinton did or didn't do has no bearing on whether Trump did something legal or illegal. But thanks for trying to change the subject!

2) The law doesn't address anything about the media that I read. Seriously, are you reading posts or just making shit up as you go?
Jr worked for the campaign, a foreign government offered damning evidence about his campaigns opponent, he met with the foreign government and listened to said damning evidence... THATS COLLUSION ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.


And "collusion" ain't a crime, no matter which way you look at it. tick tock tick tock...

try and keep up ok ?

post #22

I'm miles ahead of you junior. Best YOU try and keep up.

ok princess, anything you say.

Donation is only monetary
Here is the law
11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).
Here is the def of donation
11 CFR 300.2 - Definitions.
I was wrong and so are many others.
So DID Trump Jr break a law? Better find another one cause it aint 11 CFR 110.20.

(e)Donation. For purposes of part 300, donation means a payment, gift, subscription, loan, advance, deposit, or anything of value given to a person, but does not include contributions.

Anything of value. Which could be anything from a stock tip, to a lottery ticket.

Wrong! That is would be so vague that a pile of horseshit could be valuable to a farmer needing manure for his crops.
Having her own server in order to conduct government business and to transmit classified materials was the crime dipstick.........

Actually, no emails properly marked as classified were transmitted from the Clinton server.

Stop with the unending spray of bullshit! You know that is not the truth because the headings were removed.
As Postman said above, the legal definition of "donation" is:

(e)Donation. For purposes of part 300, donation means a payment, gift, subscription, loan, advance, deposit, or anything of value given to a person, but does not include contributions.​

Why is "gift" in there? Because people can donate objects in lieu of a cash payment. It's to close the loophole where someone could say, "Hey, I never paid the guy! I just gave him a vacation home as a gift!"

That means it's up to a judge (or rather, the attorneys) to argue whether the dirt on Hillary being offered counts as a gift or anything of value. Given that this is Trump's campaign working with a foreign gov't to affect the election, I have a feeling judges will see this as a gift since it had immense value to Trump's campaign. Worse, it can set up an obligation — Russia helps Trump, so Russia expects something in between. Like easing sanctions and letting Russia have Syria.

And before y'all Trumpies attack me, please note I'm not saying Trump himself did anything here.

Since NOTHING was received, why are you even going down that road?
The law in this matter, as it relates to Trump, lies in the hands of Congress. In all honesty what does and does not constitute a crime committed by the president is entirely up to them to decide regardless of any actual statues.

That is the real fish they are going for after all - his son is not the actual target here.

But they will take what they can get.

Granted they wont get him because even id they find something to convict him with dad will pardon him

But they will be trying.
The dems would love it if Trump is forced to pardon his son - that right there would be enough, IMHO, to get the republicans on the side of impeaching him.
Jr worked for the campaign, a foreign government offered damning evidence about his campaigns opponent, he met with the foreign government and listened to said damning evidence... THATS COLLUSION ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.

Oh, you mean all that damning evidence about adoptions?

yeah, the adoptions Jr already changed his story on twice, and his lawyer once.

try and keep up ... better yet, STFU
Oooh, ouch. Deny the adoptions dialogue all you want. It's what's expected from your ilk.

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