Let's clear up this bashing of polls......


No, most polls do not gauge the opinion of common voters. They [pollsters] question specifically targeted individuals for known political bias.

A poll is used to shape public opinion, not report on it.

Ahhhhhh,a Rasmussen fan......LOL
The only poll that was even close was the 20,000/200 poll.
Hilly only got her majority in the popular vote in California. If not for that, Trump won the popular vote.

Bullshit.......Clinton easily won the popular votes in states like Illinois, Minnesota, Mass. etc.
Remove NY and California and Trump won the popular vote.
Go by square yardage and look at the map. Trump got more acreage than Hillary. ie more red spots on the big map.
Let's clear up this bashing of polls......

Polls showed Hillary would mop the floor with Trump. Same old liberal media tricks, skew the polls and push a narrative that Trump has no chance in an attempt to lower Trump voter turn out and throw the election to the Democrats, shocker. :rolleyes:
Anytime someone points out that Trump's approval ratings are in the toilet and soon ready to be flushed, Trump acolytes bring up the real fact that most polls had Hillary Clinton as the winner......

I have long disliked BOTH Clintons, but a factor that half brained right wingers neglect to acknowledge (or ar NOT capable of acknowledging) is this:

Most polls (with a few exception) gauge ONLY the opinions of common voters and only peripherally gauge how the whims of the electoral college would vote.........

Since polls gauge the popular vote, pollsters had it CORRECT that Clinton would win IF our elections were determined strictly on the majority of votes........but our elections are not determined by the number of votes, and both Trump AND GWB have benefited from this factor.
:----/ how manyy electors switched their vote? Enough to throw the election?

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