That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

I suppose someone such as you oppose equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for black men. And, you are not alone, and that explains how black men hate white people like you. It's unfortunate that people like you are filled by hate, and of course fear of black men and must, while hiding behind a keyboard, use such vile attacks on someone you don't know, and has never done harm to you or your family; something you've done to George Floyd's Family and Friends.

Ultimately you're the one to blame for the systemic racism that has plagued this country for hundreds of years. It was the party you support who built the institution of slavery, started a Civil War, formed the Klan, lynched and murdred blacks, formed Planned Parenthood to rid the country of "undesirable races", and even fought tooth and nail to prevent the Civil Rights Act from becoming law.

My party is the one who freed the slaves, gave them the right to vote, gave them the right to defend themselves with firearms, made civil rights a law, gave them the best economy and the most jobs they had ever seen, and enacted justice reform, as did President Trump.

Given the violent racist history of your party, you should by all rights be on your knees, washing some black person's feet and begging for forgiveness for being such an inhuman monster.

Now go ahead and prove me right by trying to deny everything I just said.

Wow, such a mishmash of history is mindful of Orwell's 1984, a rewrite of history to be sure. And, in fact and example of the BIG LIE - only one of many passed on by supporters of the GOP and in particular Donald Trump.

Yes, The D Party was the party in the 19th and the first five decades of the 20th the party of Jim Crow Laws and Lynchings, that all changed, when:

Which party and under which President integrated our Military Service? HSTruman.​
Which Party was divided by HST's integration of the Military? The D's.​
Which party put troops into Little Rock to keep the peace and enforce Brown v. Board of Ed. IKE​
Which Party passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965? The D's.​
Which Party created and supported Affirmative Action? The D's. Which party opposed it as well as the ERA, weakened the Voting Rights Act, opposed Affirmative Acton and the NLRB? The R party.​
I proved you "right", you are far right, the set of people who are attacking George Floyd's Character, supporting Donald Trump and the White Supremacists who carry the Stars and Bars and the occasional swastika flag. Your party, the R's, support corporations, the special interests - Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Farma as well as the very rich. The y do not support the working men and women - the middle classes and working poor - post-natal children, the aged, the infirm and oppose the Civil Rights Act of 1991 (signed by Bush I, btw); the vast majority of the current iteration of GOP voters do not support equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for all.

And one more thing:

Why were all the protests, riots, lootings, arsons, and assaults happening in places that were exclusively controlled by Democrats, and have been for decades? If Democrats supposedly represent the "common" people, working men and women, the middle classes, the working poor, post-natal children, the aged, the infirmminorities, gays, students, and women, why were their cities being destroyed?

San Diego, CA, Jacksonville, FL, Ft. Worth and El Paso, TX, Oklahoma City, Fresno, CA, Mesa, AZ, Omaha, NE, Colorado Springs, CO, Virginia Beach, VA, Tulsa, OK, Arlington, TX, all sizable cities which have Republican Mayors.

Same thing with state Governors: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, new Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming all have Republican Governors, and where were their riots, lootings, assaults, and protests?

I think you're failing to see the big picture here. If we Republicans are such "right-wing", "white nationalist", "anti-civil rights", "corporate special interest", people who don't care, why are your states and cities the shitholes in this country, and not ours?
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

You don't even need math to prove that black lives don't matter. They're killing each other off faster than any 1920's Klansman could ever imagine.

You can almost hear the ghosts of those old Democrats somewhere out in the darkness, chuckling to themselves.

Are you ever bothered at all by being so god damned RIGHT!!!! (as in correct) Probably the only time it causes you any problems is when the anti-White brainless sheeple around here reply to you.

Between 1965-2004, there were 806,316 murders committed in this country. 588,611 were committed by negroes. Of those, 179,808 were White men, women and CHILDREN murdered by negroes. Which is over 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! Yet look at all the "white" filthy, treasonous, brainwashed scum sucking, lowlife filth that protest the death of the criminal george floyd. They aren't even human. If anybody deserves death, they do!

Also, in 2005, there were 378,460 black on White rapes-sexual assaults in this country. (That are known of) During the same time, the number of White on black rapes-sexual assaults was 0 to 10! Apparently the negro species of human is a criminally inclined species. The lives of a criminal species isn't worth shit.
Do you still think the cop who is charged with murder is a hero?
the piece of shit that murdered Floyd should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law ! most Americans on the left and right agree with that sentiment ..what divides us is the lawless violence and communist movement gaining ground on the mans death ! also the broad generalization and the calling of all cops and whites privileged and racist.

I see that you don't grasp this thread either. But to set things straight, "if" officer Chauvin was guilty of anything, (which he wasn't) he shouldn't be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Only 14% of it. In keeping with the percentage of our population that is negro.
that is insane ! so if a white woman is killed the killer shouldnt be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law either because white women make up a little less than 50 % of the population if you factor in gender and race !
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

I suppose someone such as you oppose equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for black men. And, you are not alone, and that explains how black men hate white people like you. It's unfortunate that people like you are filled by hate, and of course fear of black men and must, while hiding behind a keyboard, use such vile attacks on someone you don't know, and has never done harm to you or your family; something you've done to George Floyd's Family and Friends.

You are delusional, at best. Boy, do I have a red pill for you to take! You would find reality to be totally different than what you have been programmed to accept. And though the mods lately have been pretty cool, I doubt if they would allow me to give you that red pill. But to help you along your way, (a very little way) after this reply, check out post #23.

As to equal rights, if negroes weren't in fact White envying parasites, they would go back to Africa and have all the equal rights they can handle. Also, do you know what the "rights" of a lynx means to a bobcat? Just what they should. Absolutely nothing. Do you know what the "rights" of a mule deer mean to a white tail deer? Just what they should. Absolutely nothing. And there are zillions of such examples throughout the animal kingdom. Which the various species (races) of human are part of.

And as for black men hating White people, they apparently don't hate our women. With my own eyes I have seen that about 98% of the time that a negro guy is out in public with a female, it is a "white" female. And look at Michael Jackson. He was black and went through everything he could afford to try and make himself look White. On top of everything else, the lives of the 14% don't matter as much as the lives of the other 86%.
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

You don't even need math to prove that black lives don't matter. They're killing each other off faster than any 1920's Klansman could ever imagine.

You can almost hear the ghosts of those old Democrats somewhere out in the darkness, chuckling to themselves.
hopefully one day black people will wake up from the nightmare dem policies have caused them .

Democrats love salves as much as republicans.
Do you still think the cop who is charged with murder is a hero?
the piece of shit that murdered Floyd should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law ! most Americans on the left and right agree with that sentiment ..what divides us is the lawless violence and communist movement gaining ground on the mans death ! also the broad generalization and the calling of all cops and whites privileged and racist.
Earlier the OP called him a hero. This is an accountability check.

Your accountability check is in post #23.
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

If Cult45 needs an example of the kind of racism used among your ranks, look no further than this OP ^^^

I was wondering when somebody was going to call mathematics "racist." How about we try it this way. Let's say you had $100 dollars. In your right pocket you kept $86 dollars. In your left pocket you kept $14 dollars. In what pocket does what is in there matter more.
Do you still think the cop who is charged with murder is a hero?
the piece of shit that murdered Floyd should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law ! most Americans on the left and right agree with that sentiment ..what divides us is the lawless violence and communist movement gaining ground on the mans death ! also the broad generalization and the calling of all cops and whites privileged and racist.

I see that you don't grasp this thread either. But to set things straight, "if" officer Chauvin was guilty of anything, (which he wasn't) he shouldn't be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Only 14% of it. In keeping with the percentage of our population that is negro.
that is insane ! so if a white woman is killed the killer shouldnt be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law either because white women make up a little less than 50 % of the population if you factor in gender and race !

It depends on who killed the White woman. If it was a White man who killed the White woman, he should be prosecuted to 100% of the law. If it a negro who kills a White woman, he should be prosecuted to 186% of the law. In other words, lynching.
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

If Cult45 needs an example of the kind of racism used among your ranks, look no further than this OP ^^^

I was wondering when somebody was going to call mathematics "racist." How about we try it this way. Let's say you had $100 dollars. In your right pocket you kept $86 dollars. In your left pocket you kept $14 dollars. In what pocket does what is in there matter more.

Ah, the old 'Im in the majority, so I can't be a racist' argument of the racist simpleton. Always timeless, yet still incorrect.
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

MOST people are NOT right wing conservative nazis

in fact, only about 20% of the population are right wing fascist conservative nazi human garbage scumbags

Do you still think the cop who is charged with murder is a hero?
the piece of shit that murdered Floyd should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law ! most Americans on the left and right agree with that sentiment ..what divides us is the lawless violence and communist movement gaining ground on the mans death ! also the broad generalization and the calling of all cops and whites privileged and racist.

I see that you don't grasp this thread either. But to set things straight, "if" officer Chauvin was guilty of anything, (which he wasn't) he shouldn't be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Only 14% of it. In keeping with the percentage of our population that is negro.
You’re fucking nuts
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

If Cult45 needs an example of the kind of racism used among your ranks, look no further than this OP ^^^

I was wondering when somebody was going to call mathematics "racist." How about we try it this way. Let's say you had $100 dollars. In your right pocket you kept $86 dollars. In your left pocket you kept $14 dollars. In what pocket does what is in there matter more.

Ah, the old 'Im in the majority, so I can't be a racist' argument of the racist simpleton. Always timeless, yet still incorrect.

Your other BS aside, what you say is interesting. You say "racist" as if it were a bad thing. Over many years I have seen all sorts of nature shows. Every time they show a flock of birds, they are always the same species of bird. I have also seen the same thing in reality outside. And every school of fish they have ever showed on any nature show has always been the same species of fish. It isn't this way because any feelings of racism or supremacy. It is that way because throughout the history of life on this planet, being that way has been proven over and over to be the best way to be. And it is probably that way on every inhabited planet throughout infinity.
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.

MOST people are NOT right wing conservative nazis

in fact, only about 20% of the population are right wing fascist conservative nazi human garbage scumbags


I see. The stupid is strong with you. Can reality change your mind? I doubt it. Truth and reality don't matter to brainwashed cultists. But I'll give it a try anyway. How many White people in the U.S. do you see trying to sneak into Mexico. And how many White Europeans do you see trying to sneak into Africa and the Middle East. From what you say, your life matters even less than the criminal george floyd's.
That is with BS going on over the death of the criminal george floyd. (His name doesn't even deserve capitalization) I am going to cut through the BS with mathematical, laser like precision. I wonder what kind of crap I will receive over mathematics. Here it is. Only about 14% of the U.S. population is negro. That means that about 86% isn't. The lives of the 14% DOESN'T MATTER! It is the lives of the 86% that matters! What this clearly shows is that "Black lives DON'T matter!" It is the lives of the 86% that matters. If the mathematics doesn't convince you, take 100% of something put 14% of it one one side of a balance beam scale and put the other 86% on the other side. See which holds more weight. If anybody says anything that goes against all this, they are just talking out of their ass.
Look at the scumbag trying to justify murder.

Not gonna fly scumbag.

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