Let’s Dig Up The Rotting Bones Of Confederate Traitor Nathan Bedford Forrest!


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
Confederate Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest, by most accounts except the white supremacist ones, was quite the murderous, racist shithead. He was a wealthy slave trader, and he presided over one of the bloodiest massacres of the Civil War at Fort Pillow, where hundreds of black and white Union soldiers, and also black civilians, were murdered in cold blood after they had surrendered. The historian Richard Fuchs wrote that “The affair at Fort Pillow was simply an orgy of death, a mass lynching to satisfy the basest of conduct — intentional murder — for the vilest of reasons — racism and personal enmity.” Oh, and he was also the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, so HE SEEMS NICE.

And in Memphis, the city which adopted Forrest so long ago as its own, there’s a big-ass statue of him in Health Sciences Park, in a racially diverse neighborhood that includes a world class medical center, dire poverty, gentrifying liberals, Victorian mansions, yummy restaurants, and the occasional murder problem. Buried underneath that statue are the rotting bigot bones of Forrest and his wife. And there’s a push to move the statue and dig up the bones, but, though that push is PART of the aftermath of the Charleston murders which left nine dead and millions of Confederate flags tossed aside in shame, this fight’s been going on a lot longer.

Read more at Let s Dig Up The Rotting Bones Of Confederate Traitor And KKK Founder Nathan Bedford Forrest Wonkette

So, this story suggests that there are plenty of things to do regarding the shameful slavery past. Like the monument to Major General Forrest in Memphis.
Ok, this particular one wasn't really nice, but him being what he was in his days and in ours are two different things. Should we ignore that and demolish all the reminders of the epoch? Forget about the heritage, the history and get rid of the past, especially when it's so shameful? There are a lot more monuments to move or even destroy...
Do you thing that this whole Confederate flag hysteria can cause such consequences?
Face it, the Democrats don't like the fact that their past isn't pretty.
The Confederate South wanted nothing more in 1863 than the Original 13 States wanted in 1776.
Get out the jackhammers.

I don't believe that there is one person flying the Southern flag that wants to own slaves, thinks that slaves are what the flag represents, or is promoting the overthrow of the North. This move is to make the patriotic south less patriotic, especially in their children. Any signs of exceptionalism must be removed from America. American pride is counter to global world governance.
I don't believe that there is one person flying the Southern flag that wants to own slaves, thinks that slaves are what the flag represents, or is promoting the overthrow of the North. This move is to make the patriotic south less patriotic, especially in their children. Any signs of exceptionalism must be removed from America. American pride is counter to global world governance.

As the great-great-granddaughter of Jefferson Davis, I can tell you unequivocally that you couldn't pay me enough to have a slave. I'd much prefer a paid employee. They're more motivated and self-sustaining.
In 1721, Boston’s famous Puritan Preacher Cotton Mather, himself an owner of slaves, sermonized a gathering of Africans as follows:

“If you were free many of you would not live near so well as you do...even where your servitude is very hard, you ought to live patiently under it because slavery was what God ... appointed for you.”

“You are fed and clothed and lodged, as well as you can wish for, and you have no cares upon you, but only to come when you are called, and do what you are bidden.”

Lets dig this old hypocrite, Cotton Mather, up too.

In fact, there are a lot of dead old Slave Traders in Massachusetts & New York who need to be dug up. Fortunes were made by the New York & Boston merchants who owned the ships used to haul the Africans captured by their agents....why do you think Ralph Waldo Emerson was able to gad about New England spouting his transcendentalist bullshit? His ancestor, Mr. Waldo made a fortune out of his Slave Ship--The African. Lets dig up Ralph Waldo Emerson for living high off ill-gotten gains.

And the only reason Massachussetts didn't stay a slave state is because their soil & climate (both shitty) wouldn't allow them to make money off of them.

In fact, Massachusetts had to pass a law that citizens couldn't just abandon the poor Africans to the streets---to beg & die---after they got too old to work.

Hypocrites being hypocrites. Its disgusting to observe.
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