Zone1 Let's Discuss the word "Plantation"

There are many others on this site.
So?....A one-off and the idiotic rantings in a troll thread out of public view, where most of the posters don't participate in the "normal" threads anyway, does not make an army of wacists.

This shit isn't keeping you up at night, is it?
Are we looking for words to forbid in an effort to make this a more civil place? If so, I would start with the most offensive words, and to me, top of the list is “Nazi,” especially when addressing a Jew, or describing Jews. It is reprehensible and designed to cause as much pain as possible.
No, this thread has nothing to do with that. I've seen the word "plantation" used in different ways on this site, mostly in negative ways, and wanted input on why people use it the way they do. Politically, the use of it has ramped up recently.
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Are we looking for words to forbid in an effort to make this a more civil place? If so, I would start with the most offensive words, and to me, top of the list is “Nazi,” especially when addressing a Jew, or describing Jews. It is reprehensible and designed to cause as much pain as possible.

Please tell me that you're being sarcastic.

No, this thread has nothing to do with that. I've seen the word "plantation" used in different ways on this site, mostly in negative ways, and wanted input on why people use it the way they do. Politically, the use of it has ramped up recently.

So then tell us, is this going to be a regular thing now? What's the word of the day going to be tomorrow?
Politically, the use of it has ramped up recently.

It's because Dems suddenly have a Kamala Harris problem. That's the short version anyway.

That's why Dems in particular have gotten politically defensive about the term.

And in that regard they clearly see that the best defense is to assume an offense because they know she'll be the target of the language.

That's where the problem, reaction, solution gag gets put into play.

The politically active/vocal blacks will be used for the emotion angle but still deemed mere utilities to provide the assist in the larger endeavor. Then under the bus they go again when their usefulness in the endeavor has ran its course.

That's how these weasels operate.

I tried to explain that to IM earlier. Was like talking to the wall, though.
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So?....A one-off and the idiotic rantings in a troll thread out of public view, where most of the posters don't participate in the "normal" threads anyway, does not make an army of wacists.

This shit isn't keeping you up at night, is it?
Two links there, but there are many more if one knows how to search.

Nothing on this site is exciting enough to keep me awake.
No, this thread has nothing to do with that. I've seen the word "plantation" used in different ways on this site, mostly in negative ways, and wanted input on why people use it the way they do. Politically, the use of it has ramped up recently.
A lot of offensive terms will ramp up as we move through the election year, and, IMHO, as Democrats start to panic as Trump continues to hold on to his lead.

That said, it might not be a bad idea to expand the list of banned words. Maybe a topic for the Announcement and Feedback forum.
Please tell me that you're being sarcastic.

So then tell us, is this going to be a regular thing now? What's the word of the day going to be tomorrow?
No, I’m not being sarcastic. We have leftists here screaming “Nazi!” at Jews. I just want to make sure that if we are going to outlaw certain words that might be offensive to blacks, that we aren’t simultaneously being very lenient to antisemites screaming offensive words and concepts to Jews.

But the OP said that isn’t what this thread is about.
A lot of offensive terms will ramp up as we move through the election year, and, IMHO, as Democrats start to panic as Trump continues to hold on to his lead.

That said, it might not be a bad idea to expand the list of banned words. Maybe a topic for the Announcement and Feedback forum.
If any words were to be added to the ban list, we would announce it in Annoucements and Feedback. Those on the list now are due to search engine algorithms/feedback and how web sites are rated for which ones pop up in searches first, second, etc.
If any words were to be added to the ban list, we would announce it in Annoucements and Feedback. Those on the list now are due to search engine algorithms/feedback and how web sites are rated for which ones pop up in searches first, second, etc.

Banning more words for the purpose of placating the feelings of every prince and princess around here is only gonna thin out the more sane usership.

People aren't entitled to have their feelings addressed, no matter how much they think they are.
Hard to say.

Could be for the same reason that some people get a kick out of politicizing their expressions of outrage on behalf of others in order to manufacture and subsequently institutionalize protection of their own specific interests.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Deep discussion, Aye. Man is a mixture of good and evil.
Basically put, it's use depends on the agenda that someone is pushing at the time, whether meant as a slur by racists or as a demeaning attack by political opponents. Either way, it's use comes off as being "simple minded."
Basically put, it's use depends on the agenda that someone is pushing at the time, whether meant as a slur by racists or as a demeaning attack by political opponents. Either way, it's use comes off as being "simple minded."

I get that. But lately you can't even express a valid opinion without some entitlement minded drone raising their arbitrary victim status card.

Some routinely more than others, depending on the specific topical content.

Heck, I've even seen em go so far as to lobby to expand the federal government.

So the intent in raising certain arbitrary victim cards goes far beyond just feelz.

Administrative gun...government gun...don't matter. Placating feelz always seems to involve appealing to authority to institute some kind of force.
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I get that. But lately you can't even express a valid opinion without some entitlement minded drone raising their arbitrary victim status card.

Some routinely more than others.

Heck, I've even seen em go so far as to lobby to expand the federal government.

So the intent in raising certain arbitrary victim cards goes far beyond just feelz.
Those that cry victim weasel their way into being "heard out" by government officials. Some of those people are behind the recent "tear down the statues" fiasco, where they think they are removing history. What they don't "get" is that they can't erase what has already happened; they can only learn from it. Question is, are they willing to learn from the past so that the future doesn't repeat the same mistakes? In regards to plantations, not all had slaves, yet the way the word has been slung around, many people hear it and have a negative view of it.
I can't read the article but I wasn't aware of cities with "Plantation" in their names.

There are numerous subdivisions in my area the tack the word "Plantation" onto the names... "Tanner Plantation" comes to mind...
Those that cry victim weasel their way into being "heard out" by government officials. Some of those people are behind the recent "tear down the statues" fiasco, where they think they are removing history. What they don't "get" is that they can't erase what has already happened; they can only learn from it.

I think that a lot of that was orchestrated by NGOs.

Question is, are they willing to learn from the past so that the future doesn't repeat the same mistakes?

The only people who can learn from it likely won't until they're met with the consequence of participating in the cercion. As always, those who particpate in coercion understand very little of their participation in it. And absolutely nothing of its consequence.

The organizers themselvesdon't care. Their immediate intent was served by the coerced who were doing the grunt work on the ground.

In regards to plantations, not all had slaves, yet the way the word has been slung around, many people hear it and have a negative view of it.

I'm telling you, this is being politically rehashed because Dems have a Kamala Harris problem. And they're trying to head it off at the pass. That's my view on that anyway.
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When you hear the word plantation, what does it mean to you?
What images come to mind?
Does the word have any racist connotation to you?

I've seen several people on the forum use plantation in very racist ways. Maybe they think people don't notice it or that they think they're being cute or maybe they're going for brownie points and high fives from the racists that frequent this part of the forum. Whatever their reason, I seriously doubt they realize how uneducated and ignorant they make themselves out to be.

Before replying to this thread, remember that this is Zone 1.
I asked you a question, and you deleted my post? Really?
Here's Joy Reid invoking the ''plantation'' and ''planter class'' narrative in defense of the flood of illegal immigrants.

Think this was just today. Or maybe from yesterday. I dunno.

But it just serves to illustrate which interests are invoking the language politically and in timely defense of the policies of their party.

It's a little over two minutes...

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It's because Dems suddenly have a Kamala Harris problem. That's the short version anyway.

That's why Dems in particular have gotten politically defensive about the term.

And in that regard they clearly see that the best defense is to assume an offense because they know she'll be the target of the language.

That's where the problem, reaction, solution gag gets put into play.

The politically active/vocal blacks will be used for the emotion angle but still deemed mere utilities to provide the assist in the larger endeavor. Then under the bus they go again when their usefulness in the endeavor has ran its course.

That's how these weasels operate.

I tried to explain that to IM earlier. Was like talking to the wall, though.
No, its because Republicans can't respect two things:

1. We are able to compare policies of both parties and decide which one is best for us.
2. We have the same right to oppose black conservatives as you guys do white liberals.
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No, its because Republicans can't resoect two things:

1. We are ale to com[pare policies of both parties and decide which one is best for it.
2. We have the same right to oppose black conservatives as you guys do white libwrals.

There's not a nickel's worth of meaningful difference beteeen em at that level of politics.

You're gonna be a slave to the monetary policy that's driving everything into the ground until the day that you kick over, just like the rest of us.

Everything else is just semantics to create the illusion of difference.
There's not a nickel's worth of meaningful difference beteeen em at that level of politics.

You're gonna be a slave to the monetary policy that's driving everything into the ground until the day that you kick over, just like the rest of us.

Everything else is just semantics.
Yeah but you are t he one denigrating blacks who are democrats as if the Republican party is the solution.

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