Zone1 Let's Discuss the word "Plantation"

Nobody objects to using the term plantation to refer to a plantation.

However, using it to refer to blacks who receive Government assistance is demeaning to blacks on welfare and an insult to the horrors of actual plantations
It's no worse than calling conservative blacks "sellouts" or "Uncle Toms" simply they don't tow the line of being victims.
It's no worse than calling conservative blacks "sellouts" or "Uncle Toms" simply they don't tow the line of being victims.
Depends really on whether they are sincere Conservatives or just doing it to get on Fox News

If they are spouting Conservative rhetoric that there is no racism and never was….it is a clear indicator
1) This whole thing stems from complaints...This didn't just come out of nowhere.

2) Nobody needs to be Lt. Columbo to intuitively surmise who the thin skinned complainy-pants is.

3) Even money that a decision has already been made, and this thread is a sleazy passive-aggressive way to pretend that everyone's opinion matters, until it doesn't matter..... I've already seen this movie.
t is interesting that the term “plantation” is only used to characterize inner city blacks who receive welfare.
That is incorrect. The Democratic Party is often referred to as a "plantation" due to their policies and narratives designed to "enslave" Black voters with welfare programs and racist narratives.
That is incorrect. The Democratic Party is often referred to as a "plantation" due to their policies and narratives designed to "enslave" Black voters with welfare programs and racist narratives.

Can you show where Democrats have done that?
That is incorrect. The Democratic Party is often referred to as a "plantation" due to their policies and narratives designed to "enslave" Black voters with welfare programs and racist narratives.

I've only seen one person specifically contend that it was ''insulting'' to refer to the Democrat Party as a plantation.

And it was a maud.

Other than that, any other invocation of the term has always been the kind of flipping of the bird back and forth stuff that I mentioned earlier in the thread.
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And few say the word Brabble anymore either - WE MUST BAN IT!!!

This is a whole lot of nothing.
It is a word that derived from Latin used many-many years ago as raising vegetation.
In the 1400s-1700s it was used primarily to describe new communities built around fertile farm lands. And that is what it was meant in the south.
Some whites seem not to mind insulting others but when CRT was the topic you all whined about how that should be stopped even though it was not being taught to children. But with plantation or other slurs it seems some whites have a problem with people who oppose them being said.
I've only seen one person specifically contend that it was insulting to refer to the Democrat Party as a ''plantation.''

And it was a maud.

Other than that, any other invocation of the term has always been the kind of flipping of the bird back and forth stuff that I mentioned earlier in the thread.
Wrong. I've been told how I am on a plantation numerous times because I don't vote republican. Or for almost anything else.
Which people on the site tend to use that term OP?
I think the OP has pointed out how the racists use the term. And Natural Citizen, this brother has had that said to him by whites in this forum. So again, your claim of it being used once ignores the constant use of the term.
I also find it strange how zone 1 was created with the rule thaat we can't call whites racists, or white supremacists, but we can be called victims and slaves on a Democrat Plantation.
When you hear the word plantation, what does it mean to you?
What images come to mind?
Does the word have any racist connotation to you?

I've seen several people on the forum use plantation in very racist ways. Maybe they think people don't notice it or that they think they're being cute or maybe they're going for brownie points and high fives from the racists that frequent this part of the forum. Whatever their reason, I seriously doubt they realize how uneducated and ignorant they make themselves out to be.

Before replying to this thread, remember that this is Zone 1.
Slavery and its various atrocities. That's what It means to me.

And its funny because we have Jews who frequent this forum who are quick to use this term but if I was to tell a Jew who complains about Anti Semitism, or who is Republican that they are held as captives in concentration camps, that would not go well for me, and rightfully so. But people are allowed to use the term plantation wth blacks freely and now we see people griping as if plantation is just a regular word with no history.
I also find it strange how zone 1 was created with the rule thaat we can't call whites racists, or white supremacists, but we can be called victims and slaves on a Democrat Plantation.

That whole race relations section is just bad.

Nothing good comes from it. Ever.

All it really accomplishes is to perpetuate low-value racist squabbles.

They should just delete it.

I can't imagine who would find any kind of value in keeping ot around just to perpetuate those sorts of negative waves. Not when judged morally anyway.
That whole race relations section is just bad.

Nothing good comes from it. Ever.

All it really acomplishes is to perpetuate low-value racist squabbles.
We need to discuss race. Whites on one side love to avoid this discussion but it is one that is necessary.
It's no worse than calling conservative blacks "sellouts" or "Uncle Toms" simply they don't tow the line of being victims.
Actually they are called that because what they stand for is the maintenace of white supremacy. There are no black victims son and if there was, they would be conservative blacks. WTH do you call a group of people who sit in a room and clap when a white man says blacs will support him because he is a criminal? You don't seem to understand what a victim is, or what victim mentality is. The victim is not the person who stands up in opposition to white racism. The victim is the person who sits there and takes it because they have accepted second place. That's the victim mentality. And that's what blacks on the right do. Which is why you like them.
We need to discuss race. Whites on one side love to avoid this discussion but it is one that is necessary.

The problem is the way it's gone about.

All that really gets accomplished is a perpetuation of racism.

Who benefits from that?

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