Zone1 Let's Discuss the word "Plantation"

No trap, just asking people their thoughts and what comes to mind when they hear the word. It makes me wonder if there's some sort of psychology involved in how people think when they hear it.

I was only kiddling.

So far as the psychology involved, the term is clearly perceived by many to be associated with slavery.

At least in America anyway.
I hate to break it to you but that's called history. The slavery part I mean. I'll take stupid things to get offended about for 500 Alex.
Of course slavery is part of history. That doesn't mean every person dwells on or thinks about it when they hear the word plantation. For those that do, does it stem from something in their family history?
If I didn't get into this thread, I wouldn't even have shown up in those search results.

I knew it was a trap. lol...

That's what I said, I also searched for it here - and saw nothing of what she is talking about. I didn't page through all of it... but yeah.
Of course slavery is part of history. That doesn't mean every person dwells on or thinks about it when they hear the word plantation. For those that do, does it stem from something in their family history?

Does it matter if they think about it or not? It happened, it cannot be erased and the thing is that you can bet that it doesn't even offend the majority of black people talking about it mostly the white people on behalf of black people. I actually unfollowed you because I can't believe that you would post such a dumb woke thread like this. I actually believed that you were better than this but yet you're drinking out of that cup now.
Besides I feel like I'm at elementary school again by the way the title is of "discussing plantation" when for the most part everybody on here already knows what it means.
Of course slavery is part of history. That doesn't mean every person dwells on or thinks about it when they hear the word plantation. For those that do, does it stem from something in their family history?
If someone is speaking about plantations generally, my mind goes to gracious old mansions with weeping willow trees. I do not think of slaves.

But when someone uses the word in relation to politics and Democrat policies, and in conjunction with blacks specifically, then yes of course….he or she is making references to slaves, and their dependence on masters.
It's a metaphor, like "tar baby" (i.e. a fight that you can't win).

If you want to take offense for one reason or another, that's on you.
I'm not offended by how others use the word. I find it a little odd that it seems to be getting used more often in politics the closer we get to the presidential election.
I'm not offended by how others use the word. I find it a little odd that it seems to be getting used more often in politics the closer we get to the presidential election.

Who cares how it's being used or in what way? That's what I don't get.
I'm not offended by how others use the word. I find it a little odd that it seems to be getting used more often in politics the closer we get to the presidential election.
It's another way of saying "Stockholm syndrome"'s really no more complicated, or even malicious, than that.

The only people taking offense to it are those who make the choice to.
LBJ illustrated the concept quite well when he said that Democrat policies would “have the n‘s voting Democrat for 200 years”: creating dependency.
I'm not offended by how others use the word. I find it a little odd that it seems to be getting used more often in politics the closer we get to the presidential election.

It's interesting that you mentioned that. I almost said that same thing earlier in the thread.

I kind of went there, though, except in a different way when I mentioned that it was purely political in how it was being invoked.

Now. Interestingly, it's the Democrat folk who seem to be invoking it more.

I have thoughts on why that is, but I'm having a milkshake right now, so...

But I may already have mentioned them anyway.
So is "plantation" going to be banned from Zone 1 to protect the sensibilities of a couple of folks?
I don't recall mentioning anything about that in an official manner and have no intention of doing so. How about staying on topic? Why do some people get a kick out of using plantation as a way of demeaning others?
I don't recall mentioning anything about that in an official manner and have no intention of doing so. How about staying on topic? Why do some people get a kick out of using plantation as a way of demeaning others?

I think that was a very valid question that Mike asked and I thought you weren't offended by the word. Are you or aren't you?
I don't recall mentioning anything about that in an official manner and have no intention of doing so. How about staying on topic? Why do some people get a kick out of using plantation as a way of demeaning others?
There you go again, imputing intent....Are you related to Kreskin?
Why do some people get a kick out of using plantation as a way of demeaning others?

Hard to say.

Could be for the same reason that some people get a kick out of politicizing their expressions of outrage on behalf of others in order to manufacture and subsequently institutionalize protection of their own specific interests.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Deep discussion, Aye. Man is a mixture of good and evil.
Are we looking for words to forbid in an effort to make this a more civil place? If so, I would start with the most offensive words, and to me, top of the list is “Nazi,” especially when addressing a Jew, or describing Jews. It is reprehensible and designed to cause as much pain as possible.

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