Let's discuss what "THEY" are not telling you about that TexasChurch massacre.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.
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The condition of our country is like it is because the American Worker is making crap pay. The rest is bullshit.
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A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

You're saying that corporate America is bad?
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

That is very creepy. You know that, don’t you?
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

You're saying that corporate America is bad?
Not all of it, but yes specific parts if it is definitely bad.
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

That is very creepy. You know that, don’t you?
What is creepy about my post ?

Not glorifying or giving the killers what they want is creepy to you ??
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

That is very creepy. You know that, don’t you?
What is ?

The idea that you want the government to take over media companies and broadcast propaganda into every home with a “viewing device”.

That’s fucking creepy. Creep.

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

I am watching right now. I've seen this guy's videos before, and he is great. He has MUCH common sense which sadly seems to be in short supply today.
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

That is very creepy. You know that, don’t you?
What is ?

The idea that you want the government to take over media companies and broadcast propaganda into every home with a “viewing device”.

That’s fucking creepy. Creep.
Not government, but the free market who has none other than good ideas to promote a healthy and productive society again in this country.

So your saying that the government who is elected or appointed by the people of this country are the true arch enemy of this country ? Kidding me right.

You mean the very government offices you lefties are trying so hard to protect in spygate is really the dark evil enemies of this country, but just for a short time you all will side with that evil government because of Trump ??? Just to flipping funny.

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

I am watching right now. I've seen this guy's videos before, and he is great. He has MUCH common sense which sadly seems to be in short supply today.

If you like his videos, watch these two. This is exactly what every left winger is. This is all they are too, with the exception of very few.

Trust me, you will really like watching these. Everyone that sees them love it.

This one is really great.

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

He makes some REALLY great points here. It would be very difficult for the media to NOT report on these shootings, however, I agree that there could be less "glorification" of the killer. Don't mention his name, call him "the coward" during the news reports. I'm sure a lot of these shooters are doing this for the "infamy."
Made it in a couple min. I take it he’s blaming depression type drugs?

How is that the lefts fault ? It’s the right who Big Pharma control .
A footnote - I would add don't speak of the victims in respect to what happened to them on that day, other than just mention their names, and then give a short documentary of their lives to show how they had loved the ones that they cared for, and loved their friends, jobs, and how they helped people just like the one who thought that they didn't help anyone or love anyone in life before their life was senselessly taken.

Agree, no mention of the killer what so ever, other than the fact that the nation had experienced a tragic event.

Then go after the tech companies and Hollyweird for filling our young minds with pure garbage that makes killers out of them.

Take over Hollyweird, and turn it back into a place where good exist again, and where that good is then broadcast over the entire nation into every home with a viewing device.

That is very creepy. You know that, don’t you?

How about stating your opinions on the TOPIC of the thread that you chose to click on rather than commenting on other's commentaries?

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

Sorry dude, as a registered member of "they" I have to tell you that is total bullshit.

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

He makes some REALLY great points here. It would be very difficult for the media to NOT report on these shootings, however, I agree that there could be less "glorification" of the killer. Don't mention his name, call him "the coward" during the news reports. I'm sure a lot of these shooters are doing this for the "infamy."

Of course. It is like suicide. Most times suicides are not reported (unless it is a celebrity) cause studies show that suicides are often followed by other suicides within a short period of time.

For example, here in Palm Beach a few years ago a girl committed suicide by leaping from the roof of a condo. There was an investigation, and she had documented mental illness. Anyway, within 2 months, two more suicides happened the exact same way.

An Asian girl in the condo next door committed the suicide the same way. Yes, cameras showed it was a suicide. A couple weeks after that, another one within two blocks, and it was the same way.

I remember the investigating officer mentioned that to us. I was a resident at the original condo. He made mention that often times copy cat suicides happen within a short time.

Well, this is exactly what is going on. Combine it with those drugs that numb out minds, and this is what we have. Instead the democrats will naturally use it as political opportunity and the left wing sheep will follow right along.

Pretty much describes them.


I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

I am watching right now. I've seen this guy's videos before, and he is great. He has MUCH common sense which sadly seems to be in short supply today.

If you like his videos, watch these two. This is exactly what every left winger is. This is all they are too, with the exception of very few.

Trust me, you will really like watching these. Everyone that sees them love it.

This one is really great.

Hilarious.. So these Celeb's are in build their wealth mode, where as they figure or their promoter's figure that they need to attach themselves to all of these causes in order to attract that potential concert goer who just might be able to swing the price of a single ticket in so that they can go see their lying stinking heroe for whom they have been led to believe are these poor people heroes in the world. It's all business. No heroes just lies by those who go throughout the world putting on concerts or making movies for profits off of every crisis created.

What about bands who do these benefits (never let a crisis go to waste), and then are found to have taken the proceeds and run ??

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

Sorry dude, as a registered member of "they" I have to tell you that is total bullshit.

Which parts did you disagree with and why?

He only knows identity politics. It is all about race. He was taught one thing from his sources, and of course believed them, and so is totally incapable of seeing it any other way.

It is all about identity politics. The colors were fine in regards to the shooter. A white male with a gun in a mass shooting.

All the NRA's or republican white Christians fault. That is all they know. That is it. Everything in the world that is wrong and unjust is the fault of white right wing Christians.

Literally, that is it. They carry a laminated race card with them, so when they are ever challenged in any way, they always have their "go to."

That is it and that is all.

I know this is just SOOOO long ago, but it is still very relevant to the condition our country is in. More reasons to despise the left and their pathetic disgraceful hypocritical disposition.

I am watching right now. I've seen this guy's videos before, and he is great. He has MUCH common sense which sadly seems to be in short supply today.

If you like his videos, watch these two. This is exactly what every left winger is. This is all they are too, with the exception of very few.

Trust me, you will really like watching these. Everyone that sees them love it.

This one is really great.

Hilarious.. So these Celeb's are in build their wealth mode, where as they figure or their promoter's figure that they need to attach themselves to all of these causes in order to attract that potential concert goer who just might be able to swing the price of a single ticket in so that they can go see their lying stinking heroe for whom they have been led to believe are these poor people heroes in the world. It's all business. No heroes just lies by those who go throughout the world putting on concerts or making movies for profits off of every crisis created.

What about bands who do these benefits (never let a crisis go to waste), and then are found to have taken the proceeds and run ??

The actual heroes are mocked and spit upon and ridiculed by the left. There are actual Christians who dedicate their lives to feeding the poor and clothing the naked every day. It has been going on 24, 7 for 2000 years, and they are by and large ignored. They are made fun of.

For example, actual Saints. Not people who prop themselves up as Saints. Actual Saints.

Or this story that is hardly ever mentioned and most people do not know.

Mocked, and scoffed, while the virtue signaling hypocrites live in their wealth as they stand and accuse but do NOTHING themselves. NOTHING.

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