Lets discuss why the left wingers never say anything about derogatory about commie tyrants.

You have things kind of fucked up here. What usually happens is that some jackass will compare some democratic politician or policy to one of history's great villains and then we will make fun of you for being stupid. You want to make a topic specifically about these figures then you will probably get the desired response.
Both ends of the spectrum compare the other to Hitler and/or the Nazis pretty regularly here.

That's about as big an insult to millions who suffered as it can get.

The two ends of the spectrum are very similar in that way, and in other ways.

Except the left actually is closer to national socialism then the Right is.....one side of the spectrum wants increased government power, the other side wants less....the left wants total government power over the individual....
What extremists on the left call "rightwing extremism" isn't. They have re-defined that, along with everything else they have redefined in order to make their death cult more palatable to the masses.

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