Let's discuss why the msm media is desperately avoiding economic issue.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Instead they are discussing sipping from water bottles and feeding fish along with whatever utter pathetic bullshit topic.

Do you wonder why that is? Oh and bringing it up here or there is not the same as hyping issues.

I think they took a collective runny shit when Biden claimed Trump is doing some Good things.

Lol at the expression that pathetic black Marxist Lemon on cnn must of had at that.

Why are they avoiding the GDP growth under Trump? Go ahead, let's discuss it
Media is avoiding talking about economic issues because it always leads to one nation...China. No one dares take them on and recover some of the lost jobs and even the playing field somewhat. It will be the undoing of American influence and security, mark my words.
The lowlife filth media either ignore GOP presidents accomplishments or incredibly spin them negative. 5% unemployment was spun as horrible under Bush, but awesome under Obama.
Huh, the conditioned morons don't want to discuss why the msm media is desperately avoiding economic issues.


Do you know they still think Putin forced me to vote for Trump?
I don't think it's a big mystery that the MSM hates Trump, and is going to avoid reporting any positive news about him.

The OP is essentially a rhetorical question.
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Maybe because lacking a budget and real working class tax cuts, it's difficult to give Trump credit for the economy.

Some folks think the U.S. economy is a jet ski. It can turn on a dime. In fact, the U.S. economy is like an ocean liner. It takes a while before any change is perceptible. So that's President Obama for the upturn in our economy. Ten months and no fiscal policy cannot produce any change at all.
What has Trump done to seriously affect the GDP... The Country is still running under Obama policies...

This is exactly the same as him taking credit for beating ISIS... He hasn't changed a thing to the fighting ISIS strategy.

And then lets look at those GDP numbers:

Kind of the same as Obama's ...

LAds you are living in dreamland... You are still living under Obama...
What has Trump done to seriously affect the GDP... The Country is still running under Obama policies...

This is exactly the same as him taking credit for beating ISIS... He hasn't changed a thing to the fighting ISIS strategy.

And then lets look at those GDP numbers:
View attachment 161296

Kind of the same as Obama's ...

LAds you are living in dreamland... You are still living under Obama...
How did the GDP perform under Obama, you fucking ignorant piece of shit?
What has Trump done to seriously affect the GDP... The Country is still running under Obama policies...

This is exactly the same as him taking credit for beating ISIS... He hasn't changed a thing to the fighting ISIS strategy.

And then lets look at those GDP numbers:
View attachment 161296

Kind of the same as Obama's ...

LAds you are living in dreamland... You are still living under Obama...

Reduced regulations.
Made business deals.
Encouraged the entrepreneurial spirit.

Obama? Dreamland? You mean the not one year of 3% GDP growth, yet doubling of the debt fiasco? It's rare for people to confuse a nightmare with a dream,some sort of cognitive dissonance I am sure, you should get it checked.
According to that Harvard study the MSM is 95% negative for Trump and was positive for Obama by a 3 to 1 score (excluding FXN), and Fox news was about 50:50 on positive and negative stories. Why is the MSM fixated on unproven accusations? It keeps the GOP on the defensive. Bill Clinton inoculated politicians from unproven accusations, but they don't get that it will be open season on Republicans every election cycle when every democrat with a pussy hat will swear she was molested by a Republican.
What has Trump done to seriously affect the GDP... The Country is still running under Obama policies...

This is exactly the same as him taking credit for beating ISIS... He hasn't changed a thing to the fighting ISIS strategy.

And then lets look at those GDP numbers:
View attachment 161296

Kind of the same as Obama's ...

LAds you are living in dreamland... You are still living under Obama...
How did the GDP perform under Obama, you fucking ignorant piece of shit?

Ah the insult... You must know you are on a looser, that is why you need to insult...


So he inherited in the tank... Thank you GOP...

And your problem is that he didn't clean up your mess fast enough... But don't worry you idiots want to go down the old 'borrow and spend' route again...

Which Democrat is going to have to fix that mess up...
What has Trump done to seriously affect the GDP... The Country is still running under Obama policies...

This is exactly the same as him taking credit for beating ISIS... He hasn't changed a thing to the fighting ISIS strategy.

And then lets look at those GDP numbers:
View attachment 161296

Kind of the same as Obama's ...

LAds you are living in dreamland... You are still living under Obama...
How did the GDP perform under Obama, you fucking ignorant piece of shit?

Ah the insult... You must know you are on a looser, that is why you need to insult...

View attachment 161299

So he inherited in the tank... Thank you GOP...

And your problem is that he didn't clean up your mess fast enough... But don't worry you idiots want to go down the old 'borrow and spend' route again...

Which Democrat is going to have to fix that mess up...
Hello ignorant ass. Let me ask you WHO signed the Commodity Futures Modernization which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation?

Go ahead and let us all know WHO rewrote Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods?

Why don't you tell all of us what happened to the economy from the time the democrats took over the HOUSE AND SENATE in 2007 till 2010.

Tell all of us what happened after the democrats lost the House and then the Senate?

You sure you want to blame the republicans for the housing bubble?

You sure you want to credit the half black skinny smoking Marxist for the recovery and the GDP under Trump?

You are ignorant as hell. You know nothing. You are a box of cliches and pathetic soros propaganda.

There is more than one reason your fucking media avoids the economic success under Trump.

Stick to the sipping of water and racism narrative. You know nothing else.
What has Trump done to seriously affect the GDP... The Country is still running under Obama policies...

This is exactly the same as him taking credit for beating ISIS... He hasn't changed a thing to the fighting ISIS strategy.

And then lets look at those GDP numbers:
View attachment 161296

Kind of the same as Obama's ...

LAds you are living in dreamland... You are still living under Obama...
How did the GDP perform under Obama, you fucking ignorant piece of shit?

Ah the insult... You must know you are on a looser, that is why you need to insult...

View attachment 161299

So he inherited in the tank... Thank you GOP...

And your problem is that he didn't clean up your mess fast enough... But don't worry you idiots want to go down the old 'borrow and spend' route again...

Which Democrat is going to have to fix that mess up...
Hello ignorant ass. Let me ask you WHO signed the Commodity Futures Modernization which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation?

Go ahead and let us all know WHO rewrote Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods?

Why don't you tell all of us what happened to the economy from the time the democrats took over the HOUSE AND SENATE in 2007 till 2010.

Tell all of us what happened after the democrats lost the House and then the Senate?

You sure you want to blame the republicans for the housing bubble?

You sure you want to credit the half black skinny smoking Marxist for the recovery and the GDP under Trump?

You are ignorant as hell. You know nothing. You are a box of cliches and pathetic soros propaganda.

There is more than one reason your fucking media avoids the economic success under Trump.

Stick to the sipping of water and racism narrative. You know nothing else.

Bush was in charge... End of story... He was the one who had read the position and changed that...

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