Lets examine a graph of oil price per barrel over the past 12 months

Poor tard. Stuck on the "Because Biden!" bogus meme, even in the face of the facts.

You can always count on a Trumptard to keep eating the manufactured bullshit being fed to them and going back for more.

What a racist retarded coward you are liar. You have no facts. Just your raging TDS and crying because you got slapped again. Xiden’s policies were the direct cause asshole. Period. End of argument. Now go drink more Xiden piss.
What a racist retarded coward you are liar. You have no facts. Just your raging TDS and crying because you got slapped again. Xiden’s policies were the direct cause asshole. Period. End of argument. Now go drink more Xiden piss.
No facts, eh, willfully blind monkey? You've done gone and stuck your head another three feet up your ass.

See posts 21, 23, 40, 47, 116, and 117.

"Reading is hard!":crybaby:
This has already been addressed earlier and shown that the public land leases are rife with stifling regulations.
Also, the industry really doesn't want to put the money and effort into the construction to have the rug pulled
out from under them with more regulations from Brandon.
And yet Biden produced 31 percent more oil in his first year compared to Trump's 21 percent.

Don't the facts just suck?

Why does Trump hate America?
Trump came into office with a boatload more rigs running. He inherited a better economy. Biden inherited a nation coming out of a pandemic.

Like I always say. Trump was elected on third base and has you tards bleeving he hit a triple.
If you want to do the name calling, you are the 'tard' to believe such bullshit.
Trump had created a stable market, and the vision to continue energy dominance.
Your fucking buffoon came in and on the first day and started signing EO's to destroy
that industry.
You can spin and dance all you want with you flinging your bullshit, but you will always be
a 'tard', g.
If you want to do the name calling, you are the 'tard' to believe such bullshit.
Trump had created a stable market, and the vision to continue energy dominance.
Your fucking buffoon came in and on the first day and started signing EO's to destroy
that industry.
You can spin and dance all you want with you flinging your bullshit, but you will always be
a 'tard', g.
And yet Biden approved more public land leases than Trump.

And yet Biden produced 31 percent more oil compared to Trump's 21 percent.

Why does Trump hate America?

I'm sorry reality triggers you.

Biden Claims His Climate Agenda Isn't Hurting Domestic Oil Production. Here Are the Facts.​




Do people believe this Bull Crap? Biden’s statements are “talking points” for the brain-dead population to pass on to social media and the MSM to regurgitate in the evening news.
Notice too that Democrat voters continue to come up ridiculous excuses as to why Progressive Maoist/DSA democrat politicians do such stupid and harmful things to American citizens.
They just can't bring themselves to vote for a republican even though doing so would make far more sense.
I don't think the presidency is a place for someone who is "just learning" basic economics. If a junior economist at his first job just out of college displayed ignorance like this, it would be fair to say, "Hey, give the kid a break. He's just learning."
But the presidency is not the place for someone with this much ignorance. Joey Xi Bai Dung should have learned this stuff in junior positions long before he became president. I want a president with some experience, knowledge, and skill.
Joey Xi shows none of these attributes. Every move he's made since January 2021 show's he's either completely incompetent or diabolically making decisions to destroy America.

Do people believe this Bull Crap?
Apparently you do. I personally didn’t find any of the fox arguments very compelling.

On the one hand, Biden is blamed for canceling leasing permits. Presumably this means that progress toward increasing supply was halted.

On the other hand, when informed that there are over 9,000 unused leases already in possession of producers we hear about how
“it’s not that easy” or “it takes time to develop”.

Well no shit. Then how did Biden stop or even slow down any production at all then?
This Foxbait garbage literally comes out of both sides of their mouth in the same segment and you dopes slurp it right down. You don’t even recognize it.
BS, they were working on the last leg of the pipeline when xiden shut it down, illegally I might add.
That "last leg" consisted of 92% of the friggin pipeline you idiot

That's right. Only 8% of it has ever been built
Since Saudi Arabia's economy is totally dependent on global oil prices, just like Russia, it is to their benefit when oil is above $100 a barrel.

Weren't you recently thanking xiden for $66 oil and now you claim $125 oil is not his fault. You can't have it both ways Gomer.

Below is what I have found. You can do the math

Globally, crude's reserves-to-production ratio has hovered between 40-55 years. The 1P estimate is an estimate of proven reserves, what is likely to be extracted from a well, 90% probability. Probable reserves are given 50% certainty (2P) and possible reserves a 10% certainty (3P).

Overall, global supply fell by 720,000 barrels per day in August, .2017
our forecast horizon we will be in a 104 mb/d market and the call on OPEC crude and stock change rises from 32.2 mb/d in 2016 to 35.8 mb/d in 2022. With the group forecast to add 1.95 mb/d to production capacity in this period, this implies that available spare production capacity will fall below 2 mb/d.
Oil is a resource… it will run out
For decades now, the topic of when our oil will run out has been the focus of analysts and industry experts. The concern is real. Oil is a resource and will eventually be depleted. Once we discover and process all sources, there’s nothing else. It’s only a question of time.
Oil still remains the largest source of primary energy worldwide. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the global supply of oil, bio-fuel and liquid hydrocarbons are still enough to meet the global demand for liquid fuels for another 25 years. The good news is that developing countries are now seriously exploring and using alternative and renewable energy.
Here’s the latest report on Oil Consumption and Demand.
1. The world oil consumption per day is 91.7 million barrels as of May 2014.
2. The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world, using up 18.83 million barrels a day.
3. China uses 10% of the world’s oil. It is expected to overtake the U.S. as the largest oil consumer.
4. The global oil demand is expected to increase by 1.3 million barrels a day by late 2014.
North Sea is running too dry to meet target
The real casus belli: peak oil
Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply
Published: June 21, 2007 Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply (Published 2007)
Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after aquir-ing Unocal reserves

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise

"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"
Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003).
World oil and gas 'running out'
The Oil Crunch
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.
"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"
Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show
Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.
Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon
Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it. High fuel prices are here to stay, at least for the near future, because no relief is in sight for tight oil supplies.
The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?
Weren't you recently thanking xiden for $66 oil and now you claim $125 oil is not his fault. You can't have it both ways Gomer.

As I said earlier in this topic, a president has very little influence over global oil prices. When I was thanking Biden for the price of oil, I was being satirical. When prices are low, Biden gets no credit. When prices are high, Biden gets blamed. I was rubbing the hypocrisy of that in your faces.

Conversely, when prices were low under Trump, Trump took credit. When prices were high, Trump took no blame. Just like with the stock market.

Trump NEVER takes blame. Always takes credit. And the rubes eat it up.

If Trump were president right now, he'd be blaming the man in the moon and Pelosi for inflation and bragging about the best GDP growth in 40 years. And you and I both know that is true.
Below is what I have found. You can do the math

Globally, crude's reserves-to-production ratio has hovered between 40-55 years. The 1P estimate is an estimate of proven reserves, what is likely to be extracted from a well, 90% probability. Probable reserves are given 50% certainty (2P) and possible reserves a 10% certainty (3P).

Overall, global supply fell by 720,000 barrels per day in August, .2017
our forecast horizon we will be in a 104 mb/d market and the call on OPEC crude and stock change rises from 32.2 mb/d in 2016 to 35.8 mb/d in 2022. With the group forecast to add 1.95 mb/d to production capacity in this period, this implies that available spare production capacity will fall below 2 mb/d.
Oil is a resource… it will run out
For decades now, the topic of when our oil will run out has been the focus of analysts and industry experts. The concern is real. Oil is a resource and will eventually be depleted. Once we discover and process all sources, there’s nothing else. It’s only a question of time.
Oil still remains the largest source of primary energy worldwide. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the global supply of oil, bio-fuel and liquid hydrocarbons are still enough to meet the global demand for liquid fuels for another 25 years. The good news is that developing countries are now seriously exploring and using alternative and renewable energy.
Here’s the latest report on Oil Consumption and Demand.
1. The world oil consumption per day is 91.7 million barrels as of May 2014.
2. The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world, using up 18.83 million barrels a day.
3. China uses 10% of the world’s oil. It is expected to overtake the U.S. as the largest oil consumer.
4. The global oil demand is expected to increase by 1.3 million barrels a day by late 2014.
North Sea is running too dry to meet target
The real casus belli: peak oil
Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply
Published: June 21, 2007 Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply (Published 2007)
Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after aquir-ing Unocal reserves

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise

"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"
Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003).
World oil and gas 'running out'
The Oil Crunch
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.
"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"
Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show
Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.
Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon
Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it. High fuel prices are here to stay, at least for the near future, because no relief is in sight for tight oil supplies.
The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

I've been hearing about "peak oil" since I was a kid. We were supposed to run out of oil and food and water by the year 2000 and we'd all be back in the caves.

What I really want to know is...where the hell is my jetpack we were all supposed to have by now?
The oil price rose because of simple supply and demand economics, retard.

It has nothing to do with Biden.

Oil prices actually went NEGATIVE during the pandemic because of extremely low demand.

Now oil prices are spiking GLOBALLY because of the spike in demand as the world's economies returned to normal.

Stop drinking your propagandists' piss. You look stupid.
I think they want the Government to interfere in the market... Will the no bitch and wine that the Government is too intrusive then?

Can they stick to the one story....

This is market forces at work... There is a deliberate control on supply even before this war... The Right here are trying to blame the Democrats for capitalistic market forces not reducing the price of oil. There has been only one President recently who asked for supply to be cut.

He actually threatened them... Guess what that has blow back...

Again he wanted more production reduced 6 moths later

So when Biden came in and tried to reverse Trump's position:

OPEC were in no mood to be ordered around any more...

So the seeds of this is back at Trump....

Biden is fixing it but it is taking time to fix Trump's mistakes:
I think they want the Government to interfere in the market... Will the no bitch and wine that the Government is too intrusive then?

Can they stick to the one story....

This is market forces at work... There is a deliberate control on supply even before this war... The Right here are trying to blame the Democrats for capitalistic market forces not reducing the price of oil. There has been only one President recently who asked for supply to be cut.

He actually threatened them... Guess what that has blow back...

Again he wanted more production reduced 6 moths later
Why does Trump hate America?
Well then, let me be the 1st to inform you (and these are NOT my numbers but projections by the government and oil people) that our 2022 PROJECTED millions of barrels per day is 11.85, which is still below the 12.29 which we did in 19.

Let me also point out to you, that as of this writing, the USA has the largest known oil reserves in the world of any country on this planet. Let me also point out to you, that as of recently, frackers made a profit at around 45 dollars a barrel, and pumped like hell in 2019.

Now then, you are a logical person. With the demand for oil RISING through the next 10 years at the very least, don't you think something looks amiss here! I mean, are not oil companies seen as greedy? Why wouldn't they want to get their hands on that liquid gold? Why hasn't Biden held an energy summit yet? It is the number 1 issue for this year, and most of last, the price of energy going forward. In fact, politically you would think it would help him considerably if he was an honest broker to do so.

No, the fact is, like it or not, this is all politics. They admitted on many occasions what they wanted to do, and as long as no nuclear war, they see Pooty as helping them achieve their goals while he stands in for the forseeable future as the boogeyman instead of them being blamed; or so they think.

No matter what anyone believes, it is obvious that Biden is not doing the logical thing, unless he is doing it secretly behind the scenes. That is how almost 70% of Americans see it, and unless he pulls a big surprise with something nobody is aware of, his party is gone in November; and in fact, probably will be anyway.
The oil companies can make even more while the price is high by slow walking new production and not incurring those costs.
I've been hearing about "peak oil" since I was a kid.
You only have to be right once
What I really want to know is...where the hell is my jetpack we were all supposed to have by now?
A jet pack, rocket belt, or rocket pack is a device worn on the back which uses jets of gas or liquid to propel the wearer through the air. The concept has been present in science fiction for almost a century and became widespread in the 1960s. Real jet packs have been developed using a variety of mechanisms,
File:Rocket man02 - melbourne show 2005.jpg - Wikipedia

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