Zone1 Let's Examine this Tactic

That's not the topic.
Yes it's the topic
You used one of young turds whipped darkies to say they were relevant. They were speaking for the white owners of young turds .
Yes it's the topic
You used one of young turds whipped darkies to say they were relevant. They were speaking for the white owners of young turds .
No this is:

We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people..
I don’t know Tatum, but the other two are examples of intellectuals, not spokespersons for whatever your racist agenda decides to villainize.

We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?

Based on your own words we can and do conclude that you’re a racist.

Own it.
You call blacks who agree with whites sellouts or Uncle Toms. You expect all black people to think the same, feel the same, hate all whites, etc. That’s pathetic.
didnt you get the memo? im2 speaks for all blacks on the left but any black on the right is a self hating wanna be white.
im2 feels the need to set any blacks who are right thinking back to the lib side of things. theres no possible way a black person should ever be a conservative! yet im2 votes for biden the senile useless racist. lol. only because he has a D next to his name. you see libs can never be racist. they only want whats best for blacks.

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