Let's Face Facts, Trump Did It For Hillary, They're Friends

Since Trump tossed into the primaries I've wondered off and on if he isn't a D plant. Honest to God, the things he says (and doesn't say). Just sitting here shaking my head. mrs bill should be easy to beat ... er, defeat. Wasn't Trump deflecting all kinds of shit for months in the primaries? Like no matter what was thrown at him or what he said, his numbers just went up. So? Where's his deflection now? He totally gave mrs bill what she was looking for in the first debate. She played him like a fiddle and he just let it happen. smh
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
I would have to say that if we found out this was undeniably true, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. I'd just shrug my shoulders and say "yeah, that makes sense". In fact, it would make more sense than believing Trump actually wanted to be president..
so, let me get this straight, i need to understand this to be sure of something important, no doubt about it. hillary clinton is so deranged and paranoid about a vast right wing conspiracy that she's hired donald trump to make a deal with them. and, and, and, instead of getting the brooklyn bridge that he promised in the deal, all she got was the trolls underneath with all their pepe frog meat. and this is the consitutional crisis of the united states. fucking new yorkers every fucking time i swear to god.
so, let me get this straight, i need to understand this to be sure of something important, no doubt about it. hillary clinton is so deranged and paranoid about a vast right wing conspiracy that she's hired donald trump to make a deal with them. and, and, and, instead of getting the brooklyn bridge that he promised in the deal, all she got was the trolls underneath with all their pepe frog meat. and this is the consitutional crisis of the united states. fucking new yorkers every fucking time i swear to god.

No, Donald Trump made this deal with her to get her in office... so that his corporate ways could be preserved, and at the same time Hillary Clinton could get what she wants, the power of being the first female POTUS.
If it is true and this is what he has done then he has betrayed the American people, Lew.

It came out early in his campaign, from inside sources, that this was exactly what he was doing in the first place, and was surprised he had made it as far as he had.
------------------------------------- so what Lew , whats the remedy , should Trump supporters now vote for 'illary' .

I don't know. We are fucked. There isn't a good candidate out there period. The only thing we can hope for is the Republican Party to have some kind emergency meeting and kick trump out of the Party and pronounce a last second replacement.
------------------------------ feck the rino repubs , they can't replace the Trump with anyone that I'd ever vote for Lew .

That's just it, anyone would be better than Trump... well except for Cruz. It would be nice if they all of a sudden chose Michael Bloomberg.
Definitely not Hillary. I'll take Trump over Hillary even if we have to drag him by his toes over the finish line Nov. 8th.
so, let me get this straight, i need to understand this to be sure of something important, no doubt about it. hillary clinton is so deranged and paranoid about a vast right wing conspiracy that she's hired donald trump to make a deal with them. and, and, and, instead of getting the brooklyn bridge that he promised in the deal, all she got was the trolls underneath with all their pepe frog meat. and this is the consitutional crisis of the united states. fucking new yorkers every fucking time i swear to god.

No, Donald Trump made this deal with her to get her in office... so that his corporate ways could be preserved, and at the same time Hillary Clinton could get what she wants, the power of being the first female POTUS.
I hope you're wrong about that Lew. We'll see. I've always had the feeling Obama was planning on staying in office.
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
I would have to say that if we found out this was undeniably true, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. I'd just shrug my shoulders and say "yeah, that makes sense". In fact, it would make more sense than believing Trump actually wanted to be president..
I hope it isn't true. We'll see.
Well Trump is that big of a schmuck, so I wouldn't put it past him. Put enough $$ signs on the deal with Soros playing fiddle and Trump probably said "sure, hell yeah"...
Go Trump .
He's got to take the gloves off in the next debate. No more giving her a pass. He's got to remove all doubt. The American people have gone all out for him. There are Americans getting beat up for wearing his hat for heaven's sake. It's time for him to do whatever it takes, stop dancing around her, saying it's a close race (we know it's not) and tell it like it is. Call her out for the criminal and liar that she is and do it in front of the world live via satellite. We're waiting.
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
If true, how stupid are all the trump supporters? They proved without a doubt they are a basket of deplorables
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.

Yes as Hilary needed Trump to get elected, a Cruz, Rubio or any other candidate would be winning by a landslide by now.
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
If true, how stupid are all the trump supporters? They proved without a doubt they are a basket of deplorables
The Trump supporters are sincere and not willing to support a cold blooded murderer. How about you? Are you going to vote for Trump or vote for a cold blooded murderer?
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
If true, how stupid are all the trump supporters? They proved without a doubt they are a basket of deplorables

No they prove that they do not like the establishment and that a vote for Trump is against Hilary!

The sad part is all the far left drones that support Hilary!
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
If true, how stupid are all the trump supporters? They proved without a doubt they are a basket of deplorables

No they prove that they do not like the establishment and that a vote for Trump is against Hilary!

The sad part is all the far left drones that support Hilary!
Not so. Sanders people are going to vote for Trump I believe. I understand that the DNC had to hire people and pay them to fill the empty seats at her nomination - how pathetic is that? She's not electable. If she wins it will be by election fraud.
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
If true, how stupid are all the trump supporters? They proved without a doubt they are a basket of deplorables
The Trump supporters are sincere and not willing to support a cold blooded murderer. How about you? Are you going to vote for Trump or vote for a cold blooded murderer?
Hillary! Say her name! I'm voting for Hillary Clinton.

I know you want that supreme Court nominee but you ain't getting it.

And you won't have a Republican president to go along with Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation.

In fact Mitch won't have control of the Senate Democrats will
I think it is about time people face the facts. Trump has screwed the Republican Party out of a nominee to oppose Hillary Clinton, just like he planned on doing all along. Trump and the Clintons are friends. Trump has now just handed over the Presidency to Hillary, one of the worst people on this planet. They were in cahoots and it is about time trump supporters just come out and admit they got played by Trump.
If true, how stupid are all the trump supporters? They proved without a doubt they are a basket of deplorables

No they prove that they do not like the establishment and that a vote for Trump is against Hilary!

The sad part is all the far left drones that support Hilary!
Not so. Sanders people are going to vote for Trump I believe. I understand that the DNC had to hire people and pay them to fill the empty seats at her nomination - how pathetic is that? She's not electable. If she wins it will be by election fraud.

No the far left mentality is to vote for their candidate or not vote at all.

They will still fall in line and vote for Hilary and be good little religious soldiers.

That is if you can pry them away from their gadgets long enough to vote!

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