Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
And even worse, being attracted to the same sex.

What a curse
It is neither genetic nor a conscious choice. Like drug addiction or an eating disorder, the person becomes habituated through reinforced behaviors/rewards to have a "habit". Hence the word. So homosexuality, properly, is the habit of desiring sex with the same gender. It is confusion to be sure of the purpose of sex. Just as bulimia is a confusion of the purpose to eat. We shouldn't reward either with social-promotion. But we shouldn't be cruel to either. Both are just people suffering from primitive rat-brains and conditioning. We are all susceptible to this; so be aware. Habits are hard to break.

The important question of the innate/choice/habituation question is "what does society want to hand off to the next generation as normal". That's what should be debated here. Another adage "monkey see, monkey do" is at play here. Kids learn what society tells them is normal.

And I've always had this nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that this last point is the reason gays are so adamant at society promoting (by choice or by force) the homosexual habitual behavior pattern "as normal" (marriage the epitome thereof).. They are aware of how low their numbers are. And being typically promiscuous and multi-partnered, this presents a pure numbers problem. Any addict needs a steady supply and worries about it running low or getting old and stale for the "Proper high"..

So, I'm attracted to the opposite because of habit? And, if I decided I wanted to be gay, all I would have to do is have a lot of sex with my same gender?

What nonsense.

Where do people come up with silly stuff like this?

I'm trying to figure this out, too. Silhouette doesn't know anyone who is gay. Pure unadulterated bullshit.
It's funny to watch homosexuals try to prove what they do is ok.

So weird
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
And even worse, being attracted to the same sex.

What a curse
It is neither genetic nor a conscious choice. Like drug addiction or an eating disorder, the person becomes habituated through reinforced behaviors/rewards to have a "habit". Hence the word. So homosexuality, properly, is the habit of desiring sex with the same gender. It is confusion to be sure of the purpose of sex. Just as bulimia is a confusion of the purpose to eat. We shouldn't reward either with social-promotion. But we shouldn't be cruel to either. Both are just people suffering from primitive rat-brains and conditioning. We are all susceptible to this; so be aware. Habits are hard to break.

The important question of the innate/choice/habituation question is "what does society want to hand off to the next generation as normal". That's what should be debated here. Another adage "monkey see, monkey do" is at play here. Kids learn what society tells them is normal.

And I've always had this nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that this last point is the reason gays are so adamant at society promoting (by choice or by force) the homosexual habitual behavior pattern "as normal" (marriage the epitome thereof).. They are aware of how low their numbers are. And being typically promiscuous and multi-partnered, this presents a pure numbers problem. Any addict needs a steady supply and worries about it running low or getting old and stale for the "Proper high"..

How long have you worried about becoming gay?
Great post.

No, actually its really stupid and on the par with the idiotic idea that marriage equality will result in people marrying pianos.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.

ptbw forever

Are you aware that pedophilia and bestiality have been a fact of human existence since Day One? Same with incest. Until relatively recently, all have been legal and some are still legal in certain states.

In the past, gay marriage was not only legal but sanctioned by religion.

Educate yourself.
No moron, it has never been legal to marry animals, and age disparity has never existed in the way it does today(the average lifespan has drastically increased in just a few decades)in a different time period, so "pedophilia" back then would be a 18 year old marrying a 4 year old, and needless to say, that never happened.
Incest has also been considered wrong in society for a very long time in all but the highest social circles(royalty).

"it has never been legal to marry animals"

Not what I said.

I said bestiality is legal in some states.
Actually, you said that bestiality has been a part of human existence since day one, and that is pure baloney. You also missed the fact that I was talking about pedophilia and bestiality in a much different context(marriage), and bestiality is actually being considered as viable in that context in some European countries.
Also, when you talk about bestiality being legal, you are being dishonest in that you are not telling people how "legal" bestiality is. If you are caught screwing your dog by your neighbor they still can easily call up PETA and you will never see your dog again. 99.9% of porn sites even ban bestiality, and they tolerate just about any screwed behavior you can think of.
You were wrong, get over it.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?

Who's talking about pedophiles, rookie? Having sex with a minor is against the law. When consenting adults of the same sex enter into a relationship, that does not make them pedophiles.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
If you go to the religion forum the thread is "so what I dont believe". Come explain how people who dont believe in god and how gays are going to hell. They say most christians dont believe that.
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please come to thread "so what if I dont believe" thread and tell the cherry picken christians trying to deny this.
No, actually its really stupid and on the par with the idiotic idea that marriage equality will result in people marrying pianos.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.

ptbw forever

Are you aware that pedophilia and bestiality have been a fact of human existence since Day One? Same with incest. Until relatively recently, all have been legal and some are still legal in certain states.

In the past, gay marriage was not only legal but sanctioned by religion.

Educate yourself.
No moron, it has never been legal to marry animals, and age disparity has never existed in the way it does today(the average lifespan has drastically increased in just a few decades)in a different time period, so "pedophilia" back then would be a 18 year old marrying a 4 year old, and needless to say, that never happened.
Incest has also been considered wrong in society for a very long time in all but the highest social circles(royalty).

"it has never been legal to marry animals"

Not what I said.

I said bestiality is legal in some states.
Actually, you said that bestiality has been a part of human existence since day one, and that is pure baloney. You also missed the fact that I was talking about pedophilia and bestiality in a much different context(marriage), and bestiality is actually being considered as viable in that context in some European countries.
Also, when you talk about bestiality being legal, you are being dishonest in that you are not telling people how "legal" bestiality is. If you are caught screwing your dog by your neighbor they still can easily call up PETA and you will never see your dog again. 99.9% of porn sites even ban bestiality, and they tolerate just about any screwed behavior you can think of.
You were wrong, get over it.

Has PETA ever been to your house?
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
If you go to the religion forum the thread is "so what I dont believe". Come explain how people who dont believe in god and how gays are going to hell. They say most christians dont believe that.
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?

Who's talking about pedophiles, rookie? Having sex with a minor is against the law. When consenting adults of the same sex enter into a relationship, that does not make them pedophiles.
I am pretty sure 10 year old Mensa members can consent to just about anything, but that is not the point I was making with that post. The point I was making was that if gays have to be born gay because no one would choose something like that, then why is it a stretch to consider that pedophiles are also born pedophiles considered they are treated much worse?
Btw,liberals are already lowering age of consent to pedophile levels.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.

ptbw forever

Are you aware that pedophilia and bestiality have been a fact of human existence since Day One? Same with incest. Until relatively recently, all have been legal and some are still legal in certain states.

In the past, gay marriage was not only legal but sanctioned by religion.

Educate yourself.
No moron, it has never been legal to marry animals, and age disparity has never existed in the way it does today(the average lifespan has drastically increased in just a few decades)in a different time period, so "pedophilia" back then would be a 18 year old marrying a 4 year old, and needless to say, that never happened.
Incest has also been considered wrong in society for a very long time in all but the highest social circles(royalty).

"it has never been legal to marry animals"

Not what I said.

I said bestiality is legal in some states.
Actually, you said that bestiality has been a part of human existence since day one, and that is pure baloney. You also missed the fact that I was talking about pedophilia and bestiality in a much different context(marriage), and bestiality is actually being considered as viable in that context in some European countries.
Also, when you talk about bestiality being legal, you are being dishonest in that you are not telling people how "legal" bestiality is. If you are caught screwing your dog by your neighbor they still can easily call up PETA and you will never see your dog again. 99.9% of porn sites even ban bestiality, and they tolerate just about any screwed behavior you can think of.
You were wrong, get over it.

Has PETA ever been to your house?
Projection thy name is liberal.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
If you go to the religion forum the thread is "so what I dont believe". Come explain how people who dont believe in god and how gays are going to hell. They say most christians dont believe that.
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
If you go to the religion forum the thread is "so what I dont believe". Come explain how people who dont believe in god and how gays are going to hell. They say most christians dont believe that.
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
No they say they are christians and youre interpreting it wrong.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?

Who's talking about pedophiles, rookie? Having sex with a minor is against the law. When consenting adults of the same sex enter into a relationship, that does not make them pedophiles.
Unless they are having sex with a minor of the same gender, then the biased court system comes in to protect the gay identity.
The only reason why homosexuality is considered normal and pedophilia is not is because homosexuality looks better from the outside looking in.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?

Who's talking about pedophiles, rookie? Having sex with a minor is against the law. When consenting adults of the same sex enter into a relationship, that does not make them pedophiles.
Unless they are having sex with a minor of the same gender, then the biased court system comes in to protect the gay identity.
The only reason why homosexuality is considered normal and pedophilia is not is because homosexuality looks better from the outside looking in.
Two consenting adults.

Do you understand why we dont let you fuck 12 year olds? Do you understand the difference between fucking a pre teen and an 18 year old? Is it because it looks better from the outside looking in? Freak.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?

Who's talking about pedophiles, rookie? Having sex with a minor is against the law. When consenting adults of the same sex enter into a relationship, that does not make them pedophiles.
Unless they are having sex with a minor of the same gender, then the biased court system comes in to protect the gay identity.
The only reason why homosexuality is considered normal and pedophilia is not is because homosexuality looks better from the outside looking in.

I'm sorry, I don't debate useless blabber.
The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.

The truthful billboards going up have struck a nerve, especially with the militant 'Salon' writer and the gay commenters all in a tizzy.


Being gay is not a behavior Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get - Salon.com

So you want to fuck men up the ass... But choose not to.

Got it
The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.[/quqote]

if you believe what you spew then you must wake up every morning deciding you won't jump on the man next to you who's getting you all hot and bothered.

you're a delusional, bigoted, pathetic, closet case.

now go find a boyfriend already and leave everyone else alone.

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