Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

Tp get
The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.

The truthful billboards going up have struck a nerve, especially with the militant 'Salon' writer and the gay commenters all in a tizzy.


Being gay is not a behavior Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get - Salon.com


Once again- Conservatives want to control what American's do in the bedroom.
b To get back to the moral founding principles this nation was founded on, we have to. The law of God must prevail. The Bible must be taught in our classrooms so we can bring back the Christian family values that built the foundation of our nation. Traditional marriage is that foundation. It is the key. We are losing that tradition and it's imperative we don't let same sex marriage destroy those foundations......at all costs.
The Bible must be taught in our classrooms so we can bring back the Christian family values that built the foundation of our nation.

"Christian family values that built the foundation of our nation" like that avatar?
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
No they say they are christians and youre interpreting it wrong.
You are contradicting yourself. First you say they are nonbelievers and now say otherwise, go away satan.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
No they say they are christians and youre interpreting it wrong.
You are contradicting yourself. First you say they are nonbelievers and now say otherwise, go away satan.
Ive started a thread in religion and so far no christians agree with you that non christians go to hell. Come over or give me some bible verses so I can learn them for you.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
No they say they are christians and youre interpreting it wrong.
You are contradicting yourself. First you say they are nonbelievers and now say otherwise, go away satan.
Come to Do non christians go to hell. In the religion section.
If you go to the religion forum the thread is "so what I dont believe". Come explain how people who dont believe in god and how gays are going to hell. They say most christians dont believe that.
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
No one seems to agree with you so far. Where does it say non believers go to hell?
Read the book of Revelation. John 14;6 Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life, no man shall see the father lest through me." The Bible plainly states if you don't believe in Jesus you are condemned to hell. Jesus even says it. Those that deny it are not true Christians but false prophets.
Just because you dont go to heaven, does that mean you go to hell?
According to the Bible, yes.
Please go to "So what I dont believe in god." Tell them non christians are going to hell. They say you are a fringe minority cult not a true christian.
They are wrong. Jesus said narrow is the path into heaven and wide the path to destruction. Pretty screwed up when someone believes the word of God as being on the fringe. I will stick to believing the truth and let them non Christians ride that sinking ship.
No one seems to agree with you so far. Where does it say non believers go to hell?
Again, read the Bible. John 14 verse 6 to start. Unless you can't read which am starting to believe, or you are just ignorant.
Once again- Conservatives want to control what American's do in the bedroom.

steve isn't a "conservative". he's a rabid bigot... nothing more nothing less. i'd like to think bigotry is not a conservative value.

Oh Stevie is a Conservative- he is also a rabid bigot, anti-semite and homophobe- and none of those things are exclusively Conservative traits- but attempting to regulate how Americans have sex- sorry- that historically has been a Conservative thing.
Tp get
The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.

The truthful billboards going up have struck a nerve, especially with the militant 'Salon' writer and the gay commenters all in a tizzy.


Being gay is not a behavior Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get - Salon.com


Once again- Conservatives want to control what American's do in the bedroom.
b To get back to the moral founding principles this nation was founded on, we have to. The law of God must prevail. The Bible must be taught in our classrooms so we can bring back the Christian family values that built the foundation of our nation. Traditional marriage is that foundation. It is the key. We are losing that tradition and it's imperative we don't let same sex marriage destroy those foundations......at all costs.

The law of God?

Which one?

Stoning adulterer's to death?

Women wearing pants?

Remmarriage after divorce?


To your and your ilk, you seem to think that the only thing the Bible ever talks about is homosexuality.

Tell me- which is a greater sin- a woman having sex with another woman- or working on the Sabbath?
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice
It is not a choice. Most gays I've heard address the subject say they wouldn't choose it because of all the negativity from society. Who would choose to be treated by society the way gays are? No one.
So you think pedophiles were born that way? Why would anyone choose to be treated by society the way that pedophiles are?
Why are we putting people in jail for being who they are and loving who they love?
This is a completely illogical position. There is NO CORRELATION whatsoever between a pedophile and a homosexual. You are ignorant and biased, and probably pretty stupid too.
Tp get
The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.

The truthful billboards going up have struck a nerve, especially with the militant 'Salon' writer and the gay commenters all in a tizzy.


Being gay is not a behavior Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get - Salon.com


Once again- Conservatives want to control what American's do in the bedroom.
b To get back to the moral founding principles this nation was founded on, we have to. The law of God must prevail. The Bible must be taught in our classrooms so we can bring back the Christian family values that built the foundation of our nation. Traditional marriage is that foundation. It is the key. We are losing that tradition and it's imperative we don't let same sex marriage destroy those foundations......at all costs.

You never heard of separation of church and state? A founding principle of our nation?

In an 1802 letter to the Danbury (Conn.) Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson, then president, declared that the American people through the First Amendment had erected a "wall of separation between church and state."
Separation of Church and State
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No logic in the OP but there never is.

Its known that homosexuality IS genetic but even if it were not, it IS a civil right and not the business of the anti-constitution Peeping Tom's.
LOL The Op obviously hates gay people but but put your silliness aside. It is a behavior. But it is a civil right to hump who you want.
Once again- Conservatives want to control what American's do in the bedroom.

steve isn't a "conservative". he's a rabid bigot... nothing more nothing less. i'd like to think bigotry is not a conservative value.

Oh Stevie is a Conservative- he is also a rabid bigot, anti-semite and homophobe- and none of those things are exclusively Conservative traits- but attempting to regulate how Americans have sex- sorry- that historically has been a Conservative thing.

certainly for the ravid religious right.
You never heard of separation of church and state? A founding principle of our nation?

In an 1802 letter to the Danbury (Conn.) Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson, then president, declared that the American people through the First Amendment had erected a "wall of separation between church and state."
Separation of Church and State

he may have heard of it. he just doesn't care. bigots tend to be very selective about the constitution.
You never heard of separation of church and state? A founding principle of our nation?

In an 1802 letter to the Danbury (Conn.) Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson, then president, declared that the American people through the First Amendment had erected a "wall of separation between church and state."
Separation of Church and State

he may have heard of it. he just doesn't care. bigots tend to be very selective about the constitution.
I was being sarcastic.
You never heard of separation of church and state? A founding principle of our nation?

In an 1802 letter to the Danbury (Conn.) Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson, then president, declared that the American people through the First Amendment had erected a "wall of separation between church and state."
Separation of Church and State

he may have heard of it. he just doesn't care. bigots tend to be very selective about the constitution.
I was being sarcastic.

i know. but they don't like separation of church and state. they pretend that it doesn't exist.
Whether nature (my belief) or nurture, sexual orientation is not the business of conservatives to regulate. To use big government to prevent marriage equality is right wing progressivism; to permit it is left wing and centrist progressivism.
It's very sad that some people(they're always liberals or homosexuals) think that homosexuality is not a behavior or problem of teaching and think that gays are born gays... They should better read books, not blame anti-LGBT activists!
It's very sad that some people(they're always liberals or homosexuals) think that homosexuality is not a behavior or problem of teaching and think that gays are born gays... They should better read books, not blame anti-LGBT activists!
Perhaps (but not for sure) but you folks have lost the culture war on this.

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